Chapter 1442 Oath

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1442 Oath

Varian and Sarah took the lead. But in fact, Sarah had slowed down to help Varian.

Enigma ran after them, carrying Sonya over her shoulder like she's a school bag.


Sonya shivered like a leaf in the wind, her breath and gaze both still.

"W-We can teleport. I have a tre—"

"Don't. Teleportation leaves too many traces. Cradle's environment magnifies those traces. If we teleport, we're painting ourselves."

Varian explained.

Without this constraint, he could've teleported them instead of Robert. Now, the mad prince would try to chase them but he wouldn't be able to find their traces easily.

On the other hand, they'd be able to avoid his pursuit for a good while due to the obvious traces left on him.

"I can't beat him without a protracted battle and even that is a big if." Varian channeled his energies for recovery and said in a hushed tone.

Sarah also helped him heal. Thanks to Synergy, their aura was more than compatible. "Even if I and Enigma join forces with you, I don't think we can win now."

"What about Princess Snow?" Sonya asked.

Like a string was cut, Varian's train of thought came to a sudden halt.

The moment Robert attacked, she vanished.

Since everyone was focusing either on him or on Robert, they didn't think much about her.

"Enigma, watch o—"

Before Varian's yell could finish, Enigma turned around and threw Sonya back.

The sword in her hand struck out in a flash but a slender sword held by a slender hand cut it into two and pierced her abdomen.

Samantha didn't show any mercy and swiftly moved her sword, dragging it across Enigma's flesh, as if she intended to sever her along the torso.

Almost at the same time, a palm stuck Enigma right on the neck, causing her severe injury and nearly knocking her out.


Varian's fist hit empty air as Samantha held Enigma and jumped away.

Fully exploiting the advantage she got, Samantha's sword poured tremenous power and the sound of muffled explosions rang from Enigma's body.

Like she's electrocuted, Enigma's body twitched and her face quickly paled. Akin to a puppet with its strings cut, Enigma's limbs relaxed, collapsing in Samantha's arms.

"L-Leave her." His voice was the weakest it had ever been. "I-I will help with your dream. Or kill me if you want. Just leave her!"

For a moment, Samantha wondered if she was seeing things.

The calm and laidback man who didn't even falter in front of an overwhelming Robert was gone.

The man in front of her looked at her with immense fear in his eyes and looked like he'd gladly give up everything if he could save the girl.

"I never thought your arrogance would bend like this." Samantha felt a burst of ecstacy and raised her hand toward Enigma's neck.

Varian's face paled and his rationale mind kicked into action. "Please! Stop! You won't get any benefit from killing her. We can be allies, friends. The past can be put behind."

He didn't believe anything he was saying. But if it could save Enigma's life, he could speak lies for the rest of life.


His heartbreaking voice failed to move Samantha's steeled resolve. Her fingers dug into Enigma's collarbone and blood splashed out.

Watching the tiny droplets of blood flying into the air, Varian's mind suddenly calmed down.

Like a switch was flipped, his quivering eyes turned steady and the unease around him got replaced by a chilling coldness.

Time seemed to slow and the world seemed to freeze.

"Princess Samantha."

His cold voice gave her goosebumps and a shiver shot down her spine.

"If you kill her, if you really do, I swear here on my death mother that you all will suffer hell. Not just you or your family or friends or relatives.


Your entire race.

The Palarians as a whole.

Spirited or Spirtless.

Old. Young. Men. Women.

The good. The evil.

Every single one of them, from the weakest of beggers on the street to the strongest king who governs your kingdom.

I will put everyone in a hell and burn them for eternity.

If she dies, forget your dream, what will happen would be beyond your worst nightmare."