Chapter 522: Have a meeting, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Zhang Yudao: "This competition is quite smooth! The final results are also good! Our school won two first prizes in calligraphy and painting this time."

"Well! Good grades!" Wu Jie looked at the people around him with a smile, and said, "I really didn't expect it! Our school is so strong in the field of culture and art! I can get two first prizes at once, I'm afraid The total number of treasures in this honor room will increase again. "

Zhao Zhijun heard the words and laughed: "Fat! Our school has been hiding dragons and crouching masters. Besides, this time, the boss himself led the team to play. Some of the best talents in the school pressed the team. This did not produce any results. Then their studies were in vain. . "

"That's it!" Wu Jie nodded, and then suddenly said, "Yes, boss! Who are the two people who won the first prize in this competition! Which class? Men and women?"

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "The winner is the man! It's the first grade of class 12. Who is it? In fact, it's me!"

When several people around me heard the same time, they all had big eyes and small eyes ... Wu Jie thought Zhang Yu was joking with himself, and said, "Don't make a fuss! Let's be serious. Who is the winner?"

Zhang Yu made a helpless expression, and said, "Who is not serious with you! It ’s really me. Calligraphy and painting, I am a double champion. By the way! I also brought the trophy and certificate, and the trophy will be honored in a moment. Room, I am getting the certificate of merit. "Between the talking bags, he took out two crystal trophies and certificate of merit and put them on the table. There was a moment of silence around him.

The closest ones quickly reached out and took the crystal trophy awards in their hands. Take a closer look ... The trophy does say that the eighth calligraphy and painting competition of Zhonghai City “Charisma Cup”, calligraphy group, first prize. The certificate of merit is written in more detail, and the core idea is the winner.

When people around me saw this scene, they believed that it was all true, not a joke at all.

Zhao Zhijun's expression of admiration at this time, said: "Boss! You are really good. The champion of calligraphy and painting, you will also be these things."

Lu Zhiquan said: "The boss's pen calligraphy was originally a very bull's fork! Calligraphy won the championship, it is not surprising to say. However, this painting can also win the championship, it is weird! This thing and calligraphy is not a horse Are they related? "

Wu Jie also glanced at the trophy at this moment, sighing: "Now it seems that all these things are not useful here in the boss! There is no boss in the world that you can't play." Speaking of this, it was revealed again With a strange expression, frowning: "No, boss! I remember that you seemed to be leading the team, but how did you get into the battle yourself?"

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "No way! There is not enough manpower in the game, only the boss can come to me. I didn't want to play in the game, but the team is short, so I have to catch the ducks and have no choice."

Wu Jie said: "Yes! I can get two first prizes even after the ducks hit the shelves! I said, boss, it's so good everywhere you go, are you sorry?"

"Hahahaha!" Everyone around me heard that it was all a laugh ... Of course, Zhang Yu's trophies kept circulating in the classroom during the talk.


There was a knock on the door for a while, everyone turned around and saw a boy standing in front of the door of Class Twelve, looked around, and suddenly saw Zhang Yu in the back row, loudly Dao: "Vice President Zhang! Director Gu of the Academic Affairs Department asked the Student Union to hold a plenary session, and all cadres must be present. I'll let you know!"

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "I know! I'll be there soon."

The boy nodded and turned away from class twelve ... Zhang Yu also stood up, took only two trophies, left class twelve, and walked to the office hall of the student union.


In the office hall of the Student Union, there are already a lot of people at the moment ... In fact, on the first day of each week, in accordance with normal circumstances, school students also have to hold a morning meeting, and at the same time implement the focus of the student union work this week. However, it is often the case that which ministry has work arrangements this week, the cadres of which ministry must attend the meeting. If there is no working department, no special requirements must be present.

When there are few members of the Student Union on weekdays, not to mention the sprint of the third year college entrance examination, the situation of all members is even rarer. But today is different. Today, the director of the Academic Affairs Department requires all student union cadres to be present, including third-graders, of course, so many student union cadres have arrived in the student labor office today, and they are all talking about it. The Academic Affairs Office has so eagerly asked to come by itself, and what important tasks must be issued.

Feng Shaohua wants to say that today's mood always brings a little anxiety! Because since yesterday's calligraphy and painting competition, Guo Zixian's phone has always been turned off, and it can't be reached, and no one has any news. This made Feng Shaohua, who was always thinking about the development of things, very upset. He had wanted to call Cai Dong to ask, but the result was still the same, Cai Dong also shut down.

Both people shut down? This made Feng Shaohua feel weird. It would be too coincidental to say that two people's cellphones were running out of power together.

Feng Shaohua originally wanted to wait for the two people to try the phone later, but still turned off. This can frustrate Feng Shaohua and can only tolerate the anger all night. I plan to go to school this morning and meet Guo Zixian and scold him for a break and let go! But what made Feng Shaohua strange was that when he came to school this morning, he still did not see Guo Zixian himself. Asking the classmates, I don't know Guo Zixian's movements, which made Feng Shaohua very upset.

I sent someone to Cai Dong's class to find out that Cai Dong didn't come to school. Why?

Feng Shaohua, who had no answer, frowned, and hadn't figured out what exactly happened. He also heard the notice from Director Gu asking all the cadres of the Student Union to hold a group meeting. They could only put down the unanswered answers in their minds, and planned to come to the meeting before talking. More importantly, if you meet Sun Qiang at the meeting, you will know what Guo Zixian did yesterday, and why you did n’t answer the phone all day.

After Feng Shaohua came to the student union, many cadres had already arrived in the hall, but Sun Qiang had not yet come, and Zhang Yu had not come, which made Feng Shaohua's heart faintly have a bad feeling.

"I don't know what happened to the calligraphy and painting contest yesterday?" A student union cadre chatted.


"I remember the painting and calligraphy competition last time. Our school only won one group award for excellence. This time it may be similar!"