Chapter 269: Poem Contest Selection, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Looking at the book "Journey to the West", it is likely to be comparable to the status of the four classics. And the writing of this book is not what you think, you can write it. The appearance of such a book on Vertex's own platform is no less than triggering an earthquake within the platform.

Apex Chinese Website was created to this day, although it is already the leader of domestic online literature. But there has been no place in the orthodox literature market. The culmination of the literary platform that perpetuates itself all year round, and the things that can be obtained are nothing more than some web novels. Often despised by orthodox literary circles is also the norm. Although the company has made a lot of money over the years, its position in the literary circle has never been up. This also makes the Chinese network's seniors embarrassed when they participate in cultural exchange activities. They have no right to speak, and they always give the impression that they are upstarts.

The emergence of "Journey to the West" turned the situation around in one fell swoop ... It is impossible to imagine a novel comparable to the four famous books on its platform. Perhaps for a web-based platform, profit is very important, but when the scale of the platform develops to a certain scale, then things other than profit must be taken seriously. This represents the overall status of the platform in the literary system. rise.

Top executives believe that the so-called corporate platform to promote the cultural market forward is just a slogan, there is no specific evidence. But now it's different. Journey to the West is the best evidence. Such a wonderful novel was created by the author of his company. Can't this fully prove his company's contribution to the cultural market.

The top executives of Zenith decided after a closed-door meeting ... As long as Zhang Yu agreed to keep the "Journey to the West" on the Zenith Chinese website for update and release, the website would provide Zhang Yu with a million annual salary and Zhang Yu ’s The account is upgraded to a diamond-level writer (the highest percentage is drawn), and no restrictive clauses are added to "Journey to the West", as long as this book can be identified later, it is a key cultural project created by Vertex Chinese Website.

Zhang Yu's big-hearted sincerity naturally made Zhang Yu very satisfied. Maybe in terms of conditions, the apex price is not the highest. But in Zhang Yu's opinion, what is needed is as long as there is sincerity, after all, the cooperation between himself and Apex has been quite good.


During this period, Zhang Yu also received a membership card from the Chinese Musicians Association, and has since officially become a member of the National Music Association. At the same time, the Provincial Music Association also issued an invitation to join Zhang Yu through the Zhonghai Music Association. Of course, Zhang Yu is so happy. The more honor there is, the better, naturally. Anyway, Zhang Yu feels that he is the "ben", so he doesn't overwhelm himself.


The National Youth Poetry Competition is also in full swing ... The organizing committee of the competition is jointly organized by the National Competition Association "Competition Committee" and Dongxing Provincial Association, and the review process will begin immediately after the submission deadline.

This competition received hundreds of thousands of submissions from all over the country ... The organizing committee must first select the entries for the first round and select some of the better ones. Follow up with a second round of re-elections! The selection was relatively serious this time, and each reviewer should consider it verbatim and verdict whether there is any plagiarism. Finally, we can enter the third round.

The selection is that the junior reviewer takes out the works that he thinks are better and gives them to the ten team leaders in his group. After the team leader re-examines, they are handed over to the competition jury, and everyone meets to discuss. In the end, the shortcomings are removed, and one hundred of them are selected to enter the preliminary competition.

The National Writers Association and the Dongxing Provincial Writers Association made hundreds of junior reviewers during this period. Each person randomly distributes thousands of submissions for screening. After a few days of primaries and re-elections, these nearly a hundred junior reviewers took their selected works, printed them out, and handed them to the team leader of their group.

Ten team leaders, after re-examination, then selected a good one, got the competition judging group, held a meeting to discuss ... The judging group consisted of ten team leaders, chief editors of related magazines of the National Writing Association, and leaders of the provincial writing association.

Chang Yi is the chairman of Dongxing Provincial Writers Association, a member of the National Writers Association, and a cadre at the main office level. He is the leader of the organizing committee and the jury of this competition.

Chang Yi said: "It's hard for everyone this time! Let's report, how many works did each group choose?"

Each group leader reported the total number of manuscripts in their hands ... the most were more than 160 and the least was more than 80. More than 1,300 in total!

Chang Yi finally nodded and said: "Very good, there are more than a thousand works in the third round. It seems that the task of our review team is not easy! Do you say it!" Between words, he Looked at the deputy heads of several review teams around.

Judging team, deputy team leader, member of the National Writers Association, editor-in-chief of New Guofeng Poetry Magazine, Wu Changhao said: "We don't run the competition once or twice. We have to say that it is not easy once."

The review team, deputy team leader, member of the National Writers Association, editor-in-chief of Chinese Literature Magazine, Luo Jinsheng said: "No! Fighting on the front line all year round, this is numb!"

Judging group, deputy team leader, member of the National Writers Association, editor-in-chief of Writers Literature Magazine, Yu Rong said: "Poetry contest, how can it be better than the novel contest. At least short and fast! If this is a novel contest, more than a thousand manuscripts, what do we want to evaluate Only then will it be done. "

Hehehehe! The jury heard a smile.

Chang Yi said: "Let's get started! Let's start with the first group leader!"

Leader Nod nodded, came to the projection position, pulled out a manuscript, put it in front of the camera, and the text was projected onto the huge curtain. The handwriting on the paper was clearly visible. Everyone looked up and decided whether to be selected.

With over one thousand submissions, only one hundred were eligible for the preliminary round. Most of them have to be eliminated. Naturally, fewer are left and more are eliminated. Everyone in the room kept discussing and commenting on the poems and poems, and finally decided whether to stay or not.

The first group was finished. The group leader divided the selected manuscripts into two, the manuscripts that were out of line, and the eliminated manuscripts. After finishing the order, they left the projector. Followed by the second group, the third group, basically one group down, one group up, step by step.

On the first day, the three groups were completed all day, and the review team was tired enough. Some of the poorly written works were okay. Let's take a look at them and give them "but". It's okay to write well, it's nothing more than a "pass" word, and the problem is not big. But some of the more controversial will be a bit more troublesome, the debate will not be said for a long time, but also vote.

On the second day, the selection process continued ... (To be continued.)