Chapter 94: 、94

After Song Yangqiu woke up, he didn't understand what was going on in front of him.

He is sitting in the classroom now, surrounded by students wearing school uniforms, holding books and reciting aloud. The incandescent lamp is shining quietly, clearly illuminating the white paper on his desk.

On the other side, the manager who saw him waking up wanted to cry, "You're here too."

This word is also very spiritual.

Song Yangqiu didn't understand what happened at all, he got up in a daze: "Where is this? Aren't we making a movie?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, his deduction speed was deducted by 5%. When he realized it in an instant, his intestines were full of regret.

He still remembered being chased by a female ghost when he was in a coma. It's fine to chase him down. He also saw the old man who was killed by him back then. He turned his head and rolled down the empty stairs, feeling dizzy and indecent.

Unexpectedly, after waking up, there was a cold sweat,? He was not dead yet, and even met the manager.

The manager quickly winked at him, "Song Yangqiu couldn't understand, so he turned around and planned to leave."

Then the whole class looked at him in unison.

Song Yangqiu didn’t care about the headaches before,? Now I can see clearly that their faces are either covered with blood, or have a layer of skin, or simply have only half of their heads? There are also many who have lost their eyes and lacked a facial feature. , scared out of my wits.

"Ghost... ghost!"

The manager wanted to slap him to death: "What are you talking about, these are our classmates!"

His words sound convincing, provided that his dodging eyes and frightened expression are ignored. Obviously not something a person can say in a normal state.

As soon as the manager heard the classmate, the ghosts of the whole class turned around again. The reciting and writing that should be read aloud, and the writing that should be written, was enjoyable, just like staring at Song Yangqiu just now was just a coincidence.

Thinking of himself sitting with a group of ghosts, and sitting in the innermost place by the window, the place farthest from the door in a straight line, Song Yangqiu felt like falling into an ice cellar.

He opened his mouth, and his voice was intermittent: "Jing... Manager, this is, what's going on?"

The manager came before him, and he obviously got used to it. Although he was scared, he was not scared to the point of incontinence. He lowered his voice and explained, "I don't know either!"

His experience is even more bizarre than Song Yangqiu.

He had been following Yu Chenxue before, and fell while stepping on a broom, and then the teaching building was cut off again, and he lost contact as soon as the power was off, so he could only run fearfully.

I ran to the fifth floor and found that the fifth floor was locked, and I couldn’t open it, so I had to come down again, ran into the office, searched around and found some clues, ran out and heard the sound of reading aloud, so I touched Yu Chen The classroom where Snow had visited before.

The windows of the classroom were still broken, but the inside was full of people in school uniforms.

At first, the manager thought that these people were all human beings, after all, it looked fine from the outside. And he circled around outside tremblingly for several times, but no one inside responded, so he went in.

After entering, I found that these people had turned into ghosts. The teacher on the podium was still looking at him with blood on his face, and the blackboard eraser in his hand had turned into a gavel. Confessions are lenient, and resistance is strict.

The manager was stunned, screamed, and turned his head to run.

However, all the ghosts in the room gathered together.

"What are you running for? It's still class time? Are you trying to punish me?"

"Didn't you hear what the teacher said? Be lenient when confessing and be strict when resisting."

"Sit back, what's the name, disturb the classroom order."

These ghosts were so cold that they made the manager's teeth chatter from the cold.

I had no choice but to forcefully sit on a chair under coercion, shaking my whole body like a sieve.

He said tremblingly, "You are all... ghosts!"

The teacher directly drew his ruler: "What nonsense are you talking about? Come here now and confess the bad things you have done before. If you don't confess, don't even think about leaving."

Strange, this ghost doesn't kill people or eat people, how can it be so benevolent?

The manager didn't believe it, but there was nothing he could do, so he confessed his crime afterwards.

He is a psychopath, he likes to use his power for personal gain to sexually harass the newcomers in their company, men and women are not taboo about meat and vegetables. Usually he is good at flattering, coaxing the people above into obedience, plus he is careful in his actions, and the money is in place. It has been so long that no one has exposed it, and those who have exposed it have almost been suppressed. So the manager became more courageous, often doing this in the subway or bus, and discovered his desire for young girls. First, he attacked a relative’s child, stealing her underwear, hugging and hugging her, and then became more and more courageous, committing crimes in public places repeatedly. His eyes are also poisonous, and he only picks out middle school students who are unaccompanied by their parents on the bus in the morning and evening rush hour, and the middle school students with simple clothes, and finally exposed it one time.

After being exposed, he directly declared in the car that he was the girl's father, telling the onlookers not to meddle in their own business. In the end, except for the brave high school student, none of the onlookers came out to help, watching the manager pull the girl away.

After pulling away, he repeated the routine again, and he gave the girl's parents a large sum of money. The parents' eyes were straightened when they saw the money. After all, there is a second-born brother in the family. For them, the girl will marry sooner or later. It is also a good thing to exchange a sum of money. Besides, it was just obscenity, and it hadn't reached the step of rape/rape. The parents collected the money and let it go, so they didn't report the crime.

The manager explained his crimes, and the ghosts around the last train on No. 44 became more and more angry when they heard it, and then became angry at his indifference.

But they refrained from reading the words of the boss, and punished him to copy books on his seat.

These copied books are not ordinary copied books. They borrowed from Harry Potter Umbridge's punishment for Harry Potter, and modified it with a ghostly aura, so that he could copy the words while he was copying them.

The five big characters written are "I am an indecent criminal", which is like marking a pig as a quarantine pass. Of course, putting this kind of animal and a pig together is an insult to the pig.

There is also a teacher watching him copying, and if he copies slowly, he will type.

The pain is not painful, but the insult is extremely strong, and the words written on the hands cannot be wiped off.

The manager copied it, and heard the sound of the second act opening.

At the same time, he also saw a curl of pitch-black hair thrown in with Song Yangqiu curled up.

The manager couldn't figure it out. How could this ghost in Changming Middle School be so righteous? Except that they are indeed ghosts, he will believe you when you say they are responsible for the case.

But he didn’t dare not to copy, and he had to repent while copying. Of course, it’s impossible for him to repent sincerely. It’s impossible from the bottom of his heart. .

Then Song Yangqiu also came.

The manager was secretly happy, he was not the only one who was unlucky.

So when Song Yangqiu was confessing his crimes, the manager was bored and opened the table only to find that there was a built-in drawer inside which contained a diary.

He opened it and was shocked.

The owner of the diary is the client's daughter.

To be honest, when the movie was filmed here, the manager felt that he could no longer remember that he was still making movies. Just like Song Yangqiu just said that he leaked the truth and deducted 5% of his deductive value, he sneaked a look at his own deductive value, and found that after confessing his scum crimes, it actually rose.

The manager turned to the first page of the diary.

The daughter's name is written on the first page: Wen Fanmeng

Very nice name.

When the manager ran to the office before, he found some clues.

On one of the desks, there was a group photo of Class Three and Three, and Wen Fanmeng was inside.

There is also an open teaching record, which looks like a note made by the teacher. The reason seems to be that the dean saw Wen Fanmeng and a sports student walking on the playground after school every day, so he told the class teacher. So the head teacher called Wen Fanmeng to the office to chat.

In the eyes of the teacher, this girl has always been the kind who doesn't have to worry about it.

With excellent academic performance, good family conditions, gentle personality, good looks, good in everything, I can't find any shortcomings.

The third year of high school is the most stressful time for studying, and it is self-evident how much puppy love affects learning. In short, if one is found, one must be severely punished, but Wen Fanmeng is an excellent student after all, and the treatment cannot be the same as that of the poor students.

According to the teaching records, Wen Fanmeng refused to admit his puppy love, and his attitude was very resistant.

But the head teacher is also very open-minded. She seems to know some secrets, so she just told her not to delay her studies. At the age of eighteen, she said that she had a puppy love or not. Adults have the freedom of adults. She keeps it secret, but she also hopes that she will not ruin her career because of falling in love, because her fate is in her own hands, and she can figure it out.

The manager guessed it at the time. Isn't this story too simple?

It must be that the head teacher didn't keep the secret, and he called the parents to sue the parents, but the parents must have scolded Wen Fanmeng, and then Wen Fanmeng couldn't open it, so he jumped off the building. In the end, there was still resentment in my heart, so I became a ghost.

Boys and girls of this age are like this, bluffing about little things, being scolded by their parents as if the sky is about to fall, especially before the college entrance examination, the effect has to be doubled.

There is nothing special about this diary. When I read it, it is full of scattered daily life, which is very boring.

The manager put the clues in his arms and continued to listen to Song Yangqiu's confession of crimes.

To be honest, Te felt that compared with Song Yangqiu, he was much better.

After all, he is just a scum, stealing underwear, sexual harassment and obscenity, at least he didn't rape/rape, he is quite complacent.

But Song Yangqiu is really a scum, drunk driving hit an old woman and then escaped, spent money to settle everything, the manager wanted to scold him for not being a man.

As soon as Song Yangqiu finished speaking, he was beaten up by the ghost of the last bus on No. 44. Even the driver ghost who pretended to be a teacher before joined the battle. You punched each other to avenge grandpa and grandma.

"Help, stop hitting, help!"

He kept calling for help, and the manager hurriedly lowered his head and continued to copy, not to get into this muddy water.

When Anna walked in, she saw such a scene.

Xiaohong went after Yu Chenxue, Araki knew Yu Chenxue's deception to Zong Qi, he was still holding his breath, and walked with wind.

She glanced at the chaos inside, and after hearing a brat tell her what had happened, she became furious, and raised her hand to summon several Gu worms.

This kind of Gu worm is very rare, Araki has only had three in his hand for so many years, and now it doesn't feel bad to use two on the scum. She believed that if Zong Qi knew about this matter, Zong Qi would agree.

There is another one that can be left to Yu Chenxue.

Araki thought happily.