Chapter 565: Pick-and-roll, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Ma Jinpeng heard that he was a little depressed, but there was no good way for him right now, after all, he was against Zhang Yu for the whole first half, basically there was no way. Even if you don't want to admit it, you have to admit that there is a huge gap between you and Zhang Yu. If you continue to do so in the second half, you are afraid that you will become the target of criticism and bear the name of the culprit of failure.


During the team's intermission, the girls in the two classes have completed the performance of the basketball baby ... Su Qianqian, who has the same excellent value and performance, won the biggest shout on the court. After all, the three, almost in appearance, figure, or performance, almost completely exploded their opponents, and even the two-year-old students agreed. The so-called class flower of his class, compared to the three of Su Qianqian, the gap is quite large.


As the girls accepted the show, the second half of the game began!

After coming into play in the next two years, he strengthened the ball-free running in the opponent's half. It has to be said that twelve a year in tactical cooperation is still not as skilled as the second year and nine. How to say the opposite lineup, there are two school team players, and Chen Qi is usually responsible for organizing work in the team. In experience, it is still much better than Cai Bin. On the other hand, the tactics of the 12th class seem to be very scarce. Usually, Zhang Yu's alone fights alone, and the word tactics is impossible to talk about. Naturally, when the tactics of Nine Years Nine were changed, it seemed a little bit scratchy, while Nine Years Nine took advantage of frequent pick-and-roll opportunities and made continuous shots with good luck. Naturally, it made a few people in the 12th class appear No way.

The scores of the two sides were reduced again, and Zhang Yu would seldom get a cell phone under the tactics of the opponent's threesome. Cai Bin had no choice but to call a time-out ... if he couldn't figure out a way again, I'm afraid that the final result of this game would not necessarily make anyone laugh at the end.


Jiang Shuai sat on the chair with his butt, panting, and said weakly: "I can't do it, Captain! It's impossible to run. Let's ... let the fat man go!"

Cai Bin knows that Jiang Shuai ’s physical strength has always been average, so he can only turn to look at Wu Jie ... Wu Jie has a bitter face, saying: "I can go up! But everyone knows what happened to me, I ’m afraid to stick to it It won't be long. "

Pan Jianfei complained at this time: "Is the other party crazy? If you keep running blindly, you can't keep up and don't know what it means." Pan Jianfei defended Song Hao, and Song Hao ran the most. Quick, this is the first time Pan Jianfei feels that he is not as good as his opponent in terms of speed and endurance.

Cai Bin said: "They're not running blindly! It's tactics. The squad leader defended the basket very deadly. He couldn't break into the basket in two years. He could only run non-stop. The problem is that this tactical main player is Chen Qi. His unmanned shooting percentage is actually one of the best in the school. And we are used to the team leader as the main attack and assist. Apart from this, there is no other class in our class. Tactical, compared to the other side, our class's tactics are too monotonous, as long as the cross-replenishment is appropriate, we can easily be controlled by the other side. "

Several people around heard this frown, and there seemed to be no good way ...

Xu Yiming heard the words and made a helpless expression, saying: "No, Cai team! You are the captain and coach again, now you can't do anything, let us do it. Our first half advantage is gone How much is left, and no solution will be made. Who is going to win this game? "

Cai Bin heard the words and turned into a bitter face, do not know why? You need to know that although you are the captain in the class, the school team is just a substitute, not even the main force. What can I do?

There are some bleak clouds around ... Zhang Yu thought about it and said, "I think so, Cai Bin! Since you said that Chen Ji's offensive point in 2 years and 9 years is Chen Qi, then I will guard him. You go to defend the horse Jinpeng! As long as they control their offense, I believe they will soon disrupt their rhythm. "

Xu Yiming heard his eyes bright and said, "Ah! It's still the boss's idea! Use the boss's height advantage to guard against Chen Qi, I believe it can completely crush the kid."

Pan Jianfei heard and said: "But Chen Qi is fast! I'm afraid that you have to defend him. He may strengthen his running and your physical strength. You have to attack and defend again, so you can stick to the end. ."

Everyone around them nodded when they heard the words ... you know that although the big players have height advantages, their endurance is also a short board. Although Zhang Yu's explosive power is very good, if he runs a large area for a long time, taking both offense and defense into consideration, I'm afraid that Chen Qi will not fall by then, but Zhang Yu can't hold it.

Zhang Yuwenyan smiled and said, "You can rest assured! I am very confident in my own physical fitness. And even if I ca n’t hold on, I ca n’t hold on to that Chen Qi. As long as I can get that Chen Qi, Physical fitness is also average, I will let them end together. "

Several people heard this and looked at each other ... Although Zhang Yu's tactics are only violent tactics, there is no skill. But in this situation, there is no other way out.


The atmosphere on the 2nd and 9th side is much more relaxed ... After all, the tactics of the midfield arrangement have already produced a certain effect. As long as the next game continues to be smooth sailing, it is not a big problem to look back.

Song Hao laughed: "Everyone's tactics were very successful! If you continue to insist for a while, you must break Zhang Yu's class in one breath."

The small forward of two years and nine years said: "Our tactics have been successful! But the physical energy consumption is also very large. This intensity of running, I'm afraid I can't stick to the end of the game."

"If you can't keep up, you must keep up!" Chen Qi interjected: "We lost a game yesterday! We can't lose this decision today. We must be aggressive! If you are tired! Don't we have a substitute! Do you still Did n’t find out that our lineup has an advantage over Zhang Yu? That ’s because our team has a lot of substitutes. And their class is a fat man who is a substitute and looks pant. So even if it ’s broken, it ’s because their class is tired Everyone, rest assured! I will try to pull the ball to the Song team, his endurance is good, not useless. "

"Hehehehe!" People around laughed when they heard it ...

Song Hao also smiled and said, "You use me as a shield again! But it doesn't matter, in order to win this game, I will insist on it to the end."