Chapter 1385 Hero Complex

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1385 Hero Complex

X1 had just three items.

While Varian wasn't much interested in the other two, he would not tolerate someone stealing the materials about Hybrids—not after all the trouble he went through just to get here.

The space-time flow around him distorted and in a blink, he breezed through the security mechanisms exploiting the loopholes opened up and entered the facility.

Unlike X4, this place was a simple room with only three discs placed in a glowing barrier each.

A young man with refined features in a blue coat, white shirt and black slacks. Out of all the members here today, only one guy was mad enough to come in the usual academy uniform.

'Prince Samatv!'

The young man swiftly turned his head and his eyes with Varian's. And they both froze, seeing each other in totally unexpected situations.

Samatv was initially overjoyed at his 'experiment' succeeding but as 'Telor' revealed his strength with each match, the Prince grew disturbed.

It didn't feel right.

Of course, he's risking it all for a future where Palarians wouldn't be discriminated for their natal treasures. In the utopia that Lady Serenthia envisioned, everyone would have a natal treasure.

This sickening culture of treating non-awakened as inferior beings would end.

A happy future where his children, awakened or unawakened, could raise their heads high and live with dignity.

That's the future he longed for, fought for and was ready to die for.


Varian's strength gave him a new, scary perspective.

What doesn't just go away?

What if, instead of discriminating between non-awakened and awakened like now, a Palarian society where everyone awakens natal treasures starts discriminating based on the quality of their natal treasures?

People that he wanted to help—people like like Telor, if they got lucky—would awaken natal treasures that would propel them to the top of the pyramid.

What's the guarentee that Telor wouldn't discrimiate against people with weaker natal treasures?

'He...probably has a lot of latent potential, right? A jump in the sub-ranks is not uncommon.'

The answer from Researcher Rake wasn't built on proper reasoning. He was merely trying to work it backwards.

'Latent potential or not, the next fastest record is for 4 fucking months. It's wrong! It's all wrong!'

With a cracking sound, the small barrier dispersed and Varian grabbed the storage disc in a swift motion.

Wasting no time, he turned around to head out so that he could seek a place for a space jump.

"Wait!" Samatv's voice was subdued, as if he was holding down something.

Varian raised an eyebrow but didn't turn back.

He's lucky the madwoman was taking this long. Perhaps it's because she couldn't get into the facility through the loopholes like he did. The reason he could do it with ease was his space-time powers providing him clear guide on how Samatv entered the facility a few seconds ago.

But it's best not to underestimate her. She had proven herself crazy enough by trying to assassinate the strongest student of the academy.

"You aren't Telor, are you?" Samatv's voice was shaking. "And you didn't awaken your natal treasure. It's all a hoax."

Varian threw something back with a flick of his fingers and the Prince caught it in his palm.

Red pill.

...The same pill that he gave them two weeks ago.

"Y-You...fooled everyone, you fooled me!" Samatv's eyes turned bloodshot, his face distorting violently. "I took such a big risk because I trusted you! You cheated me!"

As he stepped forwad with clenched fist, Varian's figure moved slightly.

Samatv's instincts screamed and he reached for his defense treasure. With the sound of metal breaking, the Prince crashed against the floor, forming huge cracks even though the marbles were of high-quality.

"Get off your moral highhorse. If it was a desperado, he'd have taken that pill and died."

Varian didn't bother with him anymore and reached the entrance before he exhaled in frustration.

With new injuries that seemed to have been caused by the failed attempts in sneaking in all over her body, Zara Woz entered.