Chapter 424: Dream wedding, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Brandt on the field also devoted all his emotions, and forgot about the music ... Compared to other piano music, this piece he played was created by himself, naturally in many delicate places It is the person who knows the world best about it.

Brandt shook his body with the beat of the music ... As the last note disappeared, he was relieved, and at the same time very satisfied with his perfect performance, if there was no such pressure, I was afraid that he could not complete This level of performance can also be regarded as breaking through the level of performance for a long time.

Brandt stood up, turned and smiled at Zhang Yu beside him, and said, "Zhang Yu! This tune just now is the piano song" Morning Path "written by myself. Maybe you have some strengths in terms of skills. But The piano is not a musical instrument that only pursues skills. It can express a lot of emotions. Only those who really understand the piano and can express their inner emotions with the piano can do this. How about it? Want to try it? My song? See if you have any new ideas that can be incorporated into it? "After that, I took it aside and made a" Please! "Action at the same time.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu smiled, didn't say anything, and sat down on the chair again ... Brandt piqued his lips and said secretly: No matter which song you play! From now on you have been stepped on my feet, boy I am a master master, you are still far behind.


After Zhang Yu sat down, her fingers moved, and the beautiful piano sound was transmitted through the keys, shaking in the entire music hall. The piano song "Wedding in a Dream" from the earth met the audience for the first time.


Brandt had a relaxed smile on his face, but his frown frowned when he heard the tune ... Because it was very unexpected, Zhang Yu neither played his own "Early Morning Trail" nor played himself Piano works by any master. Instead, I played a piano song I had never heard before. Is there any piano in the world that I don't know?


Wu Jun heard this, with a strange expression on his face, and said, "This tune ... I don't seem to hear it! Lao Wang, how about you? Haven't heard it!"

"Haven't heard it!" Wang Mingqi shook his head.

Wu Jun frowned and said, "You haven't heard of it! It's weird? Didn't you say you've played all piano songs in the world?"

"Do n’t talk nonsense! When did I say this? Let others hear, don't you want to scold me for being shameless!" Wang Mingqi said: "I originally said that I played most of the songs! All in the world The tunes are added together, including well-known or unknown. Do you know how many tunes there are, you are my god! "

Wu Jun heard the words, "Hehehe!" He smiled and said, "In fact, I'm just weird! With my experience and your professionalism, we haven't heard this piece together. You don't think this is possible Is it low? "

Wang Mingqi said: "This is also a big deal! If it is an original song, it is normal if you haven't heard it!"

Wu Jun heard the words, surprised, and said, "Lao Wang! You mean ... this piece is original by Zhang Yu? No! How can I hear him mention it?"

Wang Mingqi said: "I haven't heard him mentioning that he would play the violin! What about now? He is better than anyone else! For Zhang Yu, one cannot use common sense to infer it. Because he is not A normal person! "

Hehehehe! Wu Jun heard this and shook his head and smiled ...


Zhang Yu was sitting in front of the piano at this time, feeling that he was the only one left on the whole stage ... He felt like he was in a dreamy forest, the sound of the piano wafted in the forest, and the leaves of the forest rustled by the soft wind The sun shines through the flashing leaves on the dreamlike earth. All sorts of small flowers, staring everywhere, swaying in the breeze, a mysterious figure stood there, seeming to laugh, dreamlike.

Zhang Yu felt that his fingers were drawing the dreamlike scene through the way of music. At this moment, the piano is like a close friend who has the closest relationship with himself, and is constantly narrating, gradually transmitting all these originally unreal scenes to every audience in the hall, so that they also feel like dreams. world.

Gradually everyone in the hall was moved by the beautiful piano song of "Wedding in a Dream" ... to the audience in the hall, although this song is just an unknown song, it is not clear exactly from Where is it? But the unknown beauty does not use language to express and modify it at all. As long as you understand the music and relax yourself, you will naturally feel a picture that is real and imaginary, which makes people unable to extricate themselves.


Huang Yao's expression was drunk, and he said, "It's so beautiful! How could there be such a beautiful piano song in the world. Zhang Yu is so good! Where did he find it? It's so beautiful, I want to cry Now. "

Yu Chuwen said happily: "My idol is great! Not only is the technical level terrific, but also the music taste is so great. I believe that this unknown song has been played once by him. This composer will definitely be a hit in the future! "

Ding Lingling nodded and said, "I felt the piano sound so beautiful for the first time! It sounded as if telling a story ... I hope it is not a tragedy! That would be too sad."


Lange nodded as he listened ... Finally he turned his head and said to Rose, "Sebastian! Have you ever heard this tune?"

Rose heard the words and shook his head: "I haven't heard it! But it's so good, I don't know where Zhang Yu got such a song. Could it be a Chinese composer?"

Lange listened for a while and exclaimed: "No matter who wrote this tune! I can only say that this tune is great! To say this g minor, there is no characteristic in terms of tonality. But the tune is in the rhythm of the notes It has changed a lot, including four or three, four or four, eighty six, eighty seven, **, eighty two, all of which are actually included. This kind of creative technique and imagination are quite rare in the past in piano composition. . "

Rose also nodded and said, "This kind of long-span creative technique! You need to pay attention to coherence. Although the notes do not sound complicated, they have a high degree of harmony. You can see that the author is unique in the arrangement of harmony. And you feel No, when I deal with the details, the author chose a gradual breakthrough method, and the octave place is just right. Although the melody part sounds simple, many details are astonishing, and once you hear it, you are definitely a master. Composer. "

Lange heard "Hmm!" And nodded ...