Act 1: Chapter 22: Hades's Impurity
I made a water ball float above my right hand and a fireball on my left hand.
Fire magic, 2nd rank 《Fire Ball》, and Water Magic, 2nd Rank 《Water Ball》.
「Alright, I can maintain both magic....」
I clenched my teeth and somehow maintained them.
《Twin Mind Methods》’s training.
Five days since I’ve started training 《Twin Mind Method》, I finally started getting the gist of this skill.
My face was stiff just to maintain these two magic.
To be honest, doing this already took a heavy toll on my mind.
「Not BaD KAnAtA, You MatEriAliZed The Magic.」
Noble Mimic came towards me.
To be honest, maintaining these two magics needed an extremely focused mind to the point that I didn’t even have the leeway to reply to Noble Mimic.
To get my body used to this state, I tried to maintain this state even if it was just a second longer.
「KaNAtA, HeY, KanAATAA.」
Noble Mimic kept calling out my name.
He began loitering around me.
Ignore him, just ignore him.
Though he might be disturbing me, I’ve to keep my focus right now.
「... It’s GaG tIMe, bUttErfLY knOt.」
Noble Mimic’s tongue stretched out and then knitted to form a butterfly.
I wondered about how the hell he could do such complex knots, it turned out he just stretched out his tongue into a straight line.
The ball of water and fire burst as soon as I lost my focus.
.... Since it burst right on my hand, the fireball burned my right hand, and the water ball made my left hand wet.
「Waa, my BaD KaNaTa. it SeEms I DisTurBed YoU Just When YOu’Re about To Be Able To Do It....」
T-This shitty Mimic really is like a no-good human.....
I drank the 《Ether》 left by Lunaire for me to clear my mind from the after-effects of using the《Twin Mind Method》, it increased my awareness and helped me remember the feeling I had just now when I was about to have a breakthrough.
《Ether》 is also capable of increasing someone’s magic sense.
「ArE yoU... AngRY?」
「I’m not, but..... Well, thanks for the praise.」The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.
I placed my hand on Noble Mimic’s head and unreservedly knocked it.
「Well, I actually wanted to receive that kind of praise from master rather than a treasure box, but...」
Lunaire was currently going out for a walk.
She went to resupply our food and drug ingredients.
In other words, she went hunting.
..... I wonder how long it’ll take for her to allow me to hunt along with her?
The person herself denied it when I asked her...... Moreover, it felt like she didn’t want me to stay for too long in this 《Cocytus》.
Noble Mimic kept his silence for a while.
It seemed he didn’t hear my question just now.
Could it be that it was something that I shouldn’t ask him?
「... It seems I’ve been overstepping my boundary. I will report the progress of my training to master when she comes back later.」
Noble Mimic suddenly opened his mouth when I was about to leave.
「YeaH. MaStEr iS UsInG NuMeRouS ForBiddEN MaGIc To ForCefuLly ReVivIng yOu.」
Forcefully revived me numerous times... with forbidden magic.
「Is there some difference between revived with those forbidden magic and revived by the《Ouroboros Ring》?」
「A lot. At ThaT TimE, She DiDn’T HaVe God-TIeR aRteFact or DiVinE MaGic. In AddiTIon, ThAt SnAke RinG Can’T ReVive A CorpSe. It’S MoRe LiKE SaVinG YoUr LifE WhEn YoU’Re On The BRink of DeaTH RathER thaN ReViving YoU AftEr yOu Dead. If sHe LeaVing her CorPse For Too LoNg wIlL CaUSe Her BodY To Rot and hEr BlooD CoaGulAted And TurN intO pOisON.」
「Master... too?」
「YeS. For ExAmplE, Any HumAn EmBRaCed By MasTer wiLL Rot In No TimE. ShE, An ImmOrTal BeINg iS OnE WhO FaRtheSt FrOM ThE DeaTh, Or ShouLd I SaY, SHe Is DeAth HerSelF.」
... Come to think of it, when she led me by hand, master always held on to my sleeve instead of my hand.
I thought she did that because she was a shy person, it turned out her reason might be to avoid direct contact with my skin.
「Therefore she insTinCtiVeLY AvoId LiVinG BeINg. In OrDer FoR The IgnOraNT BaBy tO FeAr DeATh, ThEy HaVe To DeTesT HaDes’s ImPuRity.」[TL : I’m not too clear about this Hades’s Impurity but it might be related to living beings who rejected their death, thus becoming an undead.]
I recalled the first time I met Lunaire.
Which reminded me, at that time... I feared my savior, Lunaire, more than the demon who attacked me.
Though that fear gradually diminished because she was my benefactor and my mind was at the limit at that time. That fear had completely disappeared now that I lived under one roof with her.
「It MiGHt Be DiFfereNt CaSe For YoU WhO CamE From AnoTher WorlD. If YoU ComE FrOM A WoRLD witHouT UnDeaD, YoUr CommOn SenSe MigHT Be MisMAtChed WiTh tHE NatiVes Of ThiS WorLD. MoSt oF AlL, MasTer ReAlLy PleaSed WiTh YoUr ReActIOn WheN YoU Met Her For The FiRsT TimE MoRe ThaN WhAt YOU tHInk.」
.... Come to think of it, I always thought that her action at that time was strange, she left me as soon as she saved me.
She might be worried about the effect of Hades’s Impurity.
So this was the reason for Lunaire to stay within 《Cocytus》.
.... Is it really okay for me to leave this place?
「Can you stop saying things for your own convenience.」
Before we realized, Lunaire was already inside the hut.
Noble Mimic who failed to detect her presence twitched.
「Something like impurities were nothing as long as I restrained it. And Noble, don’t talk as if you knew all about me.」
Noble Mimic seemed dejected as if his body grew smaller.
「B-But then, why did....」
Before I completed my sentence, Lunaire knitted her eyebrows, seemingly displeased by my words.
「I should’ve told you, again and again, I-Hate-Humans.」
Lunaire declared with a cold piercing tone.
Her declaration shut me down at once, I couldn’t do anything but stood there dumbfoundedly in my place.