Chapter 1549 Finally, Rank 9

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1549 Finally, Rank 9

When he reached the battlefield, a stretch of space with dozens of blackholes creating some sort of boundary, the armies from both sides had already gathered.

The corrupt military officers didn't want to expose themselves to their superiors. So, they disguised the young master as a normal captain assigned to this sector and threw him to the battlefield like everyone else.

As a rank 5, the young master was already one of the strongest group leaders, only next to rank 6 commanders.

The rank 7s didn't take command anyone lower than them and only banded together. The same went with the other two ranks—rank 8s fought only with and against rank 8s as did rank 9s.

The grouping—a superior officier, a bunch of order taking soldiers—happened only in rank 6s and below.

"You all better remember today," Varian addressed his hundred-man troop with an arrogant expression. "History is going to be made."

Even though his tone was arrogant and his expression condescending, his words caused the troop to cheer with hope and enthusiasm.

"I am the nightmare of my enemies!"

"""I am the nightmare!"""

The troop repeated after him with tremenous energy as the the mood of war engulfed their minds.

'The young master isn't capable of any intricate speeches. This much is enough.'

Varian maintained the arrogant


[Rank 8

Paragon Body: 25,000/25,000

Ignis: 25,000/25,000

Death Giant: 25,000/25,000

Order: 25,000/25,000

Chaos: 25,000/25,000

Space: 25,000/25,000

Time: 25,000/25,000

<All you need is a push and you will blast forward like a rocket>]

Varian exhaled lightly and slammed his axe on the platform. The soldiers on the ship saluted him and jumped onto the battlefield.

"Why are you even targetting us? The Palarians have no special enmity with the Empire or the 7th Prince than anyone else." The Old King, one who returned from the military, asked in an aged voice.

"No, no, no." Hector shook his head, using the power of space to seal up the wound and block the hostile aura from infiltrating. "This isn't time for such good questions. It's time for answers and punishment."

He clenched his fists and punched out, causing a fluctuation of space that blasted them all away like boats subverted by raging tides.

Varian's bones broke and he nearly fainted from that one strike. Thankfully, he managed to pull himself together and stop himself before he was swallowed by the space crack that appeared behind him at some point.

A wave of lights filled space as the pala powerhouses launched their attacks on the three-armed man.

They were trying hard and were managing to injure him one way or another. If not for Varian's presence, one of the would've died and that would've spelled their doom.

With him taking some of the pressure away, they were able to keep fighting.

'Peak rank 9s? The difference within peak rank 9s is actually greater than low rank 9 and mid rank 9. Heck, even high rank 9 and peak rank 9.'

If he had to quantify it, Hector was at least twice as strong as Kong. The king was 10% stronger. The dean 5% weaker. And he was 5% weaker than the king.


With a battle cry, Varian raised a hammer and jumped at Hector.

The man was locked in place with the natal treasure of the old king and using that chance, Varian slammed his weapon onto his face.


Of course, it wasn't a direct hit.

The space around the hammer twisted at the last moment and the trajectory was forcibly changed. The hammer struck Hector on his chest which was already protected by a thin layer of space.

Ripples spread as the barrier tried to disperse the force but it was too much to handle for defense set up at the last minute.


Hector was blown black, a depression in his chest and blood spurting out of his mouth.

But he quickly stabilized himself and dodged the spear as well as trident thrown at him.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he looked at Varian with an amused smile. "It hurt, a bit."

"Oh?" Varian tightened his grip on the hammer and the aura in him surged, breaking the final bottleneck of the celestial ranks.

[Congratulations for reaching rank 9]

"It's gonna hurt a lot more, buddy."