Chapter 661: Director Feng's Hysteria, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Feng Xueli froze and came to Qian Lili's side, and said, "Let's go out and find a place to wash my face, and then put on my makeup. Don't let anyone see any flaws."

After hearing this, Qian Lili glanced at Feng Xueli with her crying cat-like face, and said coldly, "I hate you!" After that, he pushed Feng Xueli's body away fiercely and ran away. Go out.

Seeing this, Feng Xueli's secretary hurried to follow up! Help the queen.

There was only Feng Xueli alone in the room. He had a look of drowsiness and a mess in his head. He didn't know what was going on today, why did this happen ... After a while, a crisp phone bell sounded. , Awakened the stagnation of Feng Xueli.

Feng Xueli picked up his mobile phone and took a look. The caller ID part showed ‘Unknown number’ ... He frowned, still swiped the connection function, and put the handset on his ear.

"Hey! Which one?" Feng Xueli answered.

"Yes, Director Feng, you have escaped." A hoarse, low voice came from the phone, which was hard to hear.

After Feng Xueli heard this voice, he couldn't remember whose voice could be matched with this voice. He took a moment to pause and followed the cold voice: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Hey! Who am I? In fact, it doesn't matter at all. What's important is that I want to call and tell you, don't think this matter is all it takes. Your secret! I know a lot, this is what It's just started. "

"Who the **** are you?" Feng Xueli glared, followed by a loud voice: "Did you find Qian Lili's husband?"

"You're not stupid! Oh, how are you? The two punches in your nose are comfortable, aren't you?"

"Who the **** are you? What are you doing!" Feng Xueli heard these words and could say that he was furious and shouted.

"Don't worry, Director Feng! Good soup has to be cooked slowly. It's boring to know who I am too early. This time! It's your luck, I didn't play to death, see you next time. Right! I have already Texted your story to tell your wife! She seems very angry! When you go home at night, still think about what kind of wonderful show to fool your wife! Isn't it the old drama bone! Hahaha ... ... "

"Who the **** are you! What do you want to do ... Hey! Hey! Speak! Hey ..." Feng Xueli heard the continuous busy tone on the phone, knowing that the other party was already online at the moment.

Feng Xueli hurriedly planned to call back, but when he saw the caller ID of the other party displayed as "Unknown Number", he realized that even if he wanted to call back, he didn't know the number of the other party. Want to rectify themselves.

Feng Xueli's chest fluctuated violently a few times ... his brain was turning quickly, carefully inferring who it was, and framing himself behind. Listening to the other person ’s content should be seen or known about being punched twice. In this case, this person should be an insider of the Education Bureau. But who is it? It should be said that among the onlookers at the time, there were no obvious contradictions between themselves and themselves. Who is likely to do such detrimental things? Who is the party member of the Education Bureau who wants to be on top? Feng Xueli thought hard, but still had no clue.

Feng Xueli racked his brains! I really can't think of who is going to frame me, but in the end I even feel a little dizzy, so I took two deep breaths, turned back to my seat, sat down, and wanted to rest ... Who knew Feng Xueli just sat When I got to the chair, my face turned blue, and at the same time, I screamed!

Feng Xueli rushed to Lao Gao while covering his **** ... Then Feng Xueli felt his **** was hot and extremely painful. He shook away his palm and found that there was blood on it. Feng Xueli turned around and dragged his pants, and found that blood spots appeared in many places above ... Feng Xueli's heart in this! What the **** is it.

Feng Xueli returned to his seat, reached out and touched his seat cushion, and suddenly felt a bit embarrassed ... He picked it up and examined it carefully, and found that the needle tips were exposed, and he reached out and felt hard. He unzipped the seat cushion and saw that there were thumbtacks inside, and the needle tips were up, and it was not good to look at it.

Feng Xueli now knows even a fool! This is simply someone intending to put themselves together and put so many pushpins in the seat cushion.

Feng Xueli is almost blasted now, and he slammed the seat cushion on the ground fiercely ... Meanwhile, hysterically, "I will catch your asshole! Asshole!" Followed him again and again Swept everything out of the table and fell to the ground, including the magnificent jade ornaments that he used to love most.


Zhang Yu was sitting in a small supermarket near the Education Bureau, and his mood was very good ... While eating popsicles, he went through all the things that happened today.

Zhang Yu felt very happy. It can be said that today's gains are greater than he had imagined ... Feng Xueli absolutely could not imagine who sold him! Of course, I also took advantage of the chance to pinch the man's pigtail. Wait and see! It just started.

Zhang Yu took a bite of popsicle, followed by taking out his mobile phone. After passing the agent, he opened a foreign APP software and dialed a number ...

After the call was answered, Zhang Yu said, "Hey! Is it me, have you sorted out all the information I want? OK! Send it to my mailbox as soon as possible! If you are satisfied with what I do, I can return it to you You. But you have to remember! You must be satisfied with me. I will call you again! "After that, Zhang Yu hung up the phone, stood up and waved with the owner of the small supermarket, humming Xiaoqu left Already.


After receiving the information he wanted at night, Zhang Yu's mailbox, and then used his hacking capabilities to attack the government's website again ... and began to collect data on the next planned action.


Feng Xueli returned to the Education Bureau the next day. It can be said that his face was blue and ugly. When he returned home last night, his wife had a big fight with him.

Although Feng Xueli thought that he had compiled a perfect excuse, it did not play much role in the end. It may be that under normal circumstances, such excuses may be useful for some outsiders. But the problem now is that as long as the word "women" is involved here, the wife will not believe any excuse.