Chapter 62: 、62

Zong Qi readily agreed.

So a carload of ghosts watched him and Qi Ningzhou arrive at the station, and then watched the two of them leave with blank eyes.

After finally getting out of the car, Qi Ningzhou turned his head in disbelief: "Just now I was entrusted by a car ghost? A car ghost?? Ghost???"

He still feels that he is in a trance and has not reacted, as if he is in a cloud.

Qi Ningzhou received the orthodox celestial master exorcising ghosts in the mountain gate since he was a child, the education of celestial masters catching ghosts. Since I was a child, I have taken it as my mission to save ghosts. Otherwise, when I saw the cleaner grandma, my first reaction would not be to go up and plan to recite the mantra.

However, what happened last time really brought a lot of shocks to Qi Ningzhou.

If he was the only one who saw Granny's earth-bound spirit staying on the ground without resentment because of obsession, he would definitely send her to the underworld for reincarnation. After all, the longer the spirit body stays in the yang world, the worse it is. Increased the possibility of a lot of fallen ghosts.

Qi Ningzhou will not feel that he has done something wrong, but only that he is performing the duties that a celestial master should have.

But if he had done this in the past, it would not have been possible for the grandpa and grandma to meet behind, and there would not have been two people disappearing at the corner of the street with their arms.

Qi Ningzhou could see that Grandpa's death was approaching, and he was full of death. His life was not long. But the moment he saw Grandma, his whole body seemed to be radiant.

Just like what Zong Qi said, grandma has never harmed anyone, so what if they get along for a while longer?

From then on, Qi Ningzhou somehow remembered these words when expelling ghosts.

Then he also discovered many details that he never cared about.

The ghosts he exorcised and purified were once good friends with a child.

This ghostly spirit is raging, it is difficult to subdue it. If it was normal, Qi Ningzhou would definitely not dare to go up and make trouble,? But it just so happened that the client also entrusted an eminent monk at the same time, and it happened that the ghost's vitality was seriously injured, so he picked up a mistake.

After Qi Ningzhou put away the mahogany sword and walked out the door, the child who couldn't stand the hunger pulled his Taoist robe and raised his head to ask him.

"Big brother, is my mother still inside?"

Qi Ningzhou was stunned, not knowing what to say.

Li Gui has indeed killed many people, because he had too much resentment during his lifetime, many of them even killed them with all means. But that ghost was very kind to the child, and he didn't even dare to let the latter know that he was a ghost. Every night he had to clean off the blood on his body before sneaking to the child's bedside to play with her.

The child is a single-parent family, the parents work outside the home all the year round, and the old man favors sons over daughters. It can be said that Li Gui is a ghost who brought the child up.

After learning about this, Qi Ningzhou felt quite uncomfortable.

He always felt that what he did was right and what he was doing was justice. Indeed, to purify a harmful ghost is of course a chivalrous act to eliminate harm for the people. But it's just depressed.

Same this time.

Qi Ningzhou never thought that he would still encounter a situation where the client is a ghost. Or the most inconceivable thing is that this kind of resentful ghost usually fights directly when they encounter it. It is impossible to sit on the bus with such a pleasant face, chatting and laughing happily, and finally watch them get off the bus unanimously.

It's magical.

"Isn't this incidental? Anyway, we have to go to the Central Hospital. Grandpa Wang is also at the Central Hospital. When we meet at that time, I will help to take a look."

Zong Qi replied casually: "Are you afraid that the ghosts won't give you money? That's right, even if they pay you the entrustment fee, they will probably give you ghost coins."

Qi Ningzhou was speechless: "How is that possible! First let me tell you whether I dare to accept it or not. As for those ghosts, Grandpa Wang will save them after death. It seems that there are not many ghost coins."

"That's it." Zong Qi shrugged, "Let's go, the outside of the hospital doesn't look very good now."

It's not good.

The two of them had just arrived at the entrance of the hospital, and they were put in after showing their health codes and taking their temperature. As soon as I walked into the hall, I was stunned by the grand scene of people coming and going inside.

The Central Hospital is the leading large hospital in Jiangzhou, both in terms of internal facilities and medical level are the best. Therefore, not only people from this city, but also countless people from other places often come to seek medical advice.

Today, however, there are many more people.

Numerous reporters with cameras, microphones, and badges on their bodies blocked the hospital lobby with flashing lights, and there were many paparazzi waiting for the first-line news.

In addition, some fans holding signs were also stuck here, all of them looked agitated, and a small-scale physical conflict broke out with other paparazzi reporters. The hospital dispatched security guards, and there were even auxiliary policemen maintaining order, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Just at this time, the elevator on the first floor arrived, and the bodyguards surrounded the agent and came out, struggling to make a way through the crowded lobby.

It was like throwing a lively metal into hot water, and the situation in the hall suddenly became uncontrollable.

A reporter held up a microphone and shouted hoarsely: "Three days ago, Ms. Xue Youqing fainted on the set, and she has been hospitalized here for several days. The filming of "The World of Gold" was delayed. Why hasn't the agency given an explanation?"

"The Internet and Weibo are now very concerned about Ms. Xue Youqing's health. Why didn't the studio give a corresponding explanation?"

"I was absent from filming for no reason, and I didn't give an explanation to the crew, so can this big production be completed before the end of this year?"

With a cold face, the manager always replied "No comment."

Bodyguards wearing sunglasses surrounded the agent, faithfully leading the way.

So this group of people pulled and moved in the hall at an extremely slow speed.

Finally, perhaps because the agent was about to arrive at the door, and he had been staying here for so long but he hadn't dug out a big piece of material yet, a paparazzi grabbed the microphone and spoke without fear of death.

"Half a year ago, Liu Group CEO Liu Boda and Ms. Xue Youqing were photographed going in and out of a high-end hotel at the same time late at night. The rumor is that a good thing is about to happen. Now that Ms. Xue has morning sickness and physical discomfort on the set, should the brokerage company report to someone online a few days ago? Can you give me an explanation for capturing Ms. Xue's pregnant belly?"

This question immediately ignited the other reporters present. In an instant, the skin of peace was torn off, and countless sharp questions were thrown over one after another.

"Ms. Xue Youqing is pregnant this time when she is admitted to the hospital?"

"Is the rumor that Ms. Xue raised a kid in the XX team true?"

"Not to mention anything else, the obvious pregnant belly was captured on the set a few days ago. These speculations must not be groundless! I also ask the agent to come forward and explain!"

Facing countless dark cameras, the agent who walked to the door finally stopped.

As soon as she stopped, all the paparazzi reporters and fans in the hall stopped, staring nervously at her next move.

The agent is a senior ace agent in the circle, and has brought out many superstars under his hands. Now Xue Youqing, the new top female star, is once again popular, and she can be regarded as having a very high status. These media have to give her some face, and can't push her too much.

"Ms. Xue is just suffering from simple food poisoning, after resting."

The manager's eyes were raised, and he said concisely: "Tomorrow morning, we will hold a press conference with Ms. Xue on time, and all rumors and rumors will be solved by then, so stay tuned."

A press conference will be held tomorrow morning!

The crowd was in an uproar, and an extremely heated discussion erupted immediately.

After putting down these harsh words, she walked straight out of the hospital gate.

This time, no one dared to stop her.

The fans quickly breathed a sigh of relief: "Let me just say, how could Xiaoxue not start a career. Now the top girls are so popular, what kind of relationship is talked about, it's all scribbled by these unscrupulous gossip media accounts."

"That's right, it's obvious that he was overworked and had food poisoning and went to the hospital. The paparazzi came up to him like a dog smelling fishy, ​​speechless. Can you take my little Xue Wucue away?"

Seeing that the people had left, the security guard who maintained the order breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his voice: "Anyone who is irrelevant, please leave the hospital hall immediately, and leave the space for the patients who really need to see a doctor. Thank you for your cooperation."

Some of the reporters who were ridiculed saw that they couldn't get any big news, so they left in despair. Some also went back to write related drafts of "Top actress Xue Youqing will hold a press conference tomorrow morning". And the paparazzi didn't give up, and continued to squat in the hospital lobby, planning to sneak up in the chaos.

Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou, who had been watching from the bottom for a long time, looked at each other, thinking inwardly that something was wrong.

Zong Qi doesn't pay attention to the entertainment industry and doesn't chase stars, but he has also heard the name Xue Youqing.

She is an idol who was born through auditions in recent years. She was very popular before she debuted in a group. After her debut, she directly occupied major public platforms. Soft to the touch. Later, after the limited group was disbanded, he slowly transformed into an actor like all idols in domestic entertainment. The fan base is there, and he is good-looking and humble in front of the camera.

However, about half a year ago, the scandal between her and Liu Boda, the boss of the Liu Group, was exposed. Immediately, the entire Internet was filled with scandals about her suspected being enslaved/raised. After digging deeper, people who eat melons found that her journey from amateur to idol was extremely smooth, and the journey was smooth, and it was reasonable to suspect that there was someone behind her.

Because this matter caused too much trouble, Xue Youqing's own career was greatly affected, and it is said that the announcement was suspended for several months. Everyone thought that she would not be able to survive this time, but they did not expect that after the turmoil, she would appear again in a low-key manner, and even got a book from a great director to make a high-profile comeback.

"The consignor said he sold the baby figurine to a popular celebrity."

Qi Ningzhou said in a low voice: "Generally, artists who are successful in their careers will not choose to follow this crooked path. Unless they encounter a major event and their career is once damaged, they will think of using this method to enhance their luck."

"But didn't you just hear from the reporters that Xue Youqing was suspected to be pregnant?" Zong Qi's expression was solemn.

"That's right." Qi Ningzhou's expression was also bad: "In short, we have to go up and take a look. I'm afraid that the ghost in the baby figurine will be turned into a little ghost by Nanyang who hasn't learned well. This kind of little ghost is extremely vicious. As long as The one in the middle didn't work well...maybe the one in her stomach..."

Tianshi didn't continue, but Zong Qi understood what he meant.

If he left it alone, then Xue Youqing's child, it's really not clear if it was her own child or the ghost baby that brought her back to life.

The author has something to say: Ri Ge Wan apologizes to everyone.

In the future, everyone in the comment area will focus on discussing the plot, and today's third apology!


Continue to ask for nutrient liquid duck!

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