Chapter 1494 Congratulations, to me!

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1494 Congratulations, to me!


Varian called out with a forced smile, his eyes moving wildly to scan the crew that demolished his room.

"We know it already." Princess Elizabeth spat through gritted teeth.


"You are the harbringer of destruction, an agent of chaos...the Ender of Worlds." Despite a pale face, the princess said with a determined gaze, as if she was ready to die facing the malovent entity standing in front of her.

"Well, I do appreciate the cool sounding titles but I'm just your average guy on the street." Varian said as he slowly stood up, hands raised above his head to show he meant no harm.

And yet, that motion caused everyone to reel back and charge auras into their weapons, ready to hit him.

"Demon King, is this how you treat the man who risked his entire life for your victory?" Varian asked with an indignant expression, his eyes showing the pain he's feeling out of the betrayal.

"Shut up, bastard!" The Demon King slammed his staff on the ground, causing a large hole in the pristine floor.

With a wave of his hand, a green-colored magic filled the room. Since it showed no malice, the human powerhouses didn't do anything than cover themselves in aura.

"Anyone facing it can only speak the truth." The lord of all demons sneered, his bony jaw moving up and down in an equally comical and scary fashion. "You are planning to end this world, aren't you?"

Varian took a deep breath, the sounds of rising heartbeats in the room clearly registering in his ears.

"Your assumptions about what my dream are incorrect, Your Majesty. You want to ask me what will happen today? Tomorrow? I will put my hand on my heart and vow, that even after a hundred years, this land, this world, everything you see will exist." He said with a sincere smile.

Wiping the flowing sweat from his forehead, he continued. "You call me agent of chaos and all those coo—ahem, blasphemous names. But I am sent by a great being into this place, for his own whims. It's the same being who created this great world and a million others. The god of gods."

A pious expression filled Varian and he looked up at the sky with teary eyes. "Are you listening? Oh, Creator! This world I wish to dedicate my life has turned against your lamb!"

"I-Impossible..." The demon king staggered back, the flames in his eyesockets fluctuating wildly. "Impossible, the f-flames of truth are indicating everything he said is the truth. R-Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous!"

Varian sniffed back the tears that threatened to spill out and admonished the disbelieving demon king. "Demon King, do you know why you survived despite facing so many dangers? HE is looking after you. HE is responsible for your fate. HE didn't want you to dead."

'If demon lord dies midway, how else would the story proceed? Tsk.'

The Demon Lord opened his mouth but no word came out. Thinking back, indeed, he survived too many dangers. It's almost like fate intended him to become what he's today.

'Perhaps it's really the Crea—'

A huge pillar of light exploded, shooting striaght into the clouds.

Then another. And another.

Until the whole area was swallowed in explosions.

Varian's body, on the verge of collapsing, slowly floated down.

The light in his eyes was dim and his breath was non-existent. His heart, now visible through his hollowed chest was struggling to beat. And failing.

"Thankfully, no one was naive enough to believe we can take on a world ending calamity so easily."

Princess Elizabeth arrived shortly after along with the powerhouses of human and demon races.

The Demon King didn't hesitate anymore and pointed his staff at the bloodied Varian.

With a bang, his body exploded into pieces.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief, wanting to feel relieved that they finally saved the world but unable to digest that they really killed the world ending calamity.

The heroes puffed out their chest and wanted to talk to the princess who swiftly dimissed them and turned to the demon king. "This can happen again. Instead of our fights, we should look outward."

The Demon King looked at the bits of blood, flesh and bones still raining from the sky without answering.

The Princess frowned. "Your Majesty, instead of conflicts, we can form an alliance and a cooperation. With me recieving the guidance of the goddess and your power, we can protect this world."

"Haaa~" The Demon King shook his head and looked at the princess with a depressed smile. "No need to worry, human girl. Do you think after everything that happened...I still have the interest to wage a world war? What will ruling a bigger piece of land accomplish?"

Not just the princess but even the subordinates of the demon king who followed him from early days opened their mouths in surprise.

W-Was this really their leader or did someone replace him?

Demon King had always been a man overflowing with ambition. What's with the change of heart?

"Ahh, I've never seen an enlightened, peace loving demon king. I guess I did accomplish something amazing."

A voice sounded from behind.

The demon king, the princess and everyone else on the scene froze like statues before moving their necks stiffly.