Chapter 3473 Founder Alstreim’s Sacrifice

Name:Divine Emperor of Death Author:
Chapter 3473 Founder Alstreim's Sacrifice

Founder Alstreim looked proud, "I'm so prideful of you that I can't hold my horses and did something- no, going to do something of my own volition to repay you. After all, if it weren't for you, my children and their families would still be in dire straits because I wasn't as powerful as you to lead them out of poverty."

"What I'm going to do is open up a stable path for you to go get your mother and your family and bring them back without any trouble. I will die because I assume this needs a significant sacrifice on my part, but please don't blame Fairy Thunderblaze for it. I have a feeling that if I let go of this chance, then I would never be able to repay you in my lifetime as you just keep getting stronger and stronger that even the major powers don't dare to pick a fight with you anymore."

He uttered wryly, pausing for a moment before he gestured back.

"Even this fairy isn't willing to allow me to sacrifice myself for you since she thinks her life would be endangered.

Founder Alstreim Windstorm chuckled, "Don't be mad about my demise. Just think of it as me repaying your mother for giving birth to you. With this, she would be reunited with her favorite child as well and, hopefully, wouldn't chop up my dead body for not being able to protect you when the major powers tried to hunt you."

He went silent for a moment as though waiting for Fairy Thunderblaze to speak, but seeing that she didn't speak anything, he shrugged.

"This fairy is smarter than any woman I had ever seen, so it would be in your best interest to make her your close ally or even- hehem. I mean, do not get on her bad side. Anyway, let my family know that their father loves them and would meet in the next life if I had one after pulling this kind of stunt. I had also written a letter to each of them and also you in my chamber where I am still supposedly in seclusion, so..."

Founder Alstreim Windstorm appeared like he wanted to say something but sighed, "I guess... this is goodbye. Just remember what's important, and don't forget to take care of my family."

He smiled quite peacefully, rubbing the bridge of his nose before the projection faded.

By this time, the hand that was holding the Imagery Crystal was shuddering.

Davis's expression was not good. He didn't even know if he felt like he was moved, angered, enraged, or all of the above. He clenched his teeth in frustration, wondering why Founder Alstreim Windstorm didn't come to consult him.

And then, the answer quickly came because he wouldn't allow it, causing him to almost destroy the Imagery Crystal due to his physical body's prowess but forcefully calmed himself down, taking a deep breath before he turned to look at Fairy Thunderblaze, who hovered in the skies with a faint smile on her face.

"I don't care why he did it or for what reason you allowed him to become like this without consulting me, but if he's dead, you're dead."

"I know you would kill me if he was dead, so rest assured."

Fairy Thunderblaze giggled, "However, the number of people you bring back determines how much lifespan he would lose, so in another perspective, the more people you bring back, the more feet you would be using to trample on his life."


Fairy Thunderblaze trembled, glaring at him before she flicked her hand. Annihilative lightning and flames backed by her King-

Tier prowess exploded at the tip of her finger when she touched the deadly blade that was nicking her neck.


The scythe was sent flying from Davis's hand as his hold seemed to have loosened.

"Why me!?"

Yama's voice echoed with a grievance before it flew around and returned to Davis's grasp.

Fairy Thunderblaze clenched her teeth yet still explained why she made this plan millions of years ago.

It was to go see her father because she knew that when the time for Candidacy came, turmoil would be commonplace, and even the barrier sealing the Fifty-Two Territories would be harmed or, at the very least, wouldn't be intact, so she left a part of her blood in the fog over the other side so that she could create a bridge later on, or now to go pay respects to her father one last time before she entered the true immortal world.


Hearing all this, Davis didn't blink once, his expression still cold.

But shockingly enough, he didn't feel any lies from her even though he used his Heart Intent at full force. This woman really planned this all from millions of years ago just so she could go see her dead father and pay respects?

"Are you sure you're not saying only one truth and leaving something else aside?" He coldly asked, still staring at her like a serpent that was watching its prey.

"Then why don't you follow me and see for yourself?"

Fairy Thunderblaze also looked at him coldly. Her amused expression or playful eyes were nowhere to be seen.

They glared at each other. Davis still tried to see through her, but it was in vain. He felt like he needed to go see those letters to see if Founder Alstreim Windstorm was manipulated or not.

Eventually, he turned around and left, but his voice resounded.

"We'll meet tomorrow at this time."