Chapter 739: What happen to you guys?, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Everyone in the living room redefines the illusion of the devil in this stormy performance of Zhang Yu ... until Zhang Yuyi threw the bow, the last note disappeared.

The surrounding people were relieved collectively, and a warmer applause followed the room ...

Paul Lange applauded and looked at Zhang Yu with admiration, and said, "Zhang! Your performance just now is simply wonderful. I always think your violin is the best in the world! Now it seems That's right. "

Nicole also laughed: "Yeah! Paul used to rate you so high, I didn't believe it at the time. Now it seems to be unbelievable or not. In fact, I think your actual level is even more than Paul said. Harmful. "

Roy Foster also laughed: "Zhang! I now look forward to your stage performance in the next few days. I ’m looking forward to it. Unfortunately, you will only be the responsible conductor. If you can have a violin solo, I believe the effect will be certain. Burst. "

Jiang Chenxuan now worships Zhang Yu to the extreme. When she returns, she must also write a signature for herself, because Zhang Yu is in her heart at the moment, and her future achievements are unimaginable.

Anna Lange, this time can be regarded as another look at Zhang Yu. Although she is not from music, she grew up in an artistic family. What is good and what is bad is still a bit standard. To say that she usually goes to his brother's room occasionally, while listening to his practice of piano, and drawing pictures, she always thinks that her brother is a genius among geniuses, but now compares with Zhang Yu, it is not a genius at all. The true genius, who can pervert to such a degree, is simply unimaginable.

Zhang Yu put down the violin and smiled at Alan again, and said, "Alan! How do you think I played this time?"

Alan Lange said with some excitement: "It's so good! I have never seen such a great version. The string sounds full of anomalous sounds. With so many skillful renderings, how do you show such a perfect sound? Mr. Zhang Yu, may I ask, did you adapt this piece of music yourself? "

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "In fact, the key point of the second version is, as you can feel, I have upgraded the overall sound accuracy. In fact, the core of the violin is the sound. Who can make the sound more Perfect, more extreme, anyone can reach the second level of the violin. "

Alan Lange nodded his head and said, "That's the case! I say how powerful it sounds, it turned out to be the demanding sound quality. However, I still heard a lot while listening to your performance. Special changes. Should this be your modified version? "

Zhang Yuwenyan smiled and said, "In fact, I just modified it briefly, at most, it only used some scales, not a subversive modification. But what I want to play for you below is my third one. Version, in fact this is my true level at this stage. You have to pay attention! "

Alan Lange was surprised when Zhang Yu said there was another version! You know, Zhang Yu's version just made him a little breathless. The true restoration of the original song sounds like a storm! If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that "Illusion of the Demon King" would really make people have an illusion.

This even makes Allen think that Zhang Yu's research is simply the limit of human beings. The person opposite now told himself that it was not the limit just now, and the difficulty could be upgraded again, which made him possibly believe.

At this time, Zhang Yu said that he had pulled the strings and started to play his ultimate version of "The Illusion of the Demon King" ... We must know that although the last version of Zhang Yu made some modifications to the tune, it did not incorporate too much Skills are only for the perfection of sound, which is a demand for the ultimate sound quality. This pursuit of sound quality makes the whole song more real and infectious, and makes the original song, which is already full of momentum, more violent. But in the third version, Zhang Yu intends to use his best condition and pursue various skills based on perfect sound quality.

As soon as Zhang Yu entered the music, the people around him felt as if there were some tumbling noises, from far to near ... Zhang Yu has subverted the "Illusion of the Devil" in this version. If the second version is a storm, the third version is just a stormy sea, and people around them feel like they have become a small boat among the huge waves, shaking uncontrollably with the huge waves.

Zhang Yu made every bar full of notes, and the dazzling ornate performance made him become a violin devil, standing in the center of the huge waves, and the speed of finger movement on the piano reached an unimaginable level.

Alan Lange couldn't believe everything in front of him. If he closed his eyes and listened, he couldn't tell how Zhang Yu could play such exaggerated voices. Even if he stared at Zhang Yu's fingers without blinking, he couldn't find the real answer in that cloud of shadows.

Is this the ultimate realm of the violin? Allen thought of this, and could only stare at Zhang Yu in front of him, performing a performance far beyond his own experience.

At this time Zhang Yu locked all his energies on the violin in his hand, and he also entered a special realm, which is also the highest realm he could reach.

The people around me couldn't see why ... they were also surprised by the multi-layered sound technique used by Zhang Yu. But because Zhang Yu was too fast, everyone was confused and could only listen.

Zhang Yu was finally stunned by the surrounding people, and finally completed the ultimate perverted version of "Illusion of the Devil".

Zhang Yu stopped playing, and the body felt a bit overdue. Fortunately, part of the climax of the devil's hallucination was not too long. Otherwise, he might not be able to persist to the end with his current physical ability. But Zhang Yu believes that only the world should be able to complete this ultimate metamorphosis. Because I have two innate advantages over others, that is, a strong brain and strong physical fitness, even if others want to complete, they will eventually give up because of mental and physical substandard, so playing this tune by himself is definitely a scorpion shit. .

Zhang Yujian finally managed all of this, and was relieved, and suddenly found that the room seemed a bit too quiet. He glanced at the people around him, and saw them all opened their mouths wide, as if they had reached a ghost.

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "What happened to you?"