Chapter 1404 7 Rank 7s

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1404 7 Rank 7s

"You lowlife scum! You can tell your children, grandchildren and even their grandchildren that you had the honor to escort me. Aren't you happy?"

A haughty voice rang from the carriage.

There was a stark silence outside.

"You worthless trash! If you don't want to be the first bunch to be killed by Isadora's brother-in-law, answer me properly, Are you happy?"

"Yes, Sir! We are happy, Sir!"

"How happy?"

"So happy that we are crying, Sir!"

"How much are you crying?"

"So much that our tears are greater than our best pees, Sir!"

"That's the spirit! Keep it up!"

The arrogant brother-in-law humed in satisfaction.

Sonya was stunned at her brother-in-law who didn't just act but 'lived' the role as the arrogant young master. Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

Even though Isadora's sound was reasonable, she started to fear if this man's arrogance would get them killed.

The carriage passed through the wide roads in the royal district. Every tile used to build these roads was made from rare asteroid metals—a single tile here could buy you a decent house in a province capital.

The dragon-horses in front of the carriage suddenly roared and came to a halt as they sensed something.

Without any intention of hiding, powerful auras swept the carriage.

Some were probing, others furious but all blatantly disrespectful, breaking the basic ettiquettee of not prying into a carriage in public.

The auras were blocked by the special formations engraved on the carriage—it's not for nothing that Sonya was proud of this thing.

But Varian rose to his feet and rolled up his sleeves, ready to start a brawl. Despite trying, he couldn't hide the rising excitement.

Like a kid who couldn't wait for his christmas gift, he hurriedly reached out to the curtain.

But a slender hand held his arm.

Turning his head stiffly, he looked at Sarah glaring at him with her blue eyes. And Enigma who was shaking her head in disappointment.

"A habit from work, hahaha!" With an awkward laugh, he rubbed the back of his neck and got seated.

If this guy was really her brother-in-law...then it's really an honor.

A few influential people in the district used their contacts and realized that Princess Sonya had returned but kept the news a secret. And she too had a carriage like this, which only a select few owned.

Now it made a lot of sense.

Then if the man's assertion of his 'acquintance' with Isadora was true, then...

'She is alive!'

'The legendary princess is alive!'

The news spread throughout the district like a wildfire. Most people were still skeptical but they wished for it to be true.

Acutely aware of the storm he intentionally set off, the man in question smirked and focused his attention on something more important.


[ <Congraulations On reaching rank 7 in Order and Chaos.

Now all your paths have hit rank 7. You're a high ranker to speak of. You are no longer an ant in the cosmic scale, you're a rat! Congratulations!

But it's a bit ironic. The weilder of the Order and Chaos slivers advanced in those paths the very last.

The Synergy helped a lot It's very helpful, even though the jumps aren't as drastic as they once were. The gap between Isadora and you is actually smaller than it seems>

Paragon Body : 1,000/10,000 (+100)

Death Giant?: 1,000/10,000 (+150)

Ignis?: 750/10,000?(+500)

Order?: 750/10,000.?(+750)

Chaos : 750/10,000. (+750)

Space: 500/10,000. (+300)

Time: 500/10,000. (+300)

<Host, you are not too far from reaching the critical period.

Be careful with your choices.

It's not just your fate that you're going to decide>]