Chapter 1596 Cute And Sweet

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1596 Cute And Sweet

Big Family Meal.

It's what Varian wished for.

So, it happened.

In a quiet garden with beautiful greenery and rows of flowers, they sat around an exquisite dining table filled with carefully prepared food.

"No, no, brother! I can't eat this!"

Seated beside Varian, Primula kicked her short legs and pushed away the veggies.

"No, you should eat them. They are good for your health." Varian picked a few with her small spoon and brougth it to her little mouth.

Primula looked at him with teary eyes and bit the spoon with vengeance.

"Come on, swallow!" Varian pushed the spoon gently.

"No." Primula shook her head to and fro.

"If you don't eat veggies, you'll not get the pastry Hazel made." Varian threatened.


Primula swallowed the veggies and closed her mouth immediately.

"Don't use your powers or it'll be invalid."

Primula chewed the veggies while she glaring at him, as if she wanted to bite him.

After she ate a few more mouthfuls, Varian nodded in satisfaction.

Primula lowered her head and muttered. "Lies! Why would I need to eat anything to grow up? I know I'm very, very powerful."

"Ahem, ahem."

"Brother, you just want me to go through the suffering you went through in childhood, right?"

Varian coughed and gestured to Hazel. The maid picked up his signal and greeted the little girl with a tray of pretty pastries.

"Aaaah~" Primula's eyes lit up and she forgot about her bad brother. "Hazel, I love you!"

'Why is the little girl so clever at times like this?' Varian wondered as she watched her gobble up pastries.

Thinking back, his mother was very strict with his food when he was younger. As his younger sister, he felt that Primula should share a part of his suffering.

'Alas, kids these days are too spoiled.'

Varian sighed until a mix of familiar aromas reached his senses.

When he checked the dining table, there were a dozen or so familiar dishes from his childhood.

All of them his favorite. They smelled and looked exactly the same.

"Please eat well~ Master~" Hazel bowed with a smile.

Varian nodded lightly but his hand already reached for the soup.

Was it hunger? Was it nostalgia? Was it the taste?

He didn't know, but he couldn't stop eating.

If there's really a heaven, then the food served here must be like this.

"Look at him! Stuffing himself like a pig while you're malnourished! Daughter, why did you marry this heartless man?" On his opposite, Evander said in a tragic voice while pointing at Varian with a disgusted expression.

"Nom! Nom! Nom!"

Without even bothering with Evadner's words, Varian kept stuffing himself.

"See, he doesn't even care! You've gotten so thin!" The old father served his daughter her favorite dishes with a worried gaze.

"Dad, it's fine. I don't need to eat anything. And I haven't gotten thinner or fatter. This is how I've always looked." Sarah sighed with a helpless expression.

"Nom, nom, nom."

It's hard to imagine the man who gave such a solemn promise was the same person who's behaving like a glutton.

Aurora's lips twitched.

'I better not have any hopes.'

"Enigma, why aren't you eating anything?" Varian wiped his mouth and asked in confusion.

"Well, I...don't know. Food still feels weird to me. I never had to eat, nutrition pills were enough. As a divine ranker, I..."

Varian's expression softened and he gestured her toward him.

Space fluctuated and she appeared on his lap.

"Ah?!" Enigma opened her mouth in surprise for the intimate posture in front of everyone.

"That's right." Varian fed her a sweet and sour soup. "Is it tasty?"

Enigma looked at him in a trance before nodding slowly. "Hmmm."

"Then say Aaa!"

Enigma felt embarassed the sudden stares she was attracting and her face turned red.

She tried to move away but Varian placed his hand on her waist and pulled her closer.

"Say aaa~"

Biting her lip, Enigma opened her mouth. "Aaa~"

Next was a piece of tenderly cooked meat.


"I like it."

"Then let's try this next, say aaa~"


For the next ten minutes, Enigma opened her mouth like a child and was fed with utmost care.

Only then did she understand what it really felt like to be fed. And Varian still ate even though he no longer needed to.

Food stopped being about sustenance for him a long time ago.

But it remained important. It was a sweet reminder of the days that could no longer be lived. It was a form of affection showered on him by the person who made it.

"And this is our famous desert. Take one bite and then slowly savor its taste. Oops, some cream spilled out."

When she finished her last dish, Varian carefully rubbed her mouth with a napkin and patted her on the head.

"Good girl."

Enigma shook.

Was it because this was the same thing she dreamed of for many years when she saw him and Sia eating together?

No, this was even better than that!

This wasn't the affection meant for Sia that she's experiencing. This affection was solely meant for her.

He's showering her with love and care that she didn't even dare to dream of.

Enigma didn't know why but she had a strong urge to hug him at that moment. But she couldn't get the courage to do it. Not in front of everyone. Not in her emotional state.

So she was pleasantly surprised when Varian pulled her into a warm embrace. Rubbing her back gently, as if trying to soothe the bubbling emotions in her heart, he whispered.

"You should feed me next time, okay?"

Enigma nodded, rubbing her face against his chest and taking in his warmth.

A few seconds later, Varian realized there was a still silence in the air.

Looking around, he realized that everyone was looking at him with a burning look.