Chapter 701: Ma Hao flinched, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

After Zhang Yu took off his coat, his bare arms were almost full of beautifully proportioned muscles, giving an inexplicable feeling with powerful power. It was simply stunned, and he knew it at a glance. Eighty-nine and amazing power. And when everyone was stunned, Zhang Yu pinched his neck with one hand, and immediately made the crisp sound of clicking it, than the squeak that Ma Hao forcibly pinched, and heard I know that knowing is not a level sound.

Zhang Yu shook her strong shoulder again. Although she was wearing clothes, she could still see the obvious bouncing sensation in the chest muscles.

The surrounding people can be said to be stunned ... Zhang Yu was so strong, to be honest, beyond their imagination. You should know that people of this size will not be so strong according to common sense. This is simply counter-common sense.

At this time, Jiang Chenxuan can be said to be seeing gold flashing through her eyes, such a strong and beautiful man, but she first saw her in her life, and said that the deer rammed in her heart was not excessive. And using the ready-made muscles of Ma Hao next to Zhang Yu, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth. It can be said that Jiang Chenxuan looks a little bit shy, and at the same time, his heart is fiery.

At this time Zhang Yu looked at Ma Ha with a stunned face and smiled scornfully, "Hey! Tell you, don't think that I will be afraid if I take off my clothes, even if you take them off, it's no use. I apologize to you at all There is no idea, even if you want to apologize to me, I will not accept it. Because I am not interested in your garbage apology. Understand! "

Zhang Yu's words are naturally very unpleasant. It can be said that Ma Hao's face was ugly and dying at the moment.

Ma Hao did not expect that the other party actually took off his coat, which was so strong, it could be said that it was not matched with his slim body. Although I don't know if the other person's body shape is a futile state, but just looking at the muscles' full strength, I believe that it is also a level that can be achieved through more stringent exercise than yourself. But the problem now is that it is already difficult for him to ride a tiger. If he is bluffed by the other party, it will make everyone around him see a big joke. And if you spread it out, you will definitely become a laughingstock for others in the literary circle in the future, and it will definitely become a stain on your own life. It is neither advancing nor retreating. Ma Hao, who is in a dilemma, is naturally dying.

Of course, Xue Gui saw Ma Hao's embarrassment, and smiled under his heart. He was obviously afraid of the other party and still stiffening. It ’s almost death to face the crime. Thinking of this, I said, "Okay! Okay! Everyone put a little mentality, don't make noise, don't make any noise. How can we make it this time that we are companions performing abroad together? Do n’t forget, this is the airport. If it ’s too loud, it ’s likely to be banned from the airport. This important performance opportunity is not a common occurrence. It ’s yours that loses the most. , You need to consider this consequence clearly. "

Ma Hao is worried that there aren't any steps down there. When I heard the eyes light up, I snorted: "Boy! If you don't perform abroad today, you will definitely look good. We have the ability! We will go abroad and get off the plane. Goodbye, bye. By then, I will let you know how good I am. "

"Keep working!" Zhang Yu heard unscrupulously: "I think you can almost rule the world by saying that you can siege the city slightly. Don't pretend to be brave, just go and go!"

"You!" Ma Hao was so angry that he was about to explode. An angry look on his face was unusual, but there was no good way to take the other side, but his chest was violently ups and downs a few times, saying: "Boy! Let's go and see! We're not done!" After that, I picked up my clothes and walked away. .

Zhang Yu smiled unsharply, picked up his coat and put it on again, then turned around and looked at Xue Gui and the other smiled.

Xue Gui also smiled and said, "Young people! Don't be too impulsive when you are in trouble. You must learn to value peace when you go out. Sometimes people suffer, and not all of them are bad."

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Thank you for your guidance! But I think that sometimes if you take a step back, some people will take a step forward. One day you will find that you will never go back. Go one step from the beginning, at least there will be some room later! You see! "

"Young people! It's young and vigorous!" Xue Gui shook his head and smiled. "Okay! It's better to leave your business to yourself! But it's better not to make any more noise, everyone represents the collective When you go out, naturally represent the inside of your country, and be careful to let foreigners read jokes. "

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "I see! Thank you Teacher Xue."

Xue Gui nodded and turned back to his seat!

Zhang Yu re-sit back to the chair ... Jiang Chenxuan also sat next to him and said: "Mr. Xiao Zhang! Have you met Teacher Xue before?"

Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it! See you for the first time." But when he saw Jiang Chenxuan's surprised look at himself, he explained with a smile: "In fact, I don't watch TV often Yes! I do n’t know most stars. "

Jiang Chenxuan nodded with a "Oh!", It was no wonder under my heart that they didn't feel the last time they saw themselves. It turned out that they were men of high cold type! Thinking of this, the Tao said, "The teacher just called Xue Gui, is the dean of the National Opera and Dance Theater, a member of the national first-level actor, and a musician association. The tenor singer. Basically, the country's large-scale performances have his share, and he is considered an old man in the art world. "

Zhang Yuwenyan glanced at Xue Gui's direction, and nodded, and said, "Oh! No wonder, it looks quite generous, it turns out to be an old senior."


Xue Gui returned to his seat at this time. As soon as he sat down, someone immediately spoke.

"Ha ha ha! Old Xue! Still so enthusiastic?"

Xue Gui heard the words and looked at Jia Zhe who looked far away, and laughed: "No way! Young people are very angry. If they get upset, the big guys in the regiment will lose face."

Jia Zhe said with a smile: "You! Your character has not changed for so many years. In this society, who will take the initiative to take care of other people's affairs, and the young people have a short temper, even if you can temporarily put down things , No one will take your affection, and it will end up in vain. "