Chapter 120: 、120

Hearing what Zong Qi said, Zong Jianguo's first reaction was disbelief.

"Are you still trying to lie to me, you brat?"

Also foreign aid. It's not like Zong Jianguo used the director system to sign a kid employee before.

Although it was because he had obtained the director system for too short a time, and since he got it, he basically entered the big script of Pisces Jade Pendant without stopping, but Zong Jianguo obviously knew the urgency of this realistic script.

"You think that your grandfather doesn't have a director system, so you don't know that Pisces Yupei can't lead assistant staff? Are you still fooling me?"

"No, grandpa!" Zong Qi argues: "I know I can't bring assistant staff,? But this is not an ordinary staff!"

"Oh?" Zong Jianguo sneered: "Then tell me, what kind of employees have you signed?"

Zong Qi: "A female ghost in red, a D-level employee,? I call her Xiaohong,? Later, she was promoted to C-level, and now she is about to become a B-level employee. A B-level employee is a coward,? She was an opera singer in the period of the Republic of China, and killed a lot of people. It’s the Japanese devils who become ghosts. The B-level employee Guiying,? I caught it when I was exorcising ghosts with my friends before, and it’s a tough guy. There’s also the B-level employee Araki Goddess,? Well, you have to be my godmother,? No one else has a B-class,’s a big one. There’s also a car of D-class ghosts, not many, probably only a dozen or so.”

Zong Jianguo: "...?"

The words of rebuttal choked in my mouth, and I began to doubt life.jpg

I think the ghost employees he signed back then were basically two or three big cats and kittens. There are all kinds of foolish ghosts, drunkards, and hungry ghosts, all of them are E grades, and there is only one D grade, but there are not many ghosts that can be drawn on the face of the card.

As a result, I heard from my grandson that they are driving three B-level ghosts, one C-level ghost that is about to be upgraded, and several D-level ghosts, not even an E-level ghost.

Zong Jianguo is the best D-level ghost that can be used as a card, but Zong Qi is actually just making up the numbers. Not to mention that he started as a D-rank ghost, and he was a growable type, so he looked promising.

Even he couldn't help feeling a little sad. This is really comparing people to people, it's maddening!

This is not over yet, Zong Qi continued: "Grandpa, don't believe me, what I brought in this time is not these ghosts, but a serious evil god."

Zong Jianguo: "Evil God?"

He has been in this frontier for more than ten years, so he doesn't know what these young people like. As soon as he heard the word "Cthulhu", which didn't sound very good, he suddenly realized in his heart: "It can't be Wutongshen?"

The old people have all heard the notoriety of Wutong God. Most of the people worshiping the Wutong gods are obscene sacrifices. Not only women are sacrificed, but live babies are also sacrificed. The sacrifice scene is extremely bloody. All dynasties and generations have attacked, and they can be regarded as evil gods in the local area.

"No, no, he is from a foreign country, uh, he can be regarded as an evil **** invented by science fiction."

Zong Qi quickly waved his hand: "But the system gave him an S grade, so he smuggled directly to the shooting site of the Pisces jade pendant, and promised that I would help take out the jade pendant."

Zong Jianguo: "..."

S-level employee, boy, path never envisioned.

His grandson's luck must be against the sky.

"So grandpa. Just take me there. I guarantee that I won't go over to look at it. I will stay far away. As long as Nyarlathotep gets the jade pendant, we will put the jade pendant back in Yaochi and then go out, okay? it is good?"

Zong Qi looked at him pleadingly.

Zong Jianguo felt a sharp stab in his heart.

He was silent for a long time, and put his hand on the black-haired youth's head.

Unknowingly, after so many years, Zong Qi has grown taller than him.

Having been absent from growing up for so many years, Zong Jianguo really can't imagine how Ailian brought him up, and what kind of mood Zong Qi sent Ailian away alone.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I'm not a competent elder. I've been here for so many years, and I can't shoulder my responsibilities."

For the country, for the family. Perhaps for the country, he did his best, but at home, he was never competent.

This child has been alone for so many years, and has gritted his teeth through so much suffering. Now that he has this opportunity, why not try it?

"Fine. If you insist."

Zong Jianguo reluctantly said: "This is your last chance to come in, right? Then you must listen to me carefully and don't run around. The most important thing is, we have to agree, if you fail, you will not Do something stupid."

"Your grandfather and I have been here for so many years. If you don't want to do it, you should have run away. Who can force me? But you, this is the last time. Even if you don't succeed, you are not allowed to find a way to come in after the filming is over."

Zong Qi's eyes were moist: "Okay, I promise Grandpa."

Although he said so on the lips, it was rare for him to be rebellious in his heart.

Zong Qi has no other immediate family members, except for those ghosts at home, only his grandfather. This is his last relative, no matter what the price is, Zong Qi will rescue grandpa.

They had spent a lot of time talking just now, so Zong Jianguo led Zong Qi into the hall first.

All the soldiers and scientific expedition team members in the hall had already stood up, looking at Zong Qi with radiance in their eyes.

Seeing the one thousand seven hundred and seventy on the flag, Zong Qi felt very sad.

When seeing these people for the first time, Zong Qi only felt that their walking posture was strange, like puppets without souls, programmed robots, but he didn't know that these people had been stationed in Death Valley to defend their home and country.

Without them, the gates of **** would have been wide open.

"Let's not say anything extra, let's go!"

After Zong Jianguo gave an order, all the team members put on their luggage and set out neatly.

As he walked, he explained to Zong Qi: "Because the time of each shooting is fixed, we must experience some fixed events during the fixed time. For example, gathering in the lobby, for example, when the team members changed during the first night's rest Adult leather... But every time we enter Death Valley, we will bring different dry food, or intersperse some different small details in it, otherwise the mechanical operation of more than a thousand times will easily make the team members psychological problems."

In fact, many players have already suffered from psychological problems.

Zong Jianguo sighed: "Except for me, these people are actually npcs. But it's not right to call npcs, this is a realistic script, which means that everything encountered in the shooting is real. what's happening."

Because of this, the timeline of the Pisces jade pendant is actually set on the real timeline.

More than ten years ago, Zong Jianguo entered the Pisces Jade Pendant filming. Ten years later, the time flow in the filming is the same as in the real world.

"They are not actually NPCs. They are soldiers and scientific expedition members who actually existed in the real world more than ten years ago. It's just that I was lucky enough to be assigned such a role, so I was able to play the captain."

Zong Qi stepped on the white snow with one foot deep and the other shallow: "But when I came in, I got a blank character card."

He enjoyed the time with his grandpa very much. Even if he doesn't do anything, it will remind him of the time when his grandfather raised him high when he was a child.

"Normal, because the shooting of the Pisces jade pendant was actually judged to have failed by the system more than ten years ago." Zong Jianguo said: "In my system, the Pisces jade pendant has been showing a half-dead state. I thought the system had been shut down long ago. It is impossible to shoot, but there is still a little hope, so every time before departure, the team will be sent to search the entire laboratory."

"Ten years ago, a dozen or so people could come in for the shoot. Look at you now, is it just you? The system probably knows that the Pisces jade pendant can't be left half dead like this, and wants you to come in and clean up the mess. "

Zong Jianguo took off his mask, fumbled in his pocket and lit a cigarette.

If others take off the mask, there will be accidents, but he will not have any accidents, and he can still smoke.

When Zong Qi saw it when he was a child, he would climb up on him to kill him. Now Zong Qi knew that his grandfather was not at peace, so he didn't say much.

"Then grandpa, what kind of state are these np...soldiers in now?"

"Day after day, year after year, the ghostly aura has corroded their sanity, and most of them are like walking dead." Zong Jianguo took a deep puff of his cigarette, "In fact, their condition has become worse and worse over the years. After turning into human skin, I couldn’t even recover from time reversal.”

Because of the failure of filming, the system can only continuously reverse the time in this space, jumping back from four days ago to four days ago. After jumping back, the injuries on Zong Jianguo's body will disappear, and the team members who turned into human skin will also recover.

However, physical injuries can be reversed, but mental injuries cannot be fully recovered.

Some team members lost their sanity in the repetitive mechanical life day after day and wanted to die.

Zong Jianguo watched with his own eyes several team members rushing desperately into the blood gate behind the ghost gate, turning into bones and ashes, never to be seen again.

Behind the ghost gate is another realm, and the system cannot intervene.

To die there is to really die.

But for these people, death is better than life.

"If...the filming is finished, can they also get back on track."

"Yes, brat." Zong Jianguo glanced at him, "So you have to work hard."

"Not only do we have to work hard, but when I bring my grandfather back, we also have to beat up the head of the Black Speaker of the Ouroboros Organization."

"What? Ouroboros organization?" Zong Jianguo was stunned.

Zong Qi did not clarify this matter with Zong Jianguo last time due to time constraints.

Now I have time, after all, I still have to walk for two days to reach Death Valley, so Zong Qi talked a lot along the way, saying that he was almost planted and framed by the Ouroboros organization, and then targeted by the other party, and finally called his subordinates The heroic deeds of Li Ghost employees taking the entire organization building in one pot.

"The traitor who brought the props out is the black chairman of the Ouroboros organization. I forgot the name, but it's the one with the codename Black Thorn. They took the S-class props Yemengade from Pisces Jade Perry. That’s how we managed to build the organization.”

At this moment, Zong Jianguo's hand holding the cigarette was a little unsteady.

He stubbed out the cigarette butt, "This...Xiao Qi, actually, if it's about the Ouroboros organization, maybe I was one of the original founders of the organization."

Zong Qi was also dumbfounded.