Chapter 379: Warriors march, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

The Russian Central Orchestra played the notes with Wu Jun's conductor ... All the members of the General Political Choir sang in unison: "Forward forward ...

"Our Team Towards the Sun"

"Stepping on the land of the motherland"

"Bearing the hope of the nation"

"We are an invincible force"

"We are the children of the people"

"We are the armed forces of the nation"

"Never be afraid! Never give in! Fight heroically!"

"Vow to destroy that aggressor"

"The banner of New China is flying high"

"Listen! The wind is ringing in the howling bugle"

"Listen! How loud we sing"

"Comrades march to our battlefield neatly"

"Comrades march neatly to the frontiers of the motherland"

"Forward our team to the sun"

"Toward the final victory"

"Liberation towards the nation"

The General Political Choir is also a professional choir with a size of 200 people. Each of them is a professional-level singer, so it is natural to say nothing about singing skills.

The choir's voice was uniform and deafening ... it almost shocked the audience in Russia.

In the beginning, these Russian audiences were actually kind and applause. In their hearts, the General Political Choir was not served as a dish at all.

A foreign choir is singing foreign languages. What can I look forward to!

But when the song started to sing, the atmosphere immediately changed.

This huge Russian screen flashed the Russian lyrics, combined with a wonderful harmony, which made many Russian viewers feel that this military song from China is not inferior to Russia's best military song.


VIP area ...

The big leader of our country suddenly said to the people around him: "What song is this song? Why haven't I heard it?"

People around whispered: "This song is called Victory March! It is a military song of the Eastern Military Region. It is a new song created last year! It is not popular yet."

The big leader nodded and said, "This song is very good! It sounds good, and you can promote it vigorously."

Humane around: "I see!"


Gamenev in the actor's rest hall, looked at the screen intently, with a serious expression ... Normal people listen to songs, but they are actually listening to the ears. And he wants to listen from the perspective of a professional, which can be said to be a comprehensive tasting.

The head of the Central Orchestra, Simonov, came to Kamenev and said, "What about Alexander! How do you feel about the Chinese singing?"

"Singing very well!" Gamenev nodded. "Don't talk about the excellent work! The Chinese are very strict in the harmony. There are only five changes in the harmony of the low voice. It's wonderful!"

Simono laughed: "I rarely hear you so sure of others!"

Kamenev said: "Of course there is a good place to be sure! But if it is not good, there is no need to overstate it. This is a good song anyway! This composer is very powerful."

Simonov said: "It's more than great! You listen to the next song in a while. You know this composer is a genius!"

Oh! Gamenev showed a look of surprise ... but seeing that Simonov did not intend to continue, he did not continue to question. But he became very excited about the next song!


Wu Jun is now directing the choir to the final stage of the song! With the powerful accompaniment, the chorus sang in unison: "Comrades ran to our battlefield neatly!"

"Comrades rushed to the frontiers of the motherland neatly!"

"Go forward our team to the sun!"

"Toward the final victory!"

"To! People! Clan! Yes! Solution! Let's ..."

The choir voice came to an abrupt end!

The audience burst into loud shouts ...

Russians used to rarely listen to Chinese songs, especially military songs from China, and they were pitifully rare ... This time it was their first exposure to Chinese music, which sounded like a bloodshot.

"This song is awesome! I didn't expect the Chinese military songs to sound so good."

"Now it seems that the Chinese are not only rich, they are also catching up with the cultural aspect. Such a nice song has not been written in Russia for a long time."

"I hope the next song can be so nice too!"

"Yeah! I look forward to it."


As the audience talked and looked forward, the second song began.

Warriors March (Soviet March)

As soon as the introductory part of the Warriors march was launched, the audience was immediately shaken.

Who would have thought that the prelude of the song would shock the soul of a person. The majestic momentum that blows towards the face makes people feel like they have seen the years of war. What's more, the Russian audience on the scene felt that this song was actually a work with a Russian musical style.

Could it be that this is also a Russian song? But no one seems to have heard this song!

Driven by the band's powerful prelude, the choir sang loudly.

"Come out brother"

"We are ready to go"

"Pick up that steel gun"

"Hug Mom Again"

"The motherland needs me"

"Let's go soon"

"Side by side"

"Brave forward"


"Singing Army Songs"

"I walk"

"The path from home"

"Crossing the hills again"

"Protect the truth"

"I clenched the steel gun"

"Forward forward"

"Brave forward"




"Don't sleep brother"

"The enemy rushed up"

"Goodbye girl"

"Goodbye in a dream"

"Death and Gun Smoke"

"We are not afraid"

"Forward forward"

"Brave forward"


"Get up brother"

"Stuck again"

"Wipe the blood"

"I won't fall"

"Tell me mom"

"Son is not afraid"

"Forward forward"

"Brave forward"






"Don't sleep brother"

"They're up again"

"Goodbye girl"

"Goodbye in a dream"

"Protect the truth"

"We are not afraid"

"Forward forward"

"Brave forward"


"Get up brother"

"Get up again"

"Wipe the blood"

"I won't fall"

"Goodbye mother"

"Son is not afraid"

"Forward forward"

"Brave forward"




The Warriors march stunned almost all the audience ... not only the style of this song, but also the bold use of Russian music style. In the interval of the song, the accompanying lyrics continued to have two batches of soldiers in the military uniforms of the two camps fighting together during the anti-fascist war.

When the song came to an end, with the slogan at the end of the song ... the Soviet soldiers representing justice, finally defeated the invaders, they set up a human wall and waved the red flag.

This picture made all Russians burst into tears ...

[The lyrics are my own original! It may not be written well. Everyone waits! ] (To be continued.)