Chapter 103: 、103

Zong Qi thought about this question for a long time.

He initially concealed his identity as a director? It was because of his personal safety. Coupled with the fact that the tree is so big, it was also because of the relationship with the Ouroboros organization at the beginning. The combination of all these reasons has led to the fact that, except for the employees under the banner, no actor knows his identity.

There are different opinions on the real identity of director Q in the actor forum. After guessing for so long, there is no conclusion.

Some of the highest-level actors on the forum swore that it was definitely one of them; some said that what the artist released that day was fake news,? In fact, director Q is the only S-level actor himself; and those who know more inside information, guess the director It is very likely that after participating in the big movie Pisces Jade Pendant that year, some old actors who accidentally untied the actor system.

Surprised, no one thought that Director Q might be an ordinary person who had no contact with the whole world before binding the director system.

Times have changed, and now is different from the past after all.

Zong Qi's staff team is getting stronger and stronger, and their occupations range from bus drivers to cutting-edge Chinese anchors, and even future superstars in the world of humans and ghosts, and evil gods who can easily wipe out half of the world with just a flip of their hands.

Escorted by such a huge evil force as big as a bulldozer, Zong Qi has long since left the embarrassing situation where there was only one director system, separated from the perverted serial murderer by a door, and the start was all reckless.

In other words, if he really wants to go back to take revenge,? Ask his staff to inquire in Jiangzhou,? Killing a Ouroboros organization is completely effortless. The difference is only whether Zong Qi wants to or not.

Not to mention that he is now equipped with so many props provided by Li Gui employees, so there is no need to worry about any safety or personal problems.

Then, it was about Yu Chenxue.

Zong Qi felt that his concealment was not out of deceit, but Yu Chenxue's identity as an S-class actor was there. What's more...the other party seems to be particularly obsessed with the real identity of the director.

Zong Qi discovered this in the ghost building before. Later, in Changming Middle School, he was even more convinced of this idea. After all, Yu Chenxue didn't even leave the main line, and would rather deduct deductive points and go to the monitoring room to block him first.

'That's right, Professor Yu is an S-level actor after all. The forums say that only S-level actors can get the qualifications of the director system, and he is such an arrogant person. He was robbed of his own system for no reason, and he was replaced by himself, and I also got angry. After all, who would have imagined that the director system does not rely on ability, but on heredity? '

Zong Qi is very good at empathy, so after thinking about it this way, he can understand why Yu Chenxue is so obsessed with the real identity of director Q. And feel genuine sympathy.

Because of this, Zong Qi wondered whether he should tell the truth to Yu Chenxue.

It is true that he did not need to tell Yu Chenxue his secret, but it is undeniable that if Zong Qi accidentally falls off the horse in the future and Yu Chenxue finds out about this, the nature of the whole matter will be different.

From Yu Chenxue's point of view, Zong Qi clearly knew that he was an actor, but repeatedly evaded and concealed it, and fooled him many times in the filming. This misunderstanding is a big one.

Zong Qi suspected that if he fell off in front of Yu Chenxue, it might be the day when he entered the crematorium.

It happened that it was his first time dating again, and Yu Chenxue was his first love.

First love is always innocent, and at the very beginning, they will decide from the bottom of their hearts that they will go on with each other forever, and never consider breaking up at all.

Thinking of the possible consequences of losing his horse, Zong Qi felt a little bad all over.

Therefore, according to his straight male thinking, he decided to pre-emptively reveal his identity and explain why he concealed it first, so as to avoid subsequent situations.

Of course, there is no need to go into too much detail about the matter of pitting Yu Chenxue in the ghost building, and the matter of reshoots is also the same. After all, Zong Qi is essentially a coward.jpg

Although he has witnessed Professor Yu's double-faced personality, Zong Qi still somehow believes that he is a good person. Even if he took a step back and said that if Professor Yu is not a good person, and the staff group will cover him up, Zong Qi really has never been afraid.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Zong Qi felt that now should be the best opportunity to speak. The atmosphere of the topic is just right, if we don't talk about it now, when will we wait? The studio was quiet, and he didn't realize until now that Yu Chenxue didn't play his favorite classical music while painting today, and there was an inexplicable strange atmosphere in the air.

"Huh?" Yu Chenxue looked up from behind the drawing board, looking over with a half-smile.

Zong Qi, who was sitting on the soft cushion, felt his heart tense, and said nervously: "I do have one thing that I haven't told Professor Yu..."

After finishing speaking, he immediately added: "But after I said it, the professor can't be angry with me! Because the incident happened suddenly, I didn't hide it on purpose, and I didn't find a chance to say it later. In short, I really didn't mean anything else! "

The psychology professor's expression didn't fluctuate at all: "You talk first, and I'll decide whether to be angry or not after I finish talking."

Zong Qi: "..."

Zong Qi: "No! This is a foul!"

The black-haired young man snorted coldly, and turned his back on the mat: "If the professor doesn't agree to me, I won't say anything."

He thought that even if he blew himself up, it wouldn't be so easy to fool him, so he had to make a verbal promise first, and then appease him.

Yu Chenxue showed a helpless expression: "Okay, tell me, I promise I won't be angry."

This little idiot, even if he is really angry, as long as he doesn't show it on purpose, Zong Qi will still know?

On the surface, Yu Chenxue had a perfect and indulgent smile, but she thought sarcastically in her heart, what kind of tricks will the child use to fool him this time.

It's ridiculous that such a big person arranged by director Q is placed next to him. It's ridiculous that I thought it was a perfect white paper waiting for someone to smear, but I didn't know that I had already stepped into the other party's complete set, and every step was precisely on the calculated path.

When filming "Changming Middle School", Yu Chenxue accurately guessed that director Q was in the school monitoring room. However, after he found the clues and props, pressed on step by step, and opened the door, he didn't see anyone inside.

Only the monitor that was still open and the slightly crumpled seat told him that there were indeed people here not long ago.

It felt rather unpleasant to be late, especially when the thought that Director Q might be watching his jokes in the dark made the mood even worse.

Yu Chenxue was about to leave the monitoring room, when she accidentally glanced out of the corner of her eye at the screen that occupied most of the entire monitoring room, her pupils constricted suddenly.

In one of the surveillance cameras, he saw a figure who should never have appeared here.

What's funny is that this figure is exactly his little boyfriend who he thinks he has planned carefully and carefully checked every step of the way.

Even after hearing the news from Daoist Wu, Yu Chenxue is confident that no one will be able to escape his control. The worst thing he can think of may be that Zong Qi himself does not know that he is being used by director Q, so that he can be heaven/clothes/nothing / seam.

And Zong Qi appeared on the shooting scene, which just confirmed that all Yu Chenxue's previous inferences were wrong.

It is impossible for him to be ignorant, and it is impossible for him to stay out of it.

Earlier, Zong Qi knew his identity as an S-level actor.

After all the clues are aligned, the previous clues become particularly eye-catching.

Yu Chenxue recalled several times when he deliberately mentioned the actor system, including giving Zong Qi the tickets to Chicago without a trace, and when he mentioned the horror of the deserted village, the weird expression appeared on the other party's face every time.

Obviously there are so many clues, so many unusual places.

However, Yu Chenxue is conceited and plays with the world in the applause, never thinking about the possibility of mistakes in her deduction, which finally led to the bitter fruit of today.

It's just... amazing.

In an instant, the anger of being fooled suddenly burned from his heart.

Being able to leave the monitoring room without making a sound was already Yu Chenxue's greatest honor.

Sure enough, he didn't take the initiative to contact Zong Qi for the next half month.

And on the day "Changming Middle School" announced the finalization, the child found it by himself.

Yu Chenxue looked condescendingly at the prompt box that displayed "The other party is typing..." for almost an hour, and sent a message with a blank expression.

Zong Qi replied immediately.

After making an appointment, Yu Chenxue rubbed her temples, threw the phone aside, her pupils were full of darkness.

The next day, he saw a strange black-skinned man at Zong Qi's house who behaved intimately with him.

Yu Chenxue has always been very accurate in seeing people, and is a master at observing facial micro-expressions. He could see Zong Qi's uncomfortable expression and suddenly stiff body when the opponent put his hands on Zong Qi's body. Obviously, there will be such a reaction because they do not have such contact beyond the distance on weekdays.

However, what he observed from Nyarlathotep was a premonition of danger as if he had encountered the same kind, a desire to wander on the end of the steel wire.

He now has new speculation about Director Q's identity.

Zong Qi didn't know it at all, he just said a few words, and the artist on the other side, who had more eyes than a hornet's nest, had already sorted out all the logical lines in his mind, and presupposed countless kinds of "candid confession" reaction.

With Yu Chenxue's assurance, Zong Qi felt that the wave was stable, so he hesitated and spoke.

"That's right... Actually, I knew Professor Yu was an actor a long time ago."

Every time the black-haired young man said a word, he looked up to see Yu Chenxue's expression, which was so blatant that it made people want to laugh.

Yu Chenxue nodded indifferently, as if not surprised: "Continue."

Zong Qi's heart suddenly beat.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, so he bit the bullet and said: "I didn't say it before, not because I didn't believe Professor Yu, and it wasn't because I was lying, but because I didn't know how to speak."

Zong Qi opened his mouth cautiously, with a nervous expression on his face, "Actually... I am the person Professor Yu has been looking for. That is, um, I am present at both Ghost Tower and Changming Middle School."

For the first time in his life, the artist's hand holding the paintbrush lost strength.

"Professor Yu won't be angry?"

Zong Qi saw that there was something wrong with his expression, and was terrified: "Axue just promised me..."

Yu Chenxue interrupted him hastily: "No."

"I'm not angry."

He even showed a smile, touched Zong Qi's hair, and whispered softly: "Good boy."

As calm as it is on the surface, there are as many turbulent waves as it hides.

Yu Chenxue's proud expression control was almost broken.

He had made no less than thousands of guesses about the secret that Zong Qi might say, and every guess was full of avoidance, concealment, and deceit.

But it never occurred to him that Zong Qi didn't choose any of them.

He avoided all options, and after knowing that Yu Chenxue was not as harmless as it appeared on the surface, he still chose to tell the truth.

It was a true frank confession, without any reservations, and without even evading his identity to that mysterious black-skinned man.

Yu Chenxue could clearly feel that all his speculations, inferences, retreats, calculations, and persuasive temptations collapsed at this moment; even the anger of being fooled, which lasted for half a month, was like spring wind turning into rain, in this short sentence Words were extinguished.

Only now did Yu Chenxue realize that Zong Qi had the magic power to easily control his emotions. From the anger aroused by deception to the helplessness smoothed by honesty.

What a dangerous signal this is, it is impossible for Yu Chenxue, who specializes in psychology, to be unaware.

It will only be dominated by the behavior of the prey if it is emotionally invested in the prey. And he, unknowingly, became the existence he most despised to be.

He thought, he was probably planted.

The author has something to say: Zong Qi: (I don’t know anything about Professor Yu’s complicated psychological activities) Good, Professor Yu is not angry!

A simple straight ball can bring such power, so terrifying!

Then, the current situation is that Professor Yu knows about 77's vest, but 77 doesn't know about Professor Yu's. Professor Yu still has a big overturn in the future, Yun Bei.jpg