Chapter 43: 、43

After convincing himself, Zongqi grabbed the flashlight and went straight upstairs.

Although he doesn't know where Yu Chenxue is, but he has a cheat!

It is good to play a decent npc,? Directly mark the location of each actor for him,? Don't be afraid that Zong Qi will not be able to find it.

But there is one thing to say, although Zong Qi paid as much as 88% of the salary this time, the results are still very gratifying.

The first is that he doesn't need to worry about the performance value of several actors at all.

The artist is the leading representative, and the performance values ​​of several other actors have been rising steadily.

In addition, Zong Qi's story exploration speed of the actors seen here can increase by a few percentage points every once in a while, which is very comfortable to watch. I can also imagine,? These actors must be tirelessly exploring the plot while maintaining their interpretation.

Is this the happiness of capitalists? Zong prayed.

Back then when he was in a panic in a deserted village, he was exhausted all by himself. He struggled several times on the line of life and death. In the end, it was a quick and wise show operation, which saved his life and pulled 55% of the exploration speed. ? In the end, I got a bad movie.

It's good now, he doesn't have to do anything, he dangles around like an old man, not only can he make himself scream, but he can also enslave the actors to work. Just one word: cool!

Zong Qi stepped onto the second floor.

I don't know what Yu Chenxue thinks,? Maybe the most dangerous place is the safest place? The hiding place he chose is very unusual.

Except for Anna, several other actors are distributed on the fourth floor. It seems that they are acting in groups at first glance. If one person is discovered by then, other people can also jump out and interfere with the ghost's sight, maybe they can find some loopholes.

But Yu Chenxue was lucky, the only S-rank boss was full of confidence in himself, not only did he act alone, but he even hid in the first room on the second floor.

Standing outside the door, Zong Qi looked down at his attire.

The bright red women's dress, the heavy makeup that can't even see the human face clearly, even after the makeup is removed, the face of the passerby is still the same as before, with a jingling string of dot emerald hair hanging down on the head.

Looking at it from a distance, it is a little beauty who is a bit weird.

It is impossible for anyone to connect him with the pure, beautiful and innocent male college student Zong Qi!

Zong Qi concealed the last bit of uneasiness in his heart, and pushed the door aggressively.


The heavy door creaked, opening a crack that seemed to lead to a dark abyss.

Wearing a role in the scene, the fake ghost who was driven to the shelves made a gesture to several staff members behind him.

Of course, it was impossible for him to expressly indicate that there were people here, so he could only pretend to go in and have a look. They were waiting for his signal outside.

Zong Qi had already figured it out. Since Professor Yu was hiding inside, it would be tantamount to catching a turtle in a urn. When the time came, he would go in and wander around, pretending that he had found someone, and directly called a few staff members outside, and conducted a five-on-one The number of people crushed.

After finishing the draft in his heart, Zong Qi walked in with a flashlight.

The room is extremely dark, and you can't see your fingers. The tables and chairs that have been repaired for a long time stand here silently, covered with a red cloth to cover up the dust, like a statue from a distance.

Strange, why is there no one?

Zong Qi turned around with the flashlight, but found no one.

Just as he was about to go forward, he lifted the cloth of the cabinet and looked inside.

Unexpectedly, the second Zong Qi stepped forward, there was a sudden sound of closing the door behind him.


In such a quiet room, the sound could even be called deafening, knocking on Zong Qi's heart.


He turned his head suddenly, and the light of the flashlight stabbed back diagonally.

At this very moment, a hand with a slightly lower body temperature accurately grasped the black-haired young man's wrist. With just the right amount of force, he knocked down the flashlight he was holding tightly, and effortlessly intercepted the flashlight that was about to fall to the ground in mid-air.

Everything just happened between lightning and flint, and before Zong Qi could react, the man easily cut his hands behind his back and pressed him against the cold wall from behind.

The most important thing is that this set of movements is extremely smooth, not sloppy at all, even extremely beautiful, and at the same time, it does not lose strength, and the sound is controlled in a very small range, which cannot make the four people outside the room staring at the room covetously. The staff hears nothing is wrong.

Zong Qi: "...???"

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing now?

He struggled for a while, and found that he couldn't move or resist at all, and countless question marks swiped his mind.

Although Yu Chenxue is tall but has a slender figure, her skin is pale to transparent, and she is an artist who specializes in clerical work. She looks like she has anemia or hypoglycemia, and has no strength value.

At least before he did it, Zong Qi didn't expect that the explosive power of the opponent's muscles hidden under the white shirt would be so strong.

It really only used one hand to make Zong Qi, a male college student who had fought a serial murderer with bare hands and was not too bad, surrendered.

"You'd better not move."

A cold and hoarse voice sounded behind his ears.

Because he had to control the volume, he was so close that he almost murmured, but Sen Leng's killing intent couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Zong Qi could feel something hard pressing against his waist, and the cold blade could still clearly trace the sharp outline through the heavy costume.

It wasn't until now that he understood what the repairman had said in Cry in the Deserted Village, what it meant for a high-level actor to increase his physical fitness every time he finished a movie.

Maybe other people are pecking at each other, but Yu Chenxue, an S-rank boss, obviously can't be!

Not only that, he also heard the sound of loading in the dark.

Do ordinary people have such a thing? ? ?

Zong Qi watched Yu Chenxue's deduction value soar all the way tremblingly, he really didn't dare to move now. The director has immunity against ghosts, but not against hot weapons and cold weapons!

He is the sheep that has entered the tiger's mouth and been waiting on the sidelines.

"You really are not a ghost."

The man's voice is firm.

Through such a thick fabric, Yu Chenxue could feel the hot body temperature of this ghost.

He has filmed so many scenes, and he has never seen any fierce ghosts or ghosts, but he has never seen a ghost whose body temperature is higher than normal.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yu Chenxue found out the true identity of the fake ghost arranged by this program group after trying out some props during the pen fairy game.

Originally, he was still thinking of a way to capture this fake ghost to get some information. It just so happens that the character card he got this time has a good personality, so he doesn't need to make other disguises.

This investor son is indeed a gangster. The large Tang suit he is wearing looks nothing on the outside, but there are all kinds of weapons hidden in the hidden pockets. Including coming to participate in the horror variety show is not because of such a boring reason as becoming popular in the entertainment industry.

Investors secretly invested in a huge cult/cult organization and leased the venue to them. After careful investigation, the cult/cult organization decided to invite several celebrity artists whose birthdays were more suitable for them. Under the guise of a horror variety show, it was actually a I want to hold a blood sacrifice in the haunted building.

Although the role Yu Chenxue got was an investor and a ruthless character who could see blood in his hands on weekdays, he sneered at the behavior of his own company.

So he secretly contacted the investigator organization of the Huaxia branch, reported the matter to the top, and then armed himself with weapons. As an investor, he forcibly placed himself a role in the horror variety show, and went to the meeting alone.

Originally, the investigator organization said that they would send an investigator to meet him, and the password for the interview was fried eggs.

Then Yu Chenxue watched coldly as Li Goudan and the red scarf joined hands in front of him, and both of them seemed ecstatic to have found the organization.

No doubt the code was leaked.

By observing the facial expressions and behavior profiles of these two at the time, Yu Chenxue was 70% sure that neither of them was the investigator who wanted to contact him.

It's too useless, even the secret code can be leaked.

Yu Chenxue, who hadn't planned to join in the first place, didn't even plan to join in.

Among the five actors, he, his superficial identity, seems to be the most suspicious person. Even if the connection is made, one party's suspicion may not be avoided.

So Yu Chenxue decided to go it alone.

He chose the first room on the second floor and stood behind the door. He had no intention of playing hide-and-seek and patiently waited for the rabbit.

Then came Zong Qi, the fake ghost.

Yu Chenxue was worrying about not having any information, she didn't expect such a big surprise to be delivered to her door, the kind that would be effortless.

Strange to say, Yu Chenxue always felt that the other party had a vague sense of familiarity.

Although this feeling is subtle, it is obviously extremely unusual for Yu Chenxue, who is proficient in analyzing her own heart.

However, before that, the professor of psychology was very sure that it was indeed the first time he met this female npc, and when he searched his memory palace, he couldn't find any young women who met the requirements.


The moment Yu Chenxue opened his mouth, Zong Qi suddenly turned around.

The cold white light just leaked out from between the man's fingers, reflecting the grimace painted with oil paint and special effects more ferociously.

This is a makeup that can scare a coward, a real ghost, into collapse. Even the B-level actor Li Goudan can't help screaming at a glance, and even Zong Qi will be frightened by his current appearance when he looks in the mirror. Pretty solid.

Zong Qi was counting on Professor Yu being frightened for a moment, and then he would take advantage of this time to make a quick counterattack.

In the end, Zong Qi never expected that after he deliberately turned his head with a sullen expression on his face, the white-haired psychology professor just glanced at him indifferently, and didn't even bother to lift his eyelids halfway, instead leaving a hand free Grabbing Dian Cui's face, the other hand continued to hold him like a chicken, and forced the face back to the position facing the wall.

He didn't comment until he could no longer see Zong Qi's face.

"No beauty."

Zong Qi: "..."

He was shocked when he saw the scream value on his pupils that didn't change at all.

Is that human being? Professor Yu, are you still human?

Zong Qi, who had just discovered the wealth code and had not had time to scare people, achieved the achievement of being counter-killed in the first scare battle.

Don't ask, ask is regret.jpg

The author has something to say: Why do investigators from the same camp kill each other! Is it the lack of humanity or the loss of morality!


This chapter is about adding more and adding more nutrients!

To provoke everyone the day before yesterday, everyone poured 6,000 bottles of nutrient solution overnight.

Yesterday I thought I was draining you all, so I provoked again, but I saw it tonight, good guy, the price increased by 10,000 bottles.
