Act 1: Chapter 31: A Certain Immortal's Sorrowful Wails (side: Lunaire)

Name:Disciple of Immortal Author:
Act 1: Chapter 31: A Certain Immortal's Sorrowful Wails (side: Lunaire)

Lunaire couldn’t recover from her slump. Her slump was already at a critical level to the point that she got ambushed for the second time by a gluttony wall and was swallowed whole on her way back to her hut.

It was an ambush that normally would never hit Lunaire, but she was currently too defenseless to the point that she was eaten whole.

The separation with Kanata apparently left a gaping hole in her chest.

And right after she was swallowed whole... she used her prided time-space magic to slice apart the gluttony mimic’s stomach, instantly killing it.

Lunaire didn’t even spare a glance at the Gluttony Mimic who had turned into debris.

「Ha~..... As I thought, I really am not in the right condition to stroll outside.」

After she arrived at her hut, she just laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling of her hut with a blank look on her face.

「The WOUnd Is SERIous ONe Huh.」

Her nagging warehouse, Noble Mimic said to Lunaire.

Despite acting flippant like usual, Noble Mimic was worrying about Lunaire’s condition in his own way.

「I just feel... Under the weather.」

Despite what she said, Lunaire was a top-ranking lich and wasn’t supposed to feel under the weather. Abnormal statuses don’t work on her.

She was supposed to be an existence unrelated to any kind of sickness.

「YOu JEst, I MEan, YOu REPEATly SAYing “KANAta! kaNATA!”」

Lunaire’s face turned red as soon as she heard Noble Mimic’s remark.

「You’re lying, I never said that! Y-Yeah, you must have heard it wrong! I-I mean, for me to say such....」

「weLL, I liED indEED, buT...」

Lunaire pointed her finger toward Noble Mimic in silence.

Noble Mimic closed his mouth and made his body as small as possible as soon as he saw that gesture.

「... IF YOu’re THat SAd, YOu SHOuld GRANT hIS WIsh TO STay IN THIS PLace.」

「Stop spouting such nonsense. Do you think I can do such cruel things to him? This place just returned to normal.... Like before he came, that’s all. I’ll soon grow used to this situation again, I’ve as much time as I want after all.」

「In THat CAse, SHouldn’t You JUst NEed To GO WIth HIm?」

Lunaire shook her head when she heard Noble Mimic’s question.

「... I will be lying if I say that I never dreamed of leaving this place to go on a journey along with him. But as you know, I’m an immortal being, an existence that deviated from this world’s principle. Since I’m treated as someone who should’ve been dead by this world’s principle, anyone who has met me will be cornered and hunted to the point of being driven insane.」

In the long history of humanity, there were so many examples of famous persons like magicians or magic organizations that were looking for a way to attain immortality.

Nevertheless, all of them who desperately clung to the world of living even at the cost of losing their own humanity were reduced to mindless monsters.

That’s why an existence like Lunaire who managed to attain immortality yet retained her ego was enough to drive every single monarch in this world insane. It would make them turn this world upside-down just for the secret of her immortality.

There was more than one in millions of chances for an influential person to gain eternal youth.

「Humans are weak creatures, after all. That’s why I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave this place. And I’m sure that it’s not a good thing either for him to always stay by the side of a monster like me.」

Almost the entire hut got sucked in by the super gravity’s power.

「... Time-Space Magic, 14th Rank;《Repair [Reversing Repair》」

The collapsed hut was then restored by itself.

It was a magic that reversed cause and effect which then returned broken things into its previous original state.

Though the consumption of mana increased along with the degree of the damage, that amount of mana wasn’t a big deal for Lunaire.

Nevertheless, an extremely ancient item that needed almost an endless amount of mana might be impossible for Lunaire.

Though it wasn’t omnipotent magic since it couldn’t restore an item that caused a powerful magic phenomenon, or an extremely powerful cursed item, it was still convenient magic.

「I THouGHt I’m goinG TO DIE... PLease DOn’t GO ALL OUt Like That AgAIN. I KNow I’M IN The WRong For GEtting Carried Away, SO PLease FORgive mE.」

Noble Mimic was saved by a hairbreadths thanks to Lunaire’s last-minute consideration.

「Noble... I guess I’ve to leave this place too.」

「.... UhN?」

Noble Mimic doubted his ears when he heard those words.

It was the words that should never be said by Lunaire.

Noble Mimic was sure that he heard about the matter of Kanata and Lunaire’s separation from Lunaire herself.

But he never expected that after only a few days, she would leave this place to chase after Kanata just because of a little bit of worry.

「Eh, WhAt ABoUT YoUR HaDes ImPURiTY... And YoUr HaTRed ToWArd HuMAn? It’s YoUR BoTTom Line RigHT? PleAse ThiNK OveR ThIS MaTTer AgAIN...」

「... That’s what I said to Kanata, it’s not like I’ve no means to suppress my Hades’s Impurity. Just wait a minute, I’m gonna make some preparations.」

「A-AAh, I KNow AboUt THat Too But....」

「It’s not like I hate them... I just dislike them, I mean I just live the way I wanted to live following my father’s teaching. That’s why I don’t mind that amount of tribulation.」

「ARe YoU SuRE ABoUT THis? I MEAn AfTEr THat DraMatic SepaRation?」

「It did not touch my bottom line... so I think it’s okay.... Yeah, it won’t be a problem if I just hide myself while observing him from afar.」

「WaiT A MINuTe, PleAse ReConSIdeR ThIS IdeA! You MissEd The BiGGEst ProBlem You KNow!?」

「Y-You’re the one who drove me to arrive at this point right!? In that case, tell me what kind of problem that I have missed!」

「NoTHinG, I Won’T DeNY The FaCt That I WenT Too Far wiTh My TEasing But... Uuhm...」

「I absolutely cannot let things go as it is, I will start the production of a robe to suppress my Hades’s Impurity. I’ve to finish it as fast as possible before another woman latches her hands onto Kana—」

Lunaire rose from her bed and walked out of her hut while muttering those words.

She might be taking a stroll to gather the necessary ingredients.

Noble Mimic could only see her back with a dumbfounded look on his face[?].

「... I guess i ShouLdn’T TEaSe Her TiLL She FInISHed Her Robe.」

As expected, even Noble Mimic wasn’t brave enough to retort in seeing Lunaire’s current situation. [TL : I won’t spoil Lunaire’s situation,]