Chapter 3904 Great Saint Magical Beasts

Name:Divine Emperor of Death Author:
Chapter 3904 Great Saint Magical Beasts

Fenren, Soaren, and Andiron were all magical beasts.

They knew for them their bloodline literally determined their destinies. Even if they were the bravest and deadliest warriors in the universe, their bloodline became a shackle. Without removing those shackles, they were cursed to spend an eternity stuck within the highest possible realm they could possibly reach.

However, it couldn't be said to be a curse either, as their bloodline was what allowed them to reach powerful levels quicker than most races out there in the universe. They were the object of envy for so many races, and they were proud of it.

Their advantages and disadvantages balanced each other out.

Still, which magical beast didn't have a wish to evolve or mutate into a higher bloodline?

They were no different, so Davis's words were no different than temptations to them.

However, there was one trouble, perhaps huge, depending on how they viewed it, and by now, they didn't think of it as anything other than what they could proudly wear.

From Davis, they found out that being a Divergent meant that they were excluded from the workings of fate. Any action they take can have a magnitude of zero to nine, with nine being the highest.

The way Davis described it, having a magnitude of zero to three, was a Passive Divergent. There was not much change to the workings of fate, but they would still have the capability to change it. In the same way, having a magnitude of zero to six was a Divergent, and possessing a magnitude of zero to nine was an Anarchic Divergent, both existences capable of tearing up the working of fate and introducing new elements into the fabric of reality that wasn't supposed to be there or happening.

This was the identity of the calamities they spontaneously left in their wake.

Once Davis made them understand it, they were more comfortable in becoming Divergents, knowing it wasn't something that made them evil but evil because they weren't accounted for. They were like extra cogs in a wheel that had no purpose, worse, even screwing up the movement of the original cogs.

Of course, Davis told them it was just his theory and not to take it seriously, but they believed him and even looked up to him, so they swallowed it.

They wanted to improve their bloodline rank to the next level as soon as possible.

Right now, they were the Starlight Jade Wolf, Golden Crow, and Obsidian Crystal Turtle. They could be considered Saint Magical Beasts even though they weren't naturally as strong as dragons and phoenixes, or even kirins. Reaching the level of Great Saint Magical Beasts would put them on the same level as Azure Dragon and Seven-Colored Phoenix, and they knew exactly what their next line of evolution would be, their aspirations and dreams finally coming out of their souls.

"I want to become a Starshard Luminous Wolf." Fenren clenched his fists.

No matter how skilled Davis was in Life Laws, he wasn't half as skilled as Saintess Lunaria in their eyes due to how little time he had training in them. Raw power was one thing, but complicated techniques were another.

How could he have reached such mastery in a short period of time? Even if he was a miracle worker, they weren't expecting an explosive variance and just an increase in their bloodline rank.

Davis spread his hands, appearing cool.

"I have no idea."


"That's why you all must suffer, suffer, and suffer until I find the right method."


Suddenly, the three of them lost all excitement. They felt they were being scammed rather than being aided in their cultivation.

"Most likely," Davis continued yapping, "... it would involve the use of strange resources to initiate the variance, but from further on- hmm, wait, it shouldn't be that easy as there might be some conditions to fulfill, but let's say my potent life energy will skip those for you. However, it would still require strange resources, and searching for them is a hassle, or I might already have it, making it a long-term project like one to ten years or more."


Fenren, Soaren, and Andiron looked at each other.

Ten years was a long-term project?

In that case, should they consider a hundred years a short-term project when ten years could be considered too short for them?

"Fine, fine. You are intent on butchering us and taking joy in our suffering, so do as you please."

Fenren waved his hand before he walked away to his wife, wanting to spend one last day with her before he became a test subject. Soaren and Andiron were also of similar emotions, but they didn't even have their family to spend their time with, making them shudder with dread on all fronts.

Even their sworn brother was going to make mincemeat out of them, and they had no one to complain to!