Chapter 789: Ma Hao's Embarrassment, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

The first day of rehearsal was over. The troupe returned to the hotel after a night's rest, and the next day the rehearsal continued.


In the morning, there were two more shows in the group, and the third one was Ma Hao's turn.

Ma Hao saw her turn finally, of course, with a look of anticipation, to know that he has been sitting under the stage for such a long time, has been a little irritable.

In fact, when Ma Hao's program was in Budapest, it was arranged in the sequence of the beginning stage of the show. It was the first prime time of the show. It can be seen that Tian Guangcheng had high hopes for Ma Hao's program at the time. But who knows how, in the end, Ma Hao performed the show in a rare way, which is the first time in history that an adult has been lost on the stage. Fortunately, Hungary and CCTV cut out the program at that time and did not broadcast it. Otherwise, Ma Hao felt that he really had no face to see his fans again.

The disgusting Ma Hao who performed the prime time show! I also know that I have lost a valuable opportunity. If I want to have a show of the same time period, it is simply impossible. Even if Tian Guangcheng has a wife's pillow to help him, Tian Guangcheng cannot ignore the staff of the art troupe. Inside view. Now Tian Guangcheng can withstand the pressure to keep Ma Hao on the program list, which is a big concession, and then let the other party on the best time period, it is simply impossible.

So Ma Hao also can only accept the embarrassment that his show is adjusted backwards! He now only hopes that he can successfully complete the performance, as well as strive for a better time period for the next performance, and make some excuses.

What is most embarrassing for Ma Hao is that he feels vomiting blood when he is unlucky on his side, but his deadly opponent Zhang Yu's side is mixed with wind and water, and not only has the popularity of the art group surged for a while. At present, the salted fish turned over and became the boss of the director group, presiding over the daily work. In the end, instead of looking at each other's face to be a man, this result can be said to make Ma Hao extremely depressed.

Fortunately, Ma Hao had a reminder from Zhou Jin in the end. Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to face this deadly opponent on the court.

After Ma Hao came to power, the two of them looked at each other conditionedly, but no one took the initiative to speak.

Of course, Ma Hao knows that he is in a disadvantaged position compared to the other party. If he wants the other party not to trouble himself, he can only try to temporarily repair the relationship with the other party. As for grievances, we can talk about it after the show is completely over.

Thinking of this, Ma Hao tried to twitch a few lower muscles, and some of them looked abnormally at Zhang Yugan, and tried to express his kindness.

But Zhang Yu sneered when he saw this. He said nothing, pulled the chair around him, instead sat on it, raised Erlang's legs, and yawned.

When Ma Hao saw this scene, of course he was so angry that he was also a star with enough weight in China! When it comes to where to perform, other people are not respectful of themselves, saying that they have never encountered such treatment, and it is not excessive. Even if your kid is a little talented! Are you a star Thinking of this, Ma Hao is also unavoidably upset. If the situation is special now, he should scold the other person.

No one on the stage spoke, let alone the embarrassing atmosphere, even the people of the Vienna Orchestra felt it. But the difference is that everyone on the art troupe knows the reason for the conflict between them, while the band has a strange atmosphere. I don't know what happened and why the rehearsal has not started.

In fact, everyone in the art troupe of the stage, even if they are a little more sensitive, know that Zhang Yu VS Ma Hao will definitely not be so easy.

Ma Hao and Zhang Yu seem to be two people who have committed crimes in life. Since entering the art troupe, the conflict between the two has not ceased. Although most of the time ended with Zhang Yu's victory, this did not mean that the conflict between the two had disappeared. Instead, it should have accumulated more, but it had not yet erupted. For this scene, most people have already prepared for it. The only difference is that the mentality of the art troupe is slightly different from the beginning.

Probably at the beginning, most people, as well as the old-fashioned mentality. Especially Jia Zhe and Xue Gui! I always think that the enemy should be solved or not. Since they are all teammates of a team, harmony is the most important. But that's only in the case of Zhang Yu's role, which has not yet been exerted! Thirty years in Hexi and thirty years in Hedong! The current situation of Zhang Yu is very different from the previous situation. Although Ma Hao has a little more fame than Zhang Yu, he can't stand the high level of talent of Zhang Yu.

No matter how famous Ma Hao is, no one in the art troupe needs it. And Zhang Yu's talent is very important to everyone at the moment. It is better to say that the rehearsal has ended, but those who have not rehearsed, also count on Zhang Yu to help their show with a wonderful re-creation! After all, the next performance of the art troupe is still centered on Zhang Yu. In case anyone wants to offend the other party in this interval, other than that, if people don't adapt the program for you, you can't stand it. Everyone else ’s shows are wonderful. If you get to your own side, you will be dead-hearted. Who can afford this face. Therefore, most people still feel that it is better not to participate in two people's affairs in this case, at least not to offend Zhang Yu! This is the key factor.

Everyone on the court was basically silent, and no one took the initiative to speak for Ma Hao. Even if they wanted to help, everyone planned to help Zhang Yu. As for Ma Hao, your kid is still low-key. In case you get upset, you are asking for trouble.

Seeing the embarrassing atmosphere around him, Ma Hao certainly didn't want to bow his head to admit his mistakes. He was not an idiot. He knew that if he continued the cold confrontation now, he would definitely suffer. At this critical moment, I ca n’t count on others, I can only count on Tian Guang. After all, I have invested a lot in his wife's side. I believe that a sufficient amount of jewelry can also help the other party to help themselves. Two words now!

Thinking of this, Ma Hao gave Tian Guangcheng a glance, of course, the meaning was very clear.

Tian Guangcheng certainly saw that the atmosphere between the two was bad. He also knew that the two had conflicts before the domestic plane had flown, but he didn't know how many times they had conflicted in the later period. He didn't want to participate in the conflict between the two, but now he does lead the team. What makes him even more irritable is that Ma Hao didn't know how to contact his own tigress to help blow the wind.

Ma Hao carried himself to do such a bad thing! It really made Tian Guangcheng extremely uncomfortable.