Chapter 45: ,Four. Five

The crow leaned against the cold wooden wall, like a silent and light cat, without making a sound under its feet, and went downstairs like a ghost.

The appearance of this ancient building is a complete theater building. Not only is there a stage in the hall, but even the passages between the buildings are connected. There are several stairs. As long as you are lucky, you can When going up and down the stairs, I can't meet anyone.

Unfortunately, the Raven was one of the less fortunate ones.

He bumped into the red scarf head-on.

The red scarf didn't turn on the flashlight, and subconsciously used fighting skills when he saw someone. He stretched his hand halfway before suddenly remembering that this time he drew an entertainer and cultist character who couldn't lift his hands or carry it on his shoulders. So he used his A-level actor's reaction speed to turn this action into a greeting very naturally.

"Hi,? It's you."

After seeing that the person who came was a crow, the smile on his face suddenly became more intense.

I have to say that the appearance of the red scarf is quite outstanding among many actors,? At least when he smiles, it is easy to make people feel like they are in the spring breeze.

Speaking of which, the actors filmed in "Ghost Building" are not bad in appearance. There is an S-level artist in the first place, and there is also a crow, who looks mediocre but has an outstanding temperament, at the bottom.

Could it be the special condition that was specially marked when the film was recruited? It refers to the appearance.


The crow shook his head, and threw this nonsensical thought out of his mind.

So naturally,? He was forced to join the service of the red scarf. After all, he is a high-ranking Ouroboros,? Crow is now a middle-level cadre who is unparalleled in the organization,? Wouldn’t it be courting death to refuse at this time? His undercover career must continue.

After putting on the head, the red scarf showed off his acting skills first, saying that everyone is an entertainer in the entertainment industry,? At this time, it is more appropriate to help each other. It is also appropriate for the seniors to take care of the younger generations and lead the younger generations to get rich together.

There is no way, after all, we are still filming a horror movie, so it is impossible to come up and say that you are very suitable for doing business with me, or that you are all ouroboros brothers, let's help each other, dare to say that the system Dare to deduct the actor's interpretation value so much.

So after the red scarf babbled a lot, he suddenly changed the subject and began to indoctrinate the crow with content that did not conform to the core values ​​of socialism.

"We believe in that god, who is the incarnation of the crouching chaos, the agent of the outer gods, the incarnation of all glory, and will lead us to a new world."


Why do fans of Ben Lovecraft think this statement sounds familiar? You won't tell me next, the evil **** you believe in is named Nyarlathotep, right?

The tone of the red scarf was particularly high-spirited, interpreting the flush of excitement on the face just right: "The true **** enshrined by our Swollen Women's Monastery is one of the most famous avatars of the Crouching Chaos, also known as... Big fat woman, oh no, a swollen daughter!"

It really is.

Crow watched him perform with a numb face.

The Bloated Sisters and the Ouroboros organization collided with the development route.

From this point of view, organizations that do not do good things usually set a good-sounding and lofty goal, which has become a recognized wealth code.

But he changed his mind again, remembering that after the director's movie was released last time, the deserted village that didn't exist on the map actually appeared in reality.

As a member of the secret mobile team, Crow relies on the mobile team's vast intelligence network and knows more than other actors. For example, that deserted village really has the NPCs and characters that appeared in the movie, and there really is such a legend about the underground tomb.

So after the movie is finished, will Xiu Dao appear in reality?

Crow was a little worried.

Generally, the content of the thrillers filmed by the actors is the supernatural or Southeast Asian supernatural, and rarely involves the European and American ones.

However, the background of this "Haunted Mansion" borrows the background of Lovecraft's science fiction novel Cthulhu Mythos. Some actors in the actor forum also mentioned that they have participated in horror films with similar worldviews, but due to the small number of people, they did not attract attention.

The reason why the crow can know is because he is a fan of grams.

Although Lovecraft is very popular abroad, there is basically no such person in the domestic translation circle. He just got into the pit by gnawing on the original English work.

It doesn't matter if ordinary supernatural beings appear in reality, there have been ghosts and ghosts since ancient times. But the restraint system is quite out of the ordinary, it has transcended species and ascended to the universe.

If it really will appear, it is estimated that there is no need to play with Ouroboros in the covert maneuver. His undercover identity in the future may have to be changed, and he will become a second-five boy wandering in various evil/religious organizations.

Therefore, for the sake of world peace, he also has to stop the summoning.

No one knows how much Nyarlathotep likes to make troubles better than the crow, and later authors even added a setting for him to instigate humans to create nuclear weapons. One can imagine his danger.

Even if his identity is exposed, Naia cannot be allowed to descend!

"How about it, do you want to join and work for our organization?"

The crow nodded, making up his mind to turn his back on the water in the end.

The red scarf patted him on the shoulder in great relief: "A child can be taught."

"The monastery has already set up a summoning circle in the basement of the ancient building. Today is the time of our pilgrimage. The mission given to me by the organization is to find a sacrifice for summoning."

At this point, the role card of the red scarf is fully revealed.

He is a member of the circle and a member of the Swollen Convent. He played the role of a guide in this horror variety show, and he can reveal his identity and send several other staff members when necessary.

And his secret part is to assist the Bloating Women's Society to complete the sacrificial ceremony in the early morning of this morning. If it can be completed, the performance will definitely usher in a wave of soaring.

As he said that, the red scarf changed his tone: "I learned from the priest of the organization that two investigators were mixed into today's summoning ceremony. The monastery has great powers, so naturally it was easy to get the connection code. In addition, the organization also has A comrade was sent to assist me."

"Although I don't know who the comrade who secretly helped me is, I have already found out the identity of one of the investigators, that is, Li Goudan. Let's take him first."

The two conspired, and after reaching a superficial agreement, Crow took the anesthesia/drunk gun from the red scarf, and prepared to split up to find Li Goudan.

Then, the moment he turned his head, the crow pulled the safety catch without hesitation, and shot a cold gun behind the red scarf.

Bash my teammates.jpg

Facing the unbelievable sight of the red scarf, the crow suddenly possessed acting skills and spoke lightly.

"That's right, I'm the other investigator you mentioned."

His move can be said to be very risky.

Because even if the actor does not remember the appearance of the actor who has filmed the movie with him, the senior actor will take advantage of some loopholes in the system and write down the most prominent characteristics of the actor.

Crow has a ouroboros tattoo on his wrist, and his rank is lower than that of the red scarf, plus he has joined Director Q's crew for the second time. As long as you remember these two characteristics, you can find him if you go back and check casually.

If the red scarf held grudges, maybe the crow would be in trouble. It was hard to say that there would be no possibility of revealing his undercover identity.

So the crow can only go slanted, deliberately confuse his identity, and let the red scarf think about the confrontation between their role cards.

Anyway, the red scarf never imagined that a C-level actor would dare to shoot at him, an A-level actor and high-level organization executive.

He wore several supernatural props on his body, but none of them could fight against simple and crude thermal weapons, so he stumbled.

After the opponent fell down, the crow was afraid that he would wake up midway, so he even shot a few more shots, then dragged him to a small room beside him, stuffed him into the closet, closed the door and came out.

Next, he had to quickly find the investigator Li Goudan, explain the current situation, and ask for assistance.

I just don't know how far the summoning ceremony prepared by the Swollen Sisters has gone, if it is the last stage...

He has to speed up.

The crow is now carrying a shocking secret, and his steps are a bit heavy.

However, when he reached the junction of the corridors, he suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

Visible to the naked eye, the entire dark corridor suddenly seemed to have faded, starting from his feet, gradually dimming and flickering, until no more colors could be seen.

The crow was startled, and immediately pressed on his Ouroboros mark.

This scene is familiar to all actors. Usually in big movies, there will be warnings when ghost creatures appear on the scene, just like there are abnormal warnings before killing people in Reaper. It can also be regarded as a little gift from the system to show mercy to the actors.

He never expected that there would be a supernatural trailer for this big movie with a dark background as its theme!

In the next second, a desolate and graceful female voice resounded through the corridor.

"Walk along the river, whoever you speak to with anger, tears blowing on your face."

"There is an isolated city, hope for rescue, and use all the remaining soldiers to fight bloody."

The sound of the opera was sharp and melodious, and in such a background, it seemed to be tinged with ghosts, which was extremely weird.

The crow turned around and ran, rushing towards the other corridor.

His physical fitness is good, and he rushed to the end in a few steps.

However, this is not the end.

Just when the crow was about to go downstairs, the singing voice suddenly jumped from a distance to a close head, as if... coming from behind him.

"Jumping out of the siege, the homeland is sad, who knows that the song is empty."

Crow has seen so many horror movies, so he naturally knows what it means to kill back, and he also knows better that he must not act rashly in this situation.

So he suddenly rolled onto the ground, and the flashlight nimbly spun around in his hand, aiming at his back.

Surprisingly, there was nothing there.

The crow didn't come up in one breath, just lying on the ground like this, looking around vigilantly.

The use time of the mark is too short, and it can't be used early or late. It can only be used at the moment of seeing a ghost.

So... where is the ghost?

Perhaps feeling the urgency of the crow, the sound of the play also stopped.

There were a few strange noises in the dark, and when he spoke again, the singing voice was obviously a little more aggrieved.

"Nujia, Nujia is an employee of Director Q, I, I advise you not to be ignorant of good and bad, and quickly explain all your schemes and tricks, otherwise, or I will kill you!"

Hiding in the dark, Zong Qi, who was on the spot to guide the cowardly and frightening: "..."

The author has something to say: The status quo of this round of big movies: hit my teammates hard, and join hands with the enemy to win-win!

The dissemination of the Cthulhu Mythology in the world in the text is probably the case in 2000, when domestic Khmer fans were small and really cold.

All the scripts in this chapter are from "Peach Blossom Fan"

It is a nutrient solution plus more! I've paid off my debts again, arrogant!