Chapter 477: Big trouble, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

As soon as a few people started to move, the influence of the incident expanded again ... to say that just now, this matter was still in a small-scale incident, and only some people around it knew the whole story. After all, the stance of the mouth has limited influence, but the situation is that several people moved their hands again, and the matter is not so simple. The people around them snorted and surrounded them to see what happened.

As the organizer's organizing committee, things are happening at this time, because people who don't know the truth are gathered together, it is impossible for the organizing committee to not see the staff of the organizing committee ... I hurried over to see what happened.

"What are you doing!" Several staff members hurried over and hurried.

To say that Liu Hao just returned a little bit of gas at this time. When he saw the staff of the organizing committee wearing work uniforms rushed over, it seemed as if he saw a savior, and he told the staff something just now. At the same time, a comprehensive, multi-angle, three-dimensional, comprehensive description of Zhang Yu's beatings was made.

All in all it is a core idea, this guy is definitely a **** who steals things first and then hits people!

The staff of the organizing committee of the competition are a little big-eyed and do not know how to solve this matter ... First Zhang Yu is a student, second is a contestant, and the contestants are more powerful. Players, the main reason is that this guy is quite capable. It's a bit difficult to say! Relying on the staff of several competitions, I'm afraid it's really difficult to solve this matter. After all, the problems involving theft and assault may only be solved by professional police.

Just when the staff of several organizing committees of the competition felt some trouble, the judges of the organizing committee of the competition, as well as a group in the VIP area, came together at this time. Because they also want to know what happened here.

When this group of people came to understand the matter, they also had some big eyes ... Zhang Yu, they all knew, after all, his works are still hanging on the top of the best works. But it's not easy to say that the big boy who writes well not only steals things but also hits people.

Ning Qin also stood among the crowd, listening to the matter clearly ... she also felt a little incredible. Zhang Yu steals things! She felt unbelievable at first! Because this is quite different from Zhang Yuping's usual performance.

But if Zhang Yu didn't steal something, then why do these people say so eloquently seems to see it again. Is there really any secret hidden here? However, as the vice principal of the No.1 middle school, it is impossible for him to remain silent.

Ning Qin groaned for a while ... and said to Liu Hao: "This little comrade! I am the deputy principal of No.1 Middle School. Do you say that Zhang Yu from our school stole your companion, did you see it with your own eyes? "

At this time, Liu Hao also took a little bit of anger and saw Ning Qin asking, "I didn't see it with my own eyes! But someone saw it with his own eyes, and he told me. Since you are the kid's principal, then this thing You must give us a reasonable explanation, otherwise the kid will be unlucky when the police come. "

"Comrade Xiao, don't be impulsive!" Ning Qin hurriedly comforted a few words, and said, "Mr. Zhang Yu, who has always performed well in school, and is the vice chairman of our school's student union. I think there should be some misunderstanding here. . Don't be too impulsive! You're too angry to hurt yourself. "

When Liu Hao heard this, he didn't hit one spot. He said, "What if he is the vice chairman of the student union? Who stipulates that the vice chairman of the student union cannot steal others. Whoever stipulates the vice chairman of the student union can steal and fight. People. Although you are the vice principal of No.1 Middle School, you do n’t want to protect your students ’students from committing crimes. So many people are watching here! It ’s not easy for you to refer to a deer as a horse."

"Principal Ning! I think this little comrade is also right." Han Kai gathered up and said with a fair face: "Although the students involved are the vice chairman of your school's student union. But after all, The nature of education is very serious! As educators, we still cannot avoid problems. We must try our best to face the problems squarely, solve the problems, and start from the nature of the problems, you are right! "Knowing that Han Kai has caught Ning Qin at this time It hurts. I was barely beaten by Ning Qin in the middle of a group of principals. I said that I almost lost my breath at the time. Now the opportunity is rare, "The vice chairman of the student union of the first middle school steals something and is caught." Now he just needs to think about this title and he is very excited.

When Ning Qin saw Han Kai, he inserted a bar horizontally, and naturally he was angry, but he couldn't make a noise with the other party in the eyes. I had no choice but to put up my anger and said, "Principal Han! This matter is just one word of the other side. After all, he has no evidence to prove that Zhang Yu stole the phone. Now you look at Zhang Yu as a thief, it seems very unreasonable. thing."

When Han Kai heard the words, he sneered: "This little comrade is clear and clear! Someone saw him stealing something, what evidence is needed. Principal Ning, I think it is necessary, you still persuade the classmate to It may be just a joke to hand over the things, it is best not to make a big deal, if it gets to the police station, it will be bad for him and everyone. "

Ning Qin said, "Han Kai! Don't talk nonsense. Are you a policeman? Or did you see it with your own eyes! What qualifications do you have to say Zhang Yu steals something?"

Han Kai said: "I'm not a policeman, but we can get the policeman. It won't be long before things will be cleared up quickly."

Ning Qin heard a few words of silence, thought for a while ... and turned to Zhang Yu, and said, "Zhang Yu! Look at this matter, do you need to let the police solve it?" Its meaning. If Zhang Yuzhen took his cell phone, he would definitely refuse the police to mediate. If this is the case, then you can also come forward as a peacemaker and try not to make things big, so as to avoid the last one. But if Zhang Yu agrees with the police to mediate, then Zhang Yu didn't take his cell phone, so things would be easier to handle. Since it's already so big, the police really need to prove Zhang Yu's innocence. Because this is also very important to the reputation of the first middle school, after all, Zhang Yu is still the vice chairman of the student union of the first middle school, the school must also have an accurate final decision on this matter.

As soon as Ning Qin said this, everyone in the field naturally turned his attention to Zhang Yu ... all wanted to hear how the parties would choose.