Chapter 1388 Beast Riot

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1388 Beast Riot

Prince Samatv unleashed far more chaos than he planned.

It wasn't his original intention. But the initial beasts he released broke the chains of other beasts and one of these beasts happened to be recently caught—meaning, it wasn't domesticated enough to have its mind nearly broken down to its basic insticts.

So, this sane beast turned into a commander and used the more powerful beasts to lay down a trap.

Even though they weren't as clever as a normal humanoid race, any creature that reached rank 9 or even rank 8 for that matter would not be devoid of basic intelligence.

Their high rank ensured long lives. So, even if a beast was really dumb at learning things, it'd eventually grow very wise.

So, the challenge that confronted the guardians of the laboratory wasn't a horde of mindless beasts as they initially judged.

It was an army of beasts led by a mastermind.

The powerful beasts were concentrated into a special facility—a forest where only poisonous vegetation grew.

If fully mature, some of the species growing would be dangerous even for a rank 9 warrior.

And the mastermind beast just so happened to be a creature whose racial talent lied in poisons—a four-eyed giant purple frog, a species that originated in a star system that's said to be filled with poisonous gases across the year.

Imagining a frog croaking orders could've been funny if only if it wasn't as big as a ten-storey house without the red poisonous sacs growing across its spine.

As it estimated, the guardians blasted away the rank 8 beasts that were causing a mess nearby and pierced through any obstructions to reach the most concentrated center of beasts.

There were too many beasts going around. And the guardians didn't want to kill the beasts and let the precious living sample go to waste.

They fought without the intent to kill.

It was a mistake.

In fact, it did work initially as the guardians thought. No matter how bad the situation, they had a higher comprehensive power over the beasts.

It's not that the guardians were all abnormally strong. No. If they had such concentration of power, the kingdom would've been wary and transferred them to the border.

It's the beasts that were weakened.

As 'living samples', they had to put through some very harsh situations. So, despite outnumbering the guardians 3 to 1, the beasts saw themselves faced with a harsh defeat.

"Give up and go back to your cages. Support from the academy will be here soon. Your plan failed." An old man took a step forward and said. "And you won't have a second chance."

The beasts grunted and roared. Even though they were in a very bad mental state due to being centuries of 'domestication', they still had basic cognizance. That's why they were able to follow the instructions of the mastermind beast in the first place.

"Cages?" The gigantic, monstrous creatures parted and the only humanoid 'beast'—a beast-headed creature with fur covered humanoid body—stepped forward.

The beast's six eyes shone with a brilliant glow and he raised his hands.

"Orcs are not slaves!"

The screams of the guardians were met with the activation of the formation. Poisonous clouds condensed from the trees which quickly shriveled and out of these clouds came arrows which specifically targetted the non-beast warriors.

Splitting the air and cracking the space, the arrows raced for the guardians.

Like the inevitability of fate, the arrows went after the guardians even when they desperately tried to avoid them.

Except for a few arrows that were neutralized, most of them struck the guardians. The effects were visible the very next moment.

The guardians fell from the sky and before they even crashed to the ground, they began to cough out blood. And it wasn't their normal blood either. A bitter, heavy and pungent blood.

"Give up and Surrender, was it?"

The frog jumped what seemed like a planet-hopping distance and landed in front of the guardians.

"Now you will give up and surrender. The cages you locked me in, you'll be locked in the same cages.

The torture I went through, the medical tests, the preliminary drugs, you'll get them all too. Funny, isn't it? How the tables have turned so far."

Listening to the chilling words of the beast in a deep voice, the guardians shuddered.

Some of them tried to stand up and fight while the others rummaged through their vast memory to see if they had any treasure to escape this mess.

"Come on, get on your four limbs and start barking. Hahahahaha!"

The creatures also began to roar in joy.

One of the guardian eventually broke down and crawled forward.

"Now bark!"

"Wuw, bwaww~"

That was a new guy who was recently recruited into the lab. He was't trained here. Nor did he have any deep bonds with this place. So, he saw no issue placing his life over everything. If everything in this lab needed to be burnt for him to remain safe, so be it.

Except for him, the rest of the seniors steeled their eyes and decided to pour everything they had to kill this one beast.

The beasts would still be around but without their mastermind making the plans, their reckless acts of destruction would allow the researchers to send away the precious research material.

And so, they tried to fight back.

The mastermind frog obviously didn't like their stance and opened its mouth, ready to drown them in its poison.

But as it did, a heavy pressure fell on the creature and every single beast in the field.

Unable to put up even the slightest of resistance, the beasts crashed to the ground as if they were all flies swatted to the floor.

With a dissatisfied expression, Miss Calamity appeared above the battlefield.Geett the latest novels at