Chapter 779: Famous in Europe, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Celebrating Gong Banquet! It is also arranged at the Hillai International Hotel where the art group camps.

The hotel's large banquet hall prepared exquisite independent banquets, the people of the Philharmonic Orchestra, and some of the contact officials of the Hungarian Ministry of Culture, as well as the contact officials of the embassy, ​​all came to the celebration party to celebrate the performance with everyone. .

Zhang Yu became the core figure of everyone at the wine table ... Almost everyone came to toast Zhang Yu. As a master composer and conductor in the art troupe, naturally, he also became a star among everyone.

Others toast! Of course, I respect Zhang Yu. The problem with Zhang Yu is that he has stopped drinking since he crossed. Even though I usually have some meals, I don't think I'm forcing myself to drink because I am a student. But the situation in that case was just normal. Now it ’s a celebration party after the show. Naturally, no one cares about your age. If you do n’t drink it, you pretend to look down on people, which is naturally a problem. Moreover, not only the troupe of the art troupe, but also a group of musicians from the Philharmonic Orchestra were present at the celebration party. They would not miss the opportunity to have a drink with Master Zhang Yu.

no way! Zhang Yu had no choice but to grab a few glasses. It can be said that his current system is still good, and the amount of alcohol seems to be much stronger than before, but even if he is in good health, he can drink a cup and even an iron man may drink it.

Although Zhang Yu was n’t drunk, he did n’t want to drink anymore ... But even then, there is no way to completely refuse others, because those who can come to toast can be said to be old writers in the literary arts, even if they are not as good as themselves, but when it comes to age Many people are older than their mothers. If they look at themselves like this with a wine glass, it's really hard for them to refuse.

When Zhang Yu felt a little worried about this, he suddenly remembered that he didn't have room to carry. Thinking of this, I immediately tried it ... As he moved a large mouthful of wine into the space, he realized that this anti-sky skill was really useful. This time Zhang Yu can be considered a little relaxed. With this wine fighter magic skill, he will not worry about drinking in the future. In this way, when someone comes to toast him, he also gives full face, and must take a big sip to make the other party happy.

Jiang Chenxuan refused to see Zhang Yu coming, she said she was a little worried ... Of course, she didn't know Zhang Yu had a drinking skill, so she took the initiative to come out and help her fight against alcohol.

Zhang Yu was certainly touched when he saw this, but he did not let the other party help. The visitor still refused, of course, not everyone toasted him. Many dispensable people, like some Hungarian government officials, may not be able to use them in the future, so they will try them out.


Compared to the stars Gongyue on Zhang Yu's side, there is a beauty guard. Ma Hao looked indifferent here. When Zhou Yu was on the side, the two poured out their own drinks, and almost no one toasted them. It also made the two feel lost face at the banquet, and even before the banquet ended, the two left on their own.


Fortunately, all foreigners eat and drink red wine. Even though some of these people in the art troupe are a little bit addicted to alcohol, they don't make much calls when it comes to wine. In addition, the rehearsal of the recent performance is indeed relatively tight. Many people feel a bit tired, to say that they are not very happy.

After three wines and five dishes, the troupe of the art troupe was full and drank, and the celebration party was officially concluded.

Tian Guangcheng also announced that the art troupe will take two days off after the banquet ... starting tomorrow, the troupe of art troupes can take a good stroll in Budapest while shopping and entertaining.


For most people in the art group! The performance has come to a successful conclusion. But in fact, the influence brought by the art troupe has just begun ... Because Hungarian national television broadcasted the live performance of the art troupe on the music channel. It can be said that with the end of the live broadcast, almost all people who have seen the performance Everyone was shocked.

It can be said that this shock! It was all directed at the last show, Symphony of Destiny! It's almost hard to believe that in a little-known performance, such a great symphony piece will actually appear. It is simply incredible to everyone who has watched the live performance.

Hungary itself can be said to be an old European music powerhouse, especially in traditional music, the strength is even more extraordinary. Throughout the ages, many popular symphony pieces have been created by Hungarian musicians. It can be said that the people of this country have a strong musical gene in their bones.

That's why Zhang Yu's tunes immediately made everyone feel incredible. How difficult is this orchestral work with extremely musical imagination that was actually created by a Chinese? How is this possible? You must know that the Chinese of Zhang Yu is not only the author of this Divine Comedy, but he is also responsible for the conductor of the band. Almost anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is definitely a master conductor.

Many Hungarian symphony enthusiasts are convinced by Zhang Yu's artistic talents. They spontaneously posted video clips taken from the Internet in their Facebook accounts to confirm their new artistic discovery.

This made more symphony lovers discover Zhang Yu's works. The almost astonishing astonishment soon affected the symphony enthusiasts throughout Europe. And Zhang Yu ’s name gradually began to emerge in Europe. Almost most symphony enthusiasts in Europe knew that China had a superb music artist.

Of course, Zhang Yu ’s other works have also increased with his attention, and have been followed by some netizens who like other types of music works ... whether it is the English song "Reflection" or the violin solo "Chardash ", Also began to enter the sight of music lovers. It can be said that although these two first works are not on the difficult route, as a classic work, the two works have begun to be more and more popular with netizens as the exposure rate increases. Soon someone also recommended these two works on their Facebook. This also made Zhang Yu's name gradually grow louder throughout Europe.


Compared with Zhang Yu's popularity in Europe, the sky is shining! The level of attention he receives at home seems very modest. It was mainly during the live broadcast of CCTV. Because of the time difference between the two places, many people didn't see it. If they didn't see it, naturally they couldn't pay attention.