Chapter 368: Moscow National Sports Complex, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Wu Jun thanked Zakharov very much for his selfless help, and also recognized this enthusiastic Russian friend.

After the choir had finished the break, they gathered and practiced again. This time, Wu Jun asked the choir to come over in full, and at the same time to record a demo on the mobile phone, for the dance team to rehearse.

Wu Jun was busy for a little more day ... Zhang Yu had nothing to do in the later period, and he could give it to Wu Jun completely. He would accompany Simonov to chat with him.

With Wu Jun announcing the official end of the rehearsal, the choir group also completed the last overall rehearsal work. There is no need to rehearse until now. The rest of the choir's job is done in the hotel itself.

In the next few days ... Wu Jun met with the team responsible for performing the dance, and discussed the details, and everything was done step by step.

A little bit of time passed ... Soon it was the day of the show.

The No. 1 domestic leader also flew to Moscow ... and many senior officials accompanied him. Because the second day was the celebration of the victory of the Russian anti-fascist war, the invited leaders from all countries in the world gathered in Moscow to participate in this huge event.

As for international concerts, there will be a formal performance in the evening ... The choir has stopped practicing, adjusted clothing, adjusted mood, and started preparing for the evening performance.

The hotel where the choir stayed also welcomed a big man in the afternoon. He is a head of the army. He accompanied the same leader to Moscow. The No. 1 leader will be busy meeting with the presidents of various countries at this meeting, and he will meet the choir on behalf of the No. 1 leader, to cheer their performance tonight.

As a representative of the army, Xu Qian naturally accompanied the introduction throughout the course, and of course, solemnly introduced Zhang Yu.

Of course, the head of the army was surprised by Zhang Yu's age! It is important to know that such a large-scale national event, such as Zhang Yu, can actually be responsible for the main work, which shows that it is really unrecognizable.

The head of the army seemed very kind and talked with a smile ... Expressing the joy and comfort in the country that there can be such a young musician as Zhang Yu.

From Zhang Yu's point of view, this is the first time he has seen such a leader from the past to the present. I only saw it on TV before, but now I can see alive.

Zhang Yu was very pleased to see the other person being very kind to him. Now that you have met the Chief Minister, it is inevitable to take a picture together. Zhang Yu thought it was a simple request, but was shocked by Xu Qian's cold sweat. As an old churros who can often see the chief, taking photos is a big deal, but it's not that simple. Fortunately, today, the head seems to be in a good mood. Without accompanying the staff to refute Zhang Yu's request, the two took a group photo together.

After the group leader and Zhang Yu took a photo, they cheered up the relevant performers and left.

Xu Qian saw that the head had finally gone, and then he was full of cold sweat, and complained about Zhang Yu's reckless behavior. In fact, Zhang Yu did n’t even say no to the big deal that the movie director had a big deal with him. Did n’t it make you look so scared that your face was white? who cares! Anyway, for Zhang Yu, this kind of opportunity is something that can't be met. If the director's photo is shown in the circle of friends, it will surely shock all his friends.

what! Think of Zhang Yu, it's not exciting. Of course, now that he doesn't want to show, how can he download a beautiful picture show after finishing the show at night, and fix it up again.

In the afternoon, the choir simply ate something in advance, but they did n’t eat too much, did n’t affect the state, and they were not hungry. After a break, Wang Mingqi arranged for everyone to take a bus to the destination of the performance.

The Moscow State Comprehensive Gymnasium was built in the former Soviet Union ... The gymnasium is located along the scenic Moscow River and is one of the city's classic buildings. This is the official venue for all large-scale celebrations and performances in Russia, so it is not surprising that the performances are arranged here.

The 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War is the main theme of this concert. Many national leaders with good relations have been invited to participate in this large-scale event. Of course, artists from related countries have also been invited. Russian officials also strive to make this evening a wonderful world-class performance.

China Central Television will also broadcast live this time. And Russia and the top leaders of related countries have to come and watch the show live. So this event can be said to be unprecedented.

Zhang Yu and his party entered the gymnasium through the passage on one side, but instead, they immediately felt a shock ... a super huge gorgeous stage, a huge venue that can accommodate a large audience, all showed the unprecedented scale of this performance .

Zhang Yu has never participated in such a large-scale performance. The scale of the venue that he originally participated in in Zhonghai City Sports Management can't be compared with here. It also made him very excited! From now on, the music I bring is officially on the world-class stage. If you think so, this will be a new milestone for yourself, and it is indeed memorable.

The huge LED screen on the stage flashed the debugging picture. Someone in the huge array sound system used Russian to perform the final effect debugging.

There is still some time before the official start of the show. In order to avoid any unexpected lateness, Wang Mingqi's schedule is still very early. The backstage actor lounge is not counted now, but there are many.

There was a large group of Yu and his group. Hula went into the actor's lounge and immediately caught the attention of many people. Such a large-scale performance team can't be seen unless you are blind. Of course, everyone is starting to talk to each other, and the topic is of course directed here.

"A lot of people! I don't know which country it is?"

"Even if there is no IQ! Do you still have no eyes. This is the Chinese, OK!"

"That's not necessarily true! Maybe it's Japanese."

"I don't want to say that you're stupid! You are still drooling. Can the Japanese come to celebrate the victory of the anti-fascist war? The Japanese themselves are part of the fascist, OK? Isn't it a slap in the face?"

"Oh! I forgot it. But there are so many Chinese! It seems that there are more choirs in this country than there are meritorious choirs in our country."

"What's weird about this! How good the Chinese are originally! These are just a few people. I think this might be the smallest choir in China. If the largest choir comes, I'm afraid it will be bigger than the audience in the audience. All more. "

"Hehehehehe!" (To be continued.)