Chapter 3444 Harmed?

Name:Divine Emperor of Death Author:
Chapter 3444 Harmed?


Everlight inclined her head at him as she watched him leave. She wanted to recondition his soul essence in her azure essence orb the very first, but he left. However, she didn't think of it much and began to move around with the women with whom she was about to become sisters.

She honored the seniority by having the first wife, Evelynn, step up first and continue with the second wife. Natalya didn't show up, so Isabella came forward, and they continued.

"You're well-spoken and accommodating, Everlight. I almost mistook you as the silent type when you were gardening for us all, rarely appearing outside." Isabella smirked.

"Oh- no, I am quite reserved."

Everlight shook her head. She was a bit embarrassed by her history of becoming a fox, so she didn't have a face to meet the others. Nonetheless, she socialized with the harem, getting to know them while giving a side eye to Nadia, who watched her from the sidelines with an imperceptible smug smile as she occasionally rubbed her belly.

Davis went out to the city as he didn't see Panqa and Lanqua back there.

If they hadn't given their soul essences to Everlight, he wanted them to, but they were with their first sister, so he went to get them. He was unable to believe that they were still there after a day.

'I guess they had caught up a lot on their lives then...'

Davis thought, not suspecting anything might've happened.

Eventually, he sneaked into Zanqua's mansion and entered her bedroom, only to see the three of them sleeping together.

Panqa and Lanqua firmly held their first sister Zanqua by the arms as though they didn't want to let her go or have her escape, as they forcefully made her sleep with them. The lights were still on, and some tear stains over the corner of their eyes, so it was obvious to him that they cried to their sleep, causing him to smile lightly.

He was just about to leave when Zanqua's eyes shot wide suddenly before she sneakily moved her arms away from them and sat up.

Surprisingly, Panqa and Lanqua didn't wake up, causing Davis to narrow his eyes.

However, Zanqua leaned between them and kissed their foreheads as she looked at them with fondness, even trying to caress their cheeks but appearing afraid as though her hands would stain them as she hesitated.

Eventually, she clothed herself with a black robe that disrupted her perception before she walked to the corner, took her broadsword, and placed it on her back.

Her soul transmission carried a sense of undeniable relief, causing Davis to unclench his hand.

"You better kneel and apologize to them once they wake up."

Davis put his hand down and clasped his hands behind, appearing overbearing.

"I would lick their feet if it needs to be done."


But what Zanqua said left him speechless, and he looked at her as though she was a deviant. Looking at his strange gaze, Zanqua almost rolled her eyes.

"I know what I did is unforgivable, but I am convinced it's for their sake. You, as their husband, only need to take care of their needs while I will do all your dirty work. You also claimed that you were a bandit, didn't you?"

She asked, causing Davis's lips to curl, "I rarely need help when it comes to plundering, and I sure would do well without your help even if you become powerful."

"Oh, you will, but an Anarchic Divergent couldn't just go stealing around. When you steal, it's a calamity, but when I do, it's a mere bandit's work."


Davis narrowed his eyes at Zanqua's smirk. He didn't think this elder sister of Panqa and Lanqua's had a sharp tongue. He guessed he managed to make her cower all this time since her two sisters were involved, but now that she reunited with them and probably fulfilled one of her dreams, perhaps the foremost one, she was all the more fearless.

Sighing lightly, Davis put his hand on Zanqua's shoulder.

"Your sisters want you to stop being an evil bandit, so you will stop. At least, do some robinhood stuff- I mean, earn by defeating evil and distributing wealth to the weak in order to repent for your sins. If you do that, perhaps you can feel-"


Zanqua stuck out her tongue as though she was disgusted, "I'm only guilty of my two sisters finding out my bandit past, but the others can go suck dick."

She stuck out a middle finger at him like a true bandit and walked past him, leaving Davis speechless.

He pointed at the empty space before him, unable to believe how uncouth she was compared to her sisters. When he turned to look back, she was already gone.