Chapter 107: 、107

In the quiet and elegant box, Daochang Wu narrated the past events of more than ten years ago.

The system put forward a condition that the actors couldn't refuse, and another S-level actor happened to stand up to appeal, so when the list of participants was announced, almost all high-level actors were caught.

When I entered the filming scene of Pisces Jade Pendant for the first time, the actors all knew the reputation of this big script, so everyone was very vigilant.

"But in fact, I don't remember the more specific plot clearly."

Facing Zong Qi's expectant eyes, Daoist Wu stroked his long beard with a little embarrassment.

Zong Qi: "...?"

"This big movie has special taboos." Wu Daochang said angrily: "It's not that I want to forget,? It was after the first filming, and when everyone was sent out,? We realized that the filming was over. .”

"But it's not that I don't remember anything. We only vaguely know that the general content is to carry out scientific research work in Kunlun Mountains. The goal is to close the gate of ghosts. The temporary base is the experimental base left by the Japanese army for renovation. And... ...The reason for his death was that he didn't wear strict protective equipment on his body, so it somehow turned into a piece of human skin."

Thinking of such a tragic way of dying without any response, Daoist Wu couldn't help but get excited, "We guessed at the time that this might not be a supernatural dungeon. Its advanced level lies in the fact that it can affect reality. Any choice we make may It will lead to an irreversible ending.”

How can you not remember? Zong Qi was a little puzzled.

Obviously, he can now fully recall the inexplicable days in the filming of Pisces Jade Pendant.

Could it be because the first batch of scientific expedition teams who entered Death Valley to explore encountered other circumstances.

He put forward his own ideas, but found that everyone present looked at him with ghostly eyes. Zong Qi realized what he said and patted his head.

"Just half a month ago, I entered the Pisces Jade Pendant once."

Seeing Yu Chenxue's suddenly dangerous expression from the corner of the eye, Zong Qi quickly defended himself: "I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't try to be brave enough to get in! Generally speaking, after choosing to recruit, the system will pop up a selection of actors or limit the level of actors." The options, and then confirm the recruitment, and the shooting time will be announced after the recruitment is released.”

Wu Daochang had long guessed that he was holding the director system, and he looked at Yu Chenxue who was sitting next to Zong Qi calmly, and he was relieved when he saw the other party nodded slightly.

Zong Qi didn't notice the signals of the two of them, and continued: "I didn't expect that after the recruitment was announced this time, this broken system didn't give me any buffer time, and didn't say that I should choose the assistant staff, just leave me alone. Go in!"

If you knew that there was no time for preparations, it was impossible for Zong Qi to press the button to prepare for the shooting. Of course, if he didn't press it, he wouldn't know that this ultimate big script didn't even have a buffer time, so this dumb Kui could only hold his nose and swallow it.

"Then, during the shooting of the script, I always felt a little unbelievable."

Zong Qi was about to continue pouring beans, telling them about the unimaginable things he had encountered in Pisces Jade Peili, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't make a sound, not even lip-syncing.

"what happened?"

He gave up the idea of ​​telling others about this matter in his mind, and in an instant, Zong Qi regained the voice he had just lost.

Yu Chenxue frowned.

He touched his hands, and his brain thought quickly: "It's a ban."

Just like Daoist Wu and the others left the filming of Pisces Jade Pendant, they didn't remember the specific content of their filming. Zong Qi's inability to tell others about this matter is also a kind of prohibition.

Daoist Wu immediately understood: "Could it be because of system differences? Qiwa remembers the plot, but can't tell others; while actors don't remember the plot, let alone tell others."

Apart from this explanation, there seems to be no other more plausible explanation.

At this time, Daoist Wu glanced at Yu Chenxue, his lips twitched, but he still didn't say anything, but turned to continue the previous topic: "Then, it's the second time to start shooting."

"I vaguely remember that at that time we were looking for a way to close the ghost gate. The first time we went in, we failed to close the ghost gate, and finally caused the ghost energy to leak and the yin and yang in the world were out of balance. In short, this matter must be urgent. If there is a mistake , After the three shootings, the door of **** will open, and it will definitely end in a miserable ending."

"But the second shoot, we still failed."

Daoist Wu was still in the Taoist temple at that time, so he couldn't sit in the current position, but since he is a member of the Taoist sect, he naturally knows the consequences of opening the gate of hell.

At that time, he and the craftsman had a very close personal relationship. Although they didn't know each other's home address, they could already be regarded as friends who could trust their backs.

"At that time, the craftsman told me with certainty that there was a traitor among the actors. He told me that if the normal operation line was followed, they should have got the prop and closed the ghost door. There is no such thing as so many people going in twice. If you can’t find it, someone must have hidden it.”

Wu Daochang recalled: "Actually, at that time, I suspected that the director system was bound to the craftsman. Because he said that after the ghost gate is closed, not only will the human world return to peace, but even the actor system will be completely destroyed. From then on, everything is mysterious." Things related to the class will be divided into another parallel world. The ghost among the actors probably just doesn’t want this kind of thing to disappear, or... wants to get the director system to achieve a certain purpose.”

But at the time it was all just speculation.

Because actors and actors do not know each other in reality. Coupled with the imminent need for the third opening, even if the problem is known, it will not be possible to find out the ghost in a short time.

"Then it was the third shooting." Daoist Wu said in a heavy voice, "We were completely sure that there was something wrong with the shooting, but we couldn't recover from it. In the end, just when we were about to be wiped out, the craftsmen rescued us and forcibly shut down the shooting. .”

"It stands to reason that after the shooting failed, the door of **** should be wide open, but I don't know what the craftsman did at the last moment, perhaps at the cost of his life to forcefully terminate the shooting. Over the years, except that the ghost spirit is still leaking, the number of actors There are no more serious consequences other than gradual escalation."

Zong Qi felt that his eyes were a little dry, so he quickly lowered his head.

"But this is not acceptable. Everyone in Xuanmen knows that as long as the ghost gate is not closed, it will open one day, and then it will be a real disaster. So—Qiwa, you must be cautious in the next two shoots .”

"I know, Grandpa Wu." Zong Qi said softly.

He was still about to say something, but suddenly he was taken aback.

"Wait, Grandpa Wu, do you still remember what props you were looking for?"

I really can't blame Zong Qi for being paranoid. He remembered that when he entered Pisces Jade Pendant for the first time to shoot, the main task was also to find props, but it was just to find the props lost by the first scientific expedition team behind the ghost gate.

Daoist Wu stroked his beard: "I remember this one, it's a Pisces jade pendant."

Zong Qi suddenly stood up from the stool, his pupils shrank suddenly.

After bidding farewell to Daoist Wu, Zong Qi was still in a trance and couldn't recover.

After he and Yu Chenxue got home together, he murmured to himself: "It turns out that so many things happened back then."

Wu Daochang and his grandfather entered the Pisces jade pendant three times to shoot, but the reason why the Pisces jade pendant could not be found was because the Pisces jade pendant had been secretly taken away from the movie by the actors.

"But, doesn't that mean actors can't take anything away from the set?"

Zong Qi also worked as an actor. When they were filming in the deserted village, everyone was changed into clothes after entering the shooting scene, and when they came out, the clothes disappeared again. Including the golden phoenix he gave to several actors at the shooting scene, but he also failed to take it away after he came out.

Taking a step back, even if the Pisces Jade Pendant is a realistic script, Zong Qi went in and filmed it, but he didn't see him still wearing protective clothing when he came out.

Yu Chenxue: "It should be a special prop."

As an S-level actor, he is well-informed: "In the files recorded by the Secret Mobile Team, there are actors who have held similar props."

Some props that are powerful or exclusive to the movie cannot be taken out of the shooting scene. It is precisely because of this that the props in the movie are very rare.

But there is also a special prop that can force actors to take other props that cannot be taken out of the shoot. It's just that they are quite rare, and there is only one case recorded in the huge archives of the Secret Mobile Team.

"If there is a traitor, I should know who it is." Yu Chenxue lightly said: "The black chairman of the Ouroboros organization has been implementing the highest ideal of the organization for many years, and he is eager to get the director system. He should be the last actor he wants to see People who disappeared from the system."

He basically understands the past, and it is rare that Daoist Wu is willing to speak up today, revealing the details of many things that happened back then.

One of the documents with the highest authority of the secret mobile team records the incident of the ghost gate in Kunlun Mountain more than ten years ago. There are more speculative news in it, and of course it is not as good as the person's own statement.

As for the old man on the black side, Yu Chenxue backstabbed as soon as he stabbed him. Anyway, he had never dealt with it before, and he was still doing harm to the people.

"At that time, the traitor among the actors used this method. After finding the Pisces jade pendant, he failed to hand it in, and then secretly brought it out. This made it impossible to find props that can close the ghost gate in the subsequent filming."

Zong Qi clenched his fists, his eyes were moist, and hatred arose for the first time in his life.

Without this traitor, his grandpa would be fine, his grandma would be fine, they would all be fine.

Zong Qi can be sure that grandma has never been bound to the actor or director system in her life, but she must know what kind of dangerous career grandpa is doing. Their relationship is so good, and they must have no secrets from each other.

He couldn't even imagine how grandma got back this item from the Ouroboros organization alone after grandpa disappeared, escaped from the Ouroboros organization, put it in her bag, and finally slowly died of dementia. □If you lose your sanity, you will grow old.

Until she died, in order to protect Zong Qi, she didn't reveal a single word to him.

Zong Qi didn't understand these things until now, after going around and going around.