Chapter 79: 、79

Zong Qi had never seen such a battle.

He thought that after he pressed the recruiting button, the system would be the same as before. He would be given a few days to recruit, and then he would be asked to choose some assisting staff, to divide the salary equally, and select a few outstanding actors (coolies) ,? Re-enter the copy.

It doesn't matter if you are forced to participate as an actor. Anyway, Zong Qi has so many employees and actors? The most important thing is that he still has director authority. And the script of Pisces Yupei is clearly written,? This is a supernatural script,? There will be no abnormal murderers or the like.

In the end, what he never expected was that, the second he pressed recruit, the system threw him into the script shooting scene.

Most importantly... where the **** is this place?

【Checking the various values ​​of the body...roles are assigned】

[The first act of "Pisces Jade Pendant" officially opens]

Zong Qi rubbed his head and looked down.

The clothes on my body were also changed into a set of white protective clothing. I wore thick goggles on my face, rubber boots on my feet, and latex gloves on my hands. Protected from the inside to the outside, only the eyes behind the goggles can be seen.

After returning to Shenzong Qi, I realized that I was still wearing Yu Chenxue's white shirt under my protective clothing, and I didn't even wear a pair of pants. The lower/half/body was no different from a vacuum, which was very embarrassing.

Zong Qi: "..." I knew I was coming in a pair of pants.

Zong Qi had only seen this outfit when the epidemic was at its worst, and it was also worn by medical staff and front-line workers.

"What kind of script did I come up with..."

He muttered to himself, while scratching his head.

Since entering this dungeon, the horror movie system has been as quiet as a chicken. Not even one of the three constant numerical values ​​on his pupils appeared, which was very strange.

Zong Qi lowered his head to find something on his body, but found that he searched all over his body, except for a shriveled big cake, there was nothing else. Even the character card that would normally be put in his pocket at this time was empty, and his face was printed on it, and then it disappeared.

Most importantly, there was no one around, and the whole white house was empty, with military blankets spread on the floor, neatly arranged, and Zong Qi could hear echoes when he spoke.

After a while, when Zong Qi wanted to go over and push the door, the door suddenly opened.

"Why are you still here? Come out quickly, the captain called an emergency assembly."

"Oh, good." Zong Qi hurriedly ran over.

He felt that this person was a bit strange. Although he was wearing the same clothes as him, his hands and feet were extremely stiff and looked very uncoordinated.

The moment he ran over, a numerical value was finally displayed on his pupils.

It is the countdown to the opening of the second act, and it shows that there is still about one day left in the countdown.

Calculated, this dungeon is only three days, one day for the second act, one day for the third act, and it's all done.

Zong Qi followed the man who was wearing the same clothes as him, turned left and right, and from here came to the hall below the first floor.

The hall is large and quiet, but at the moment it is full of people. Taking a closer look, these people were either wearing protective clothing like Zong Qi, or they were wearing straight military uniforms, carrying guns behind their backs, and wearing protective hoods on their faces. They were neat and orderly.

When he passed by, the captain standing at the front nodded, closed the doors of the entire hall, and began to speak.

"The news has been detected ahead, and there are still two days left."

"Now the gate of **** is about to open. No matter what, we must guard this place. If we can't guard it, it will be thousands of innocent people who will suffer."

The captain's words were not so cadenced, but they were sonorous and powerful, and contained indomitable determination. Just like the military uniform he was wearing, he felt very at ease.

Zong Qi was still a little confused about the situation, but at this stage he glanced at the entire hall. The hall is full of people, and there is no end in sight.

He couldn't tell which people here were recruited actors and which ones were NPCs. Because although Zong Qi has director authority, he has to stare at other people to see the actor's level emerging from that person.

Zong Qi thought so, so he had no choice but to stay aside and listen to the team leader continue to mobilize.

Listening, listening, he finally figured out what was going on now.

They are now stationed in Death Valley of Kunlun Mountains.

Horror legends linger here all the year round. The water and grass in Death Valley are fertile, but no herdsmen dare to let cattle and sheep in, and cattle and sheep often disappear mysteriously here.

It is said that due to its special geographical location, Death Valley often changes color in the valley, thunderstorms in summer and snowfall in winter, and extreme weather occurs frequently. Of course, there is also a metaphysical explanation. It is said that this is the legendary gate of ghosts. The extreme weather is caused by the overflow of ghosts into the world. Thanks to the Queen Mother of the West with the treasure of Yaochi, the gate of ghosts is suppressed.

No one knows what the real situation is. But in recent years, I don't know what's going on here. Xuanmen calculated that there is a problem with the treasure of Yaochi, and the gate of ghosts may be opened wide. He also said that the imbalance of yin and yang in the human world has become more and more serious in recent years. If the door of **** is really opened, the consequences may be disastrous.

So the higher-ups first sent a scientific expedition team over to conduct a survey.

However, the first scientific expedition team disappeared in Death Valley. The positioning system showed that their last location appeared after the gate of death.

This is really evil. As we all know, although Guimenguan is called Guimenguan, it is actually a stone wall sunken in a valley, which looks like an opening leading to the underworld from a distance.

But if it was really just a stone wall, how could there be a positioning signal that appeared inside the stone wall?

This was followed by army reinforcements. The place where they were stationed was the laboratory abandoned by the Japanese army. Yilian had been stationed here for more than half a year, observing the signs in Death Valley on weekdays, waiting for the best time to come.

This is the case with Zong Qi and his team. He learned that those who wear his clothes are all scientific research personnel, and other soldiers with good physical fitness are soldiers.

Zong Qi: "..."

Remembering what the system once said about detecting various body values ​​and assigning role identities, he couldn't help but feel a little skeptical, and raised his hand to look at his little arms and legs.

On the stage, the captain was still speaking.

"Everyone organize the march, we will set off today."

The purpose of this army is very clear.

Since Xuanmen said that the gate of ghosts is closed, they have to go deep into the pass, locate according to the compass, and find the treasure that Queen Mother Xi put down.

Then Zong Qi didn't know what to do. All these news were pieced together by him listening to the captain's words, coupled with the whispered discussions of the surrounding npcs.

Speaking of this meeting, Zong Qi felt extremely sad again.

He has been in this dungeon for so long, and he was held here for a meeting, and he didn't see a single actor. In addition, the people here are all heavily armed, and it is impossible to see the face behind the goggles clearly.

But there was really no other way, so he had to pack up and go back to the previous place along with the big troops. It was the big white room.

The people in the large army were a little strange, perhaps because they had been wearing protective clothing and military uniforms for too long, and their limbs were as uncoordinated as those who had come to inform Zong Qi before.

Zong Qi was about to sit down, communicate with the npc around him, and get more information, but before he sat down, he was rumored that the captain was looking for him.

"Looking for me?" he repeated uncertainly.

Zong Qi looked it over just now and found that the captain is a serious npc, nothing special.

So he followed this man in a daze and came to the second floor.

Basically everyone was packing their luggage and getting ready to go. The man with a strange walking posture led him to the door of an office and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

After Zong Qi came in, the door behind him was left open, because the captain just waved his hand behind him, indicating that he was about to go out.


Zong Qi shook hands with the captain through a glove.

The latter showed a smile: "You are the leader of the elementary school students leading the scientific research team this time. On behalf of the soldiers here, I would like to thank you for coming. I noticed it at the meeting just now. You just came to the scientific research station yesterday. Today I have to pack up and set off, I am really negligent, sorry."

Zong Qi was embarrassed. It sounds really strange to call him the leader of the "elementary student" group! !

He didn't know that his role this time was so awesome that he was not a small role, but the leader of the scientific expedition team!

So he was so nervous that he didn't know where to put his hands, and he waved his hands again and again: "Where, where, I have been stationed here, the captain is really hard."

"Defending the home and the country, no matter how tired you are, you should."

Zong Qi thought about it just now.

This dungeon has obvious problems, the three major values ​​are gone, and the identity card has also become blank. It can be said that apart from his life being in danger, everything else is unknown.

"In that case, I won't say more."

The captain sighed: "This time entering the valley is dangerous and unpredictable. We have been stationed here for half a year. The situation in Death Valley has changed in recent days, and the weather is unpredictable, which just coincides with the day of the switch."

"I have nothing else to ask for, only that the gate of **** can be closed again. Too many soldiers have been lost here, we can't afford it, let alone implicate innocent people."

He stood up, "After the first batch of scientific expedition team entered the ghost gate, the ghost energy in the ghost gate could no longer escape."

Zong Qi's heart was pounding, "about how long ago?"

The captain shook his head slowly, "I don't know. I just know that the first batch of scientific expedition team did go in, although that was not the time of the switch. But if you say the first batch of scientific expedition team, it was about half a year ago Bar."

Zong Qi could hardly contain his emotions.

That's exactly what it says in the cast forums!

Counting the time, it happened to be when his grandfather disappeared.

Will there be such a coincidence in the world? Is this really a coincidence? !

For some reason, he had a premonition that this dungeon was definitely related to Grandpa's disappearance.

If only half a year has passed in the big script, will it—

"The purpose of our operation this time is to find the lost Pisces jade pendant in the ghost gate, and then return the treasure to Yaochi."

The captain sighed: "The longer we stay in Death Valley, the worse our state will be. There is a problem with the magnetic field here, which is disturbing us all the time. This operation can only succeed, not fail."

The author has something to say: The Pisces jade pendant is the incident in Lop Nur, I have completely emptied it in the article, so I borrowed a name