Chapter 76: 、76

Zong Qi pondered for a while, but couldn't figure out why.

Since he was promoted to a mid-level director, sometimes he also received information that he could shoot the scripts triggered by the employees. Zong Qi hadn't done anything these days, but actually he wasn't idle. He wanted to pick a script that could reverse his director's Q style and let the audience see his directorial talent.

In this way, there is actually plenty of time. The only thing to worry about is that Zong Qi will go to Yu Chenxue's house tomorrow because he promised to cook for him. I had an appointment with Qi Ningzhou on Sunday, but didn't he just drive the employees to go to the Taoist temple to make a big fuss? He also stole the baby figurines back? I feel a little guilty, how dare I go to see Qi Ningzhou and his master ,? So I found an excuse and turned it down.

Today, Araki took the ghost baby out for a trip. After returning, the ghost baby's mood has been sluggish, but it has stabilized a lot. It doesn't need Zongqi to educate the nephew like before.

According to Anna, Araki directly brought it to Xue Youqing, and he didn't know what happened. In short, Yingling has now accepted his status as an employee and worked hard for him.

Listen to what Araki means,? She plans to take the ghost baby to make a new movie together.

Now that Xiaohong’s hair is damaged, she has put her filmmaking on hold for the time being. It is said that she is planning to compile ghosts in Jiangzhou these days. Be a coolie.

"Thinking of it this way...after cooking for Professor Yu,? I'll be free for the next few days."

Zong Qi was lying on the bed, counting fingers one by one, and found that he had no particularly important schedule.

He turned on the phone with his backhand and glanced at the shooting time of the Pisces jade pendant.

[Shooting time: Since the big script is a realistic script, the shortest shooting date of the script is three hours, and the longest is three days]

Three days is just enough.

Moreover, Zong Qi read the rules carefully, and found that there were still three opportunities to open the Pisces Jade Pendant, which meant that he could open this copy three more times.

What's the use of reshooting a movie three times?

The system keeps reminding him that this is a realistic script, what does this mean?

The more Zong Qi thought about it, the more puzzled he became. Because the system also emphasized that the director's choices in the script may affect reality.

"There were no deserted villages on the map before, but they appeared later, which is considered to affect the reality. Maybe the reality dungeon can also think in this direction..."

Zong Qi glanced at the remaining three shoots, and felt that after tomorrow, he could consider trying to recruit actors to take a look.

These days, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he is not allowed to become a master. Getting so many B-level ghosts is enough for him to walk sideways, and he never even thought about getting any A-level ghosts.

This big S-level script is very dangerous at first glance. Zong Qi has decided to invite Professor Yu over again. At worst, he will pay 50% of the film salary. Invite a few A-level actors, be sure to arm yourself to the strongest so far.

It doesn't matter if you don't get a penny of the salary, because this movie is very important to him.

Zong Qi vaguely felt that maybe the disappearance of his grandfather back then was not so simple.

But grandma never mentioned this identical Pisces jade pendant. Later, grandma's dementia became more and more serious, and she probably forgot about it later.

Including the origin of the director system, everything is a fog... If he doesn't step in, he will never know the truth of the matter.

Zong Qi is ready!

This may be his most generous time, giving away 100% of his film salary to others, unprecedented, unprecedented, and the first time in history!

After thinking about these things, Zong Qi fell asleep peacefully, and made a grocery shopping list in his heart, planning to go to Professor Yu's house directly after buying the groceries tomorrow afternoon.

Although Zong Qi knows how to cook, he is limited to simple daily stir-fries, such as stir-fried meat with peppers, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and mapo tofu with leeks.

After all, the standard of living limits his development. Even the seafood feast a few days ago was learned a few tricks from the owner of the barbecue stall, and then he came back and sold it now. Although the effect was good, Zong Qi would at most give it a try to the employees, and he didn't have the courage to show it off in front of Yu Chenxue. But since Yu Chenxue said that he can do whatever he wants, Zong Qi didn't buy any big vegetables, he just went to the vegetable market to pick a few that he was good at, and then bought a live fish, and asked the boss to help him remove the scales.

After buying these, he carried the bag and knocked on the upstairs door with anxiety.

"Tuk tuk."

After three beeps, the door opened.

Yu Chenxue was still wearing a white shirt that has never changed for thousands of years today, she opened the door with a smile, and took the bag from Zong Qi's hand very naturally.

"good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Professor."

Zong Qi has been here several times, and he changes his shoes with ease when he enters the door.

The shoe cabinet in Yu Chenxue's house is very tidy, usually you can't even see a pair of shoes, obviously there are not many guests visiting. When Zong Qi came here for the first time, he wore a pair of fabric slippers. And since he came, this pair of slippers has been placed in the porch, it looks like there are two people living in Yu Chenxue's house.

"I only bought some simple dishes today, and I don't know if the professor is used to eating them."

"I like everything Xiaoqi does." Yu Chenxue said softly.

He seems to be in a particularly good mood today. For some reason, Zong Qi felt so intuitively, so he also asked.

"Because I painted a very satisfactory work."

Yu Chenxue didn't evade either, and readily admitted her good mood. At the end, he asked with some ambiguity: "Does Xiaoqi want to see it?"

The black-haired youth waved his hand: "...It's not necessary."

Zong Qi didn't want to continue on the question of "what kind of painting did he paint?" because he knew his poor aesthetic level. Especially when I met Yu Chenxue for the first time, after being asked about the picture style, I almost thought that I would have to rebuild for a year.

Yu Chenxue: "Actually speaking, some painting styles are easy to distinguish. Simple classification is still possible."

"For example, the picture seen after taking off the glasses for high myopia is Monet. Everyone's facial features and limbs are very distorted. The eyes and nose can only be guaranteed to be arranged randomly on one face. It is most likely Picasso. Like a pinch It must be Van Gogh that sticks out a piece of wool. Many people are at a party. If these people have happy expressions, it is Renoir; if their faces are unhappy and painful, it may be Manet.”

"Students from non-art departments will not take such a detailed test. Most of them are representative works of these painters. Just remember the most prominent features."

Zong Qi was stunned when he heard that: "Professor Yu, I wish I could meet you before the exam last semester."

Yu Chenxue laughed dumbly.

He walked into the kitchen with the bag in his hand: "The chef is starting work, so I'll come and help."

As he said that, Zong Qi watched him take the vegetables and tomatoes out of the bag very seriously, pour them into the sink, and then began to wash the vegetables seriously.

It has to be said that this scene has a considerable sense of appreciation. In particular, Yu Chenxue not only looks good-looking, but also has slender fingers that are not worthy of his title of artist. When soaked in water, even the simple action of washing vegetables is pleasing to the eye.

But Zong Qi glanced behind him, and knew that this man was probably washing vegetables for the first time.

That's right, the chef usually comes to cook at home, and no matter how bad it is, the chef makes delicious bento every day, cuts the fruit and puts it in the refrigerator, so you can take it directly when you are hungry, and it will definitely not affect the taste of food.

Looking at such a long list, Yu Chenxue is obviously not a person who can cook by himself, let alone wash vegetables.

After Yu Chenxue finished washing the vegetables, the poles were put together, and the leaves were picked up neatly on a plate and handed to Zong Qi, the latter fell silent.

"Professor Yu, let me do it." Zong Qi said tactfully.

The vegetables he wants to make today are simple boiled seasonal vegetables, which can be drizzled with a special sauce. But Yu Chenxue washed the vegetables like this, which greatly affected the beauty of this dish.

"Ah good."

Yu Chenxue belatedly realized that he might not be a good hand at washing vegetables, so he picked up the knife very politely, stood in front of the cutting board consciously, and waved his hands to start cutting tomatoes.

He cut the knife quickly and ruthlessly, not like holding a kitchen knife, but like holding a scalpel for surgery.

After Zong Qi finished washing a handful of fresh dishes here, when he looked back, three question marks popped up on his forehead.

For scrambled eggs with tomatoes, just cut the tomatoes into pieces. Why did Professor Yu dig out all the seeds and liquid in the tomatoes, put them in a separate bowl, and cut them into slices along the texture of the tomatoes? Classify according to different planting lengths and 8 tissue parts.

"Xiao Qi, I finished cutting the tomatoes, is bitter melon next?"

However, Yu Chenxue didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but took two bowls of unrecognizable tomatoes aside as if asking for credit, and turned to Zong Qi with a smile like a peacock spreading its tail, ready to kill the bitter gourd next.

Zong Qi finally respectfully invited Yu Chenxue out of the kitchen.

"Professor Yu just sit outside for a while, and the food will be ready in half an hour. Just come in and get the bowls and chopsticks later. Let me do this little thing."

The black-haired young man smiled brightly, and then closed the door with a "bang," leaving Yu Chenxue standing alone at the kitchen door, staring at the thick door.

At this time, Professor Yu, who felt omnipotent, was rarely at a loss.

His knife work has always been very good.

Yu Chenxue went abroad to study a double degree in medicine, and she always got straight A's in anatomy classes.

For the tomato just now, he strictly followed the dissection technique to remove the unedible lines inside, and also maintained the edible flesh well.

Yu Chenxue supported her chin, her azure blue pupils were full of puzzlement.

Then why did Zong Qi push him out of the kitchen instead of praising him?

After half an hour, the kitchen door was finally opened.

Zong Qi held the plate in his hand, put it on the dining table firmly, and called him to eat.

Yu Chenxue went into the kitchen to get the bowls and chopsticks, and as soon as she took a step, she caught a sharp glimpse of the discarded vegetables and tomatoes poured into the kitchen trash can.

Yu Chenxue: "..."

It was the first time I experienced the feeling of being rejected by others, and my mood was very complicated.