Chapter 1391 Polite Man

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1391 Polite Man

[Time Rank 7: 0/10,000

Looking at present is no longer enough. Look into their past. Peer into their future. It's a realm that even divine rankers struggle with.

Looking into future by superceding time's natural flow is far more difficult than looking into the past.

Yet, few even manage to uncover the past.

The history of the universe is a very complicated affair.

Some say truth would one day surface but many times it was buried beyond any chance of discovery.

The more truths one learns about the Universe, the more they'll realize their utter insignificance.

This is a chess board. And everyone is a pawn of the grand game.

In the distant past, some have vaguelly touched great realms, learned great secrets and fell into despair.

These were men and women who stood at the top of the creation, ruled it with an iron fist.

It was so long ago that even their stories are lost. But their traces remain.

There is wisdom in the saying that 'Ignorance Is Bliss'.

But today, a man has know the truth and is not despaired by it. He wants to do something about it.

And he's the one whose grip on the power of time had reached the greatest heights for any living creature.]

Even though the System spoke slowly, there was a hint of caution in its voice. It's like Logos was whispering a secret to him it wasn't supposed to say and was nervous about being caught.

Varian's expression turned grim. Even the System was refraining from mentioning him directly. If that's not a big deal, he didn't know what was.

'For the sake of sanity, I'm not gonna touch that topic. What the fuck will a rank 7 count in front of a divine ranker anyway?'

Turning around, Varian ran his fingers over the creature's back. "So damn smooth! This is luxury sofa material."

He called onto Hortus again and the connection was slowly being established.

Realizing it'd take a while to get back home, Varian decided to kill some time.

Using the bones of the beast, its ultra-smooth yet resilient skin and some other materials in his ring, he built a few things.

A chair for Enigma to do her reading, creating a scenary straight out of a painting.

A beanbag chair for Sia to lay on and complain about why elves are bad but sirens are worse and why they both deserve regular beatings.

A tough sword with a smooth handle for Sarah.


Grunting in frustration, he stretched his hand toward the gift. "Great, give them back. I'll shrink the size a bit and they'll look good on any of my wives."

Isadora immediately pulled her hand back and hid the gift behind.

"Now what?"

"Are you calling me fat?"

Feeling two stinging gazes, Varian answered with a straight expression.

"No. Sarah and Sia are 19 and look 19. Enigma looks 20. And you look 23 or 24. Everyone is perfect for their age."

Isadora fell silent for a moment.

'No, no. Don't talk so reasonably. I should not accept such a gift! I should hate such things. Yes!'

After a brief moment, Isadora parted her lips. "...Did you just call me old?"

Varian snapped.

"Yes, I just did, Grandma. Now go to the corner and cry me a river. Oh and wear that underwear as swimsuit and swin in your river of tears. You're very welcome."

Saying so, he turned to the two confused women who were surprised by his outburst.



He threw them over his shoulders like they were a sac of potatoes and walked towards the bedroom.

"I'll clear your misunderstandings...deeply."

"W-Wait!" Sarah shivered like she was thrown into ice-cold water.

"No, there was no misunderstanding! I never doubted you!" Sia tried to appease the angry husband.

Ignoring their pleas, he threw them on the bed.

The one-piece of Sia was rolled up, revealing everything from her bare thighs all to her flat and smooth belly.

Sarah landed on her stomach, in a very inviting position. It didn't help that the blonde hair she usually let loose was now tied into a pony tail, giving her a different charm.

"Enigma." Varian said without even turning back.

The lady in a long black dress who was about to slip away froze in her tracks.

"Join after Sia faints."

Not too long after, all misunderstandings were cleared.