
Chu Ming was also very curious about this celebration. Thus, he followed Ah Shan and walked up. As they walked, he asked, "What's the name of this celebration?"

"I don't know." Ashan answered very quickly, adding, "I've also asked the village chief about this, but the village chief has said that he doesn't know. He only said that this is a traditional day of celebration left behind by the ancestors, and that the name doesn't matter, as long as everyone is happy."

Chu Ming was confused. If there were names like this every year, how could he forget about the name?

Ashan continued, "People don't pay much attention to this. Since I was young, everyone has been attending the annual celebration. Nobody cares about the name. Perhaps it's just a habit. As time goes by, people will be attending as well, but I don't know why."

"For fun." Chu Ming said.

Ah Shan nodded his head and said, "You're right."

At this time, the village chief slowly walked up from the back and walked beside the bonfire. Those people naturally opened a path for the village chief, who was leaning on a walking stick as he bent over to the bonfire and stroked his beard, saying, "Then, let the celebration begin. Everyone take out your food and have a good day!"

When everyone heard this, a commotion broke out. The women had already placed a large circle around the prepared food. Some of the more playful children had already started to eat, as if they were afraid that if they were too late, they wouldn't be able to eat.

As for the most popular place, it was a corner about four zhang away from the bonfire. The children were probably all gathered there, fighting over food. Many older youths accompanied the opposite sex to drink wine, chat and laugh, and even laugh loudly from time to time.

Ashan was also impulsive, he said to Chu Ming, "Do you see there? That is a delicious roasted chicken and green cake cooked by A'Hai's wife, year after year, they were the first to be eaten. Let's go up and have a taste, there will be no more if we are late."

Ashan was like a child, pushing his way through the children and snatching two rectangular green cakes, then proudly coming out, handing one to Chu Ming, "Taste it, I'll let you have it!"

Chu Ming took the green cake and looked at it again and again before tasting it. As expected, the taste was very good, so he quickly ate the cake, and after pondering for a while, he smiled and said, "It really wasn't covered."

Ashan smiled and said, "Of course. Speaking of this green cake, A Hai's wife is amazing. And there's also that roasted chicken. Oh, wait, I'll give it to you."

Ashan dashed back into the crowd.

Seeing this, Chu Ming could not help but smile. How could such a burly man be like a child? Thinking about it, Chu Ming felt sad. If He Lu had been able to live like this all those years ago and had eaten this kind of green cake, then he would not have to learn any martial arts. He would not have to purposefully wander around the world, and there would not be any hatred hidden deep in his heart, and he would not have to fight for the Four Arts.

Ashan came out again, two chicken legs and two green cakes in his hand.

He excitedly went in front of Chu Ming and gave him the chicken leg and green cake, saying, "Try some chicken leg and give me another piece of green cake. But this is the last time. It's been robbed."

Ashan said, still chewing on the chicken leg. Oil dripped on him, but he didn't seem to notice.

Chu Ming took the chicken leg and the green cake, thought for a while and said, "Thank you so much. You're my first friend here, and you immediately invited me to eat so many delicious things. I'm sorry."

"Why do you say that?" Ashan smiled and said, "We are here very casually. If you want to make some friends, just go up and say a few words. I will cover for you and them, and soon we will become one."

Chu Ming smiled.

"Why aren't you eating? It's really delicious!" Ashan was surprised to see that Chu Ming did not eat the food in his hands.

Chu Ming said, "I'll keep them for when I go back to eat."

"Then I'll help you wrap it up." Ashan took a piece of cloth from the table beside him, wrapped up the chicken leg and the green cake in Chu Ming's hand, and passed them over.

Chu Ming was extremely touched as he said, "Thank you."

Ah Shan waved his hand and said: "Don't be so polite. As brothers, don't say thank you. We are already used to it."

Chu Ming smiled and said, "That's true."

"Look, look, look at those men, they all have lovers." Ashan said unwillingly, "How could there be one? How great would that be?"

Chu Ming laughed, "Why didn't you go find one?"

"If anyone takes a fancy to me, I'll take all of your ugliness!" Ah Shan said, "But if even ugly monsters don't want me, what do you think I should do?"

Chu Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Just as he was about to speak, six or seven good-looking women ran over. Chu Ming saw this and quickly said, "Someone came to look for you. Quite a few of them."

Seeing this, Ah Shan was elated. "Am I going to be separated from being single today?"

Ashan took a step forward and waved his hand at them. Unexpectedly, the group of women quickly passed by Ashan and ran towards Chu Ming. One by one, they handed him a cup of wine, lowered their heads, and said in unison, "Let him drink with you."

Seeing Chu Ming looking at him with a pleading gaze, he quickly walked up to Chu Ming and said, "This is our custom. If you are interested in any of them, then you can drink from them and we can be together in the future."

Chu Ming was greatly shocked and quickly waved his hand, "I have no choice."

When the girls heard this, they all raised their heads and shyly said, "We'll treat you to a drink."

Ashan looked at Chu Ming with envy, "You're so lucky, I've been here for 20 years and I haven't had a chance to drink this much."

Chu Ming pulled Ah Shan over and whispered, "What do we do? Can't I drink?"

"That's too rude." Ah Shan said, "It's better if you drink a cup. In the future, we can end this once and for all."

"You can do this?" Chu Ming quickly thought about it and said, "I already have a wife."

Only then did Ashan react and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, if you didn't say it, I would have forgotten."

Ah Shan then spoke to the ladies, "This brother already has a wife, you should all give up on her."

When the girls heard this, they raised their heads and looked at Chu Ming.

Chu Ming quickly nodded and smiled bitterly, "I already have a wife. I hope the ladies can look for someone else. Look at Ah Shan, he doesn't look like he …"

Chu Ming hadn't finished speaking when the women's tears fell uncontrollably. After staring blankly for a while, they turned around and ran off.

Chu Ming was stunned and just stood there.

Ashan was even more shocked and heartbroken as he said, "I don't have such good fortune. When a girl gives me wine to drink, I can die for her."

When Chu Ming heard this, he patted Ah Shan on the shoulder and said, "It's not that we're not here, it's just that the time isn't right yet."

Ashan wanted to cry, but no tears came.

At this moment, three tall and strong young men walked over. When they saw Chu Ming, they were filled with hostility. Chu Ming looked at them and didn't understand what was going on.

Ashan said softly, "Actually, among those women just now, three of them were men. These three are the men of those three. I am afraid they are a little angry right now. You must be careful."

Chu Ming frowned. Was it just because of this that the stench on his body was so repulsive?

"Ah Shan, get out of the way!" the leader said.

Ah Shan hurriedly said, "Brother Ali, don't be like this. He's our guest."

"So what if it's a guest? Who told him to seduce my woman? There's also Ah Tian and Ah Dan." The man called Ali said fiercely.

Chu Ming quickly said to Ah Shan, "Is this what you meant by 'friendly'?"

Ashan explained: "This is different. In the village, if one's own woman toasts to other men, it would be a humiliation to them! This Ali is the bravest man in our village, you'd better be careful. "

When Chu Ming heard this, he clasped his hands together and said to Ali, "Brother, it's all a misunderstanding. I didn't do anything, so I'm not too sure."

When Ali heard this, he let out a "pah" and said, "I don't care about that much. You've made me lose face. Today, let me teach you a lesson."

After saying that, Ali looked at Ah Dan and Ah Tian who were behind him. The two of them understood and walked towards Chu Ming.

Upon seeing this, Ah Shan hastened to stop him. "It's really a misunderstanding! Brother Ali, don't be rash. Today is the celebration!"

"I care so much about you. If you don't move away, I will beat you up too!" Ali said angrily.

Initially, he did not want to cause trouble, but the other party had pushed him too far, and his character had also gotten up. Thus, Chu Ming picked up a branch from the ground, walked forward, and put Ah Shan behind him, "I do not want to cause trouble, please do not force me."

"Pfft!" Ali said, "Attack!"

As he said that, Ah Dan and Ah Tian rushed forward. When Chu Ming saw this, he threw a branch and appeared behind the two of them at an extremely fast speed. He pulled at their legs and the two of them knelt down.

Seeing this, Ali was furious. He rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward. Chu Ming quickly turned around, grabbed Ali's right hand, and pulled him backwards. With a sweep of his leg, Ali fell down.