Chapter 1453 Fortune Anvil

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1453 Fortune Anvil

Fortune Anvil was the root of Palarians.

It's like the CPU that ran their race. Any damage to the treasure, however slight, would show itself in reality. Thankfully, the treasure wasn't something a mere rank 8 could damage.

But without damaging it, they still could do a lot.

Pause! UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

The two looked at each other with a sharp gaze.

There's a high chance that they'd end up clashing. Making this far, they still didn't know what the other party really wanted.

Fighting now would make leave them both injured and weakened, creating a perfect opportunity for the third party.

But if they started their work without doing anything, they'd be caught off guard when the other party attacks.

Depending on the extent of the attack, their mission might be destroyed at the last step.

It's a complicated situation. They didn't trust each other to leave their backs open. No, Samantha didn't think they could allow even a trusted one to approach them in this situation.

The stakes were just too high.

Fight or no fight, both of them would lead to unfavorable situations.

Samantha took a breath and made her decision. She'd rather fight and clear out a danger than risk getting her dream destroyed.

Still, hoping for a chance of non-interference, she said.

"...I will work on the body of the anvil." She took out a crystalline box from her storage, carefully guarding it.

"I have to harness the divine aura leaking from it." Xeola retrieved the ring containing an old soul.

Subconsciously, both of them heaved a sigh of relief.

Were they too lucky that their goals didn't contradict with each other? Or was the other person simply lying?



The two looked into each other's eyes for a short moment before nodding almost simultaneously.

That connection they felt from the other person spoke for itself.

'She isn't lying.'

The dreamy white skin of the woman turned sickly pale and blood began to leak from her eyes.

Its powerful rank 9 aura surged and surged, like a sea wave going higher and higher, trying to drown the sky. But eventually, it crashed powerlessly.

Thanks to the strict formations which were enhanced many times over the millennia, not a speck of aura leaked out from the anvil.

"Wow! Even a rank 9 is powerless." Samantha expressed her admiration.

"Not all rank 9s, only the spirit." Xeola pointed. "It's designed only for her. Or that's what I heard."

With the spirit taken care of, the princesses stepped forward with a determined gaze.

Even though it's very demanding to focus on their life's goal in vicinity of a rank 9 powerhouse whose casual strike could kill, they were rather relaxed.

The spirit was trapped in a prison of soul. No matter how hard it tried, it couldn't break free. And an unconscious spirit was powerless was against the sealing formations.

By the time they're done, the spirit would've disintegrated and fused back into the anvil. Back to where it belonged.

"I'm not saying this to provoke you, but..." Samantha paused for a moment and tried to find the proper words.

Eventually, she shook her head and gazed into Xeola's eyes. There was no diplomatic smile on her face, only a madness that seemed to have come from a wild beast.

The killing intent that leaked from Samantha at this moment was so great that even the cold hearted Xeola halted her breath and clenched her fist.

"If you backstab me and my mission fails...I will destroy you and everyone you cherish."


Xeola exhaled lightly before shaking her with a smirk. Her expression quickly distorted into one of equal madness and she growled.

"We share more in common than I thought. If you're the reason I fail, then you know what will happen."

"Good luck."

"May goodness prevail."

This was perhaps the only time they gave heartfelt wishes. And once they did, they got to work.

Samantha approached the anvil and using the secrets that Varian stole from the institute, she started to spread the clusters of blessings across the population.

Without disturbing her, Xeola captured strands of divine aura and fed it to the ring. As time passed, the powerful aura of a soul began to leak out.

The soul was unconscious but it kept muttering with vengance.
