~: Testimonials (Look at everyone)

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It's been on the shelves. Before this book was originally published, Flower Cat was quite confident.

Flower Cat thinks that no matter the outline or the style of writing, I abandon the problem that is easy to criticize in the general celebrity entertainment articles.

Be a different path! I used to think unilaterally that the cat had written a new idea that would make people shine.

However, it was only known to the cat that it was written, and it was an unreasonable existence in another way.

Net text novels, the reason why your work belongs to a certain type of writing style, belongs to a certain type of work. The principle is that your novel has certain characteristics. For example, if you write a celebrity work, then your work is subject to the limitations of celebrity work.

For example, publishing a new book, all kinds of disbelief, all kinds of depreciation, turned into, all kinds of surprises, all kinds of unsatisfactory sales, and all kinds of unexpected prices.

Followed by the release of a song, but also, all kinds of disbelief, all kinds of depreciation, turned into, all kinds of amazing, all kinds of anti-sky sales, selling sky-high prices, all kinds of unexpected.

Followed by a movie ... and so on.

Although the same thing! But only in this way, you are "star text." At least it is the qualitative standard of "star text" in the minds of readers. If you don't write the brightest moments on the stage, are you still a star character?

It's like if you write a scientific and technological article, you don't start a company to make money, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life. Are you still a scientific and technological article. A protagonist only wants to hand over the obtained black technology to the author of the country. In the eyes of the reader, you are not writing science and technology at all. Let's not watch! Because you are not a science and technology article.

Similarly, a historical novel destined for the Qing Dynasty was carried on its own. Qing wears no rebellion, and the heavy burden of chrysanthemum sets of electric drills. You don't rebel, let's not watch! We are going to look at a certain category, and we think the correct category is going.

It can be seen that if your work is out of the reader's inherent thinking, then you are heterogeneous. to be honest! You sell dog meat by hanging sheep's head.

In fact, Hua Cat's initial idea was to pursue the glory from the traditional star text, and only the most shining moment on the stage. Try to make a change. From the stage, to the stage, to write a person's life, there are happiness, pain, sourness, bitterness, joy, anger and sorrow.

Therefore, at the beginning of the creation, the idea of ​​Huamao's creation was to jump out of the original star text and live a star, let the word "star" go down from the altar, and tell a story, not a lot of book titles and songs The name, the movie name, the legend of the poetry and song naming.

But after trying! The cat found that "thinking" and "doing" are two different things. Your painstaking arrangement and conception is an unreasonable alternative under the premise of only pursuing various "cool".

The main point! You are no longer a star text. To be more precise, you are no longer a "star text" template in the minds of readers.

From now on, Cats understand that change is not something that you "think" can succeed.

But it's too late to say anything now.

More than 300,000 words!

The style and tone of the novel have already been determined, and I have no plans to change it. Only time can prove everything now. Good luck, I will succeed, bad luck ... I still have a few more sticks of incense in my usual time.


In terms of subscriptions, please support me more .... If there is no "subscription", it proves that what you write is junk. Readers don't like to pay for novels. That's not junk.

Hua Cat said that this is not forcing everyone to subscribe, but Hua Cat feels that "subscription" is an objective standard line to prove the quality of a book. No subscription, it has objectively stated that you are not a good author, and the work you write is not a good work.

This is your question has nothing to do with the reader.

Flower cats now only believe in one point of view. If they don't write well, their problems have nothing to do with others.

Hua Cat's book, not afraid of everyone's jokes, is already the sixth book at the starting point, and changed the pen name in the middle.

When Hua Mao wrote the first book, like many newcomer authors, it can be said that he was complaining about the situation, complaining about the shady signing, complaining that the reader did not know the goods, and complaining that some people brushed the data. But after I wrote down a copy of it, I regretted it. In fact, the person who should complain most is myself.

From that moment, the cat began to learn to blame itself. If you do n’t read it, your problem has nothing to do with others. From that moment on, Cats tried to change every time, and the performance of each book was also rising. Although it is not perfect yet, it is always better than one.

Flower Cat is very happy. I have improved. The data has proved everything. Although it is not perfect, I have laid a solid foundation for future glory.


As for the shelves, let's change three times a day, one chapter each in the morning, midnight and evening.

It broke out at the beginning of the month, and the reading in the middle of the month was not smooth, and then it broke out again.

There will be an outbreak on the shelves, six more, I hope everyone "monthly pass" and "subscription" support, if the data is strong, I will be more more. Because the data is the motivation, I can prove that I am writing in the right direction.

The first order is very important. I hope that everyone will support the first order. It will be officially launched at noon. If the subscription rate is higher, the later recommendation of the cat will be more.

Thanks to the editor Fan Fan, Hua Cat's writing is average, and the data is not powerful, but I still recommend Fan Fan. The urban category is a large category. There are a lot of recommended books. With a little recommendation, the cat is satisfied. The data is not powerful. It is because the cat's own problem has nothing to do with others.

Thanks to the siblings who support the "God-level Star System", you support Huamao to come down, thank you.

Added time, 2016.9.16, 12:00, word count, 313206, collection: 2359.