Chapter 452: Perfect plan, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Guo Zixian suddenly remembered something at this time, and said, "Yes, squad leader! Then listen to what you mean, this competition, let's report the competition for the painting team to that guy!"

Feng Shaohua groaned for a moment ... and then sneered, saying: "Since things have been so decided! Then the calligraphy competition will be reported to him! Although no one in our school participated in the calligraphy competition, there are still places available. Since we want to shame him, we should be shame to the extreme. "

"Hehehehe! You are really bad enough, squad leader." Guo Zixian sneered with a grin.

Feng Shaohua snorted coldly: "It's no wonder! No wonder, he blame him for not being able to control his position, but you should be careful. Before the game, don't show your feet."

"I see!" Guo Zixian nodded, and suddenly remembered something, and said, "Yes, the monitor! What about his registration fee? Don't worry about him!"

Feng Shaohua almost didn't twist his nose when he heard this, and said, "You're stupid! You don't have to fill out everything for the registration fee. Do I have to sign up before you sign up! You pad first, how much time, find Let me end. "

"Then I know!" Guo Zixian nodded and said: "By the squad leader! One more thing! How did you organize the school basketball game this time and give it to that guy? Are you planning to participate this year? Do you remember the last time you said that you were going to organize this game yourself? Why, you do n’t plan to participate this time? "

"Of course I have to participate!" Feng Shaohua said: "I originally wanted to organize myself, mainly because I really have no time recently! When I was nearing the college entrance examination recently, and when the old and new in the meeting, there were too many things. I It's too busy to be alone.

Of course, I don't just do this. In fact, this game is also in my plan. This time the guy was invited to participate in the calligraphy and painting competition, it was intended to make him shameless in front of the school leader, so that the school leader had a bad impression on him. And let him organize a basketball game, but it is intended to let him shame his face to the whole school.

You have to know that going to the competition and organizing the competition yourself are not the same thing. There are many messes around. At that time, I would like to say hello to Song Hao of the Sports Department, and let him pick and choose to do nothing, and leave the whole thing to that guy. I believe the game must be messed up by that guy. By then, the leadership of the school was dissatisfied with the indiscretion of the previous calligraphy and painting competition in the city. Later, the school basketball game was messed up, making the whole school dissatisfied. In addition, we asked a few more people to blow the wind on the campus network and guided the public opinion! Hey! I believe that by then, even if the ancient director liked what he could do, it would be impossible for the ancient director to speak black as white. Speaking of this, Feng Shaohua sneered at the thought of his own dragon plan that can be successfully implemented, and it will definitely produce the effect he wants.

"Squat leader! You are simply a serializer?" Guo Zixian was really admired at this time. Although he knew in his heart that Feng Shaohua was able to perform small movements, he didn't expect to be so insidious. The guy's complexion will look great by then. Thinking of this, I suddenly thought of something again, saying: "By the squad leader! One more thing, you and Song Hao said that the basketball game made him picky, what can he do? If such a big game is messed up, not only that one Yu is unlucky, and even Song Hao can't catch anything? "

Feng Shaohua said: "Song Hao doesn't have to worry at all! I will give him benefits at that time. As long as I can be the chairman of the student union, I can recommend him to be the vice chairman."

"Recommended him to be the vice chairman! No, the monitor! He became the vice chairman, so what should I do?" Guo Zixian said unhappy.

Feng Shaohua made a helpless expression and said, "There is not only one vice-chairman! The old guys are going to go down to three this time. The school can pass at least two vice-chairmen. By the time, you and Song Hao will be alone. What's the matter? It's easy to earn. In the end it's not you who manages him! "

When Guo Zixian heard this, he was relieved, but he was puzzled: "But Cui Dan also stared at the position of the vice chairman for a long time! Generally, the director of the office should have the opportunity to go to the next level, and promote two consecutively. Ministers, is it a little too far? "

Feng Shaohua said: "As long as I become the chairman! Whoever I say is recommended, I recommend it. However, I have the final say, how can Cui Dan take me?"

"That's it!" Guo Zixian nodded and said, "It seems that the key is to see if the monitor can become the chairman! However, I'm still a little worried ... I'm afraid that everything will be displayed in the direction we expected, but it may not be We can get the answer we want. If Director Gu insists on making the kid the chairman! Then we have no choice. "

When Feng Shaohua heard this, he sneered, "It depends on my last move!"

"You still have a trick?" Guo Zixian said suddenly.

Feng Shaohua said: "I have arranged so much work for him this time! If I can show it down as I expected, losing such a large person will definitely have a great impact on this guy. In case he is here In the second exam, my grades were not satisfactory. By then I would be able to maintain my current status. By then, our gap in academic performance was already high. What my uncle said was also the director of the Education Bureau! As long as I go back to take this I told him about it. Maybe let my uncle run the position of the chairman of the student union before I ca n’t agree. But if the position of the chairman of the student union is related to such an obvious privilege deal, in terms of my uncle ’s character, Even if I do n’t mention it, he has to take the initiative to call and ask. At that time, it does n’t matter if Zhang Yuneng can sit in the chair position, because he is absolutely unstable, hum, even then, can that guy continue? Staying in the student council is now a matter of two things. "

Guo Zixian was really speechless when he heard this ... Although he knew Feng Shaohua's personality was very mature before, no matter what he did, he was all old and hot. But now it seems that this guy's ingenuity is far deeper than he thought. With such a detailed plan, it seems that the chairmanship of this student union is already in Feng Shaohua's pocket.

Guo Zixian thought this was also very exciting, because as long as Feng Shaohua took office, the position of vice chairman was also a cyst. Hey! I did not expect that the position of vice chairman could be recovered, which is simply too good for me.

Zhang Yu is waiting! This time buddy, I want you to roll from the student union.