Chapter 821: Xiao Zhang! You're gonna kill me!, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

When Christina heard her father was dead, there was a sudden twist in her head, and her legs would fall to the ground as soon as her legs followed.

Zhang Yu's response was very fast. He hugged the other's body. When he found that the other was a little faint, he hurriedly input some traces of vitality in the acupuncture point of the other's head, which was refreshing. Keep her awake.

When Mario heard Zhang Yu's words, he was naturally extremely angry. He felt that he and the lady were both played by each other, but before he broke out, the lady suddenly fell, and naturally surprised him ... Fortunately, Zhang Yu helped, and did not fall to the ground.

Mario ran over and pulled Christina while pushing Zhang Yu, angrily: "Asshole! Let go of our lady! Your kid is a witch doctor! He is a liar!"

Mario's roar shook in the cabin ... everyone in the cabin now showed a weird expression.

Zhang Yushen lived mysteriously for a long time, and finally told her family members that they were dead. To put it bluntly, this was like playing family members as monkeys, and it was not excessive to sprinkle salt on the wound.

Tian Guangcheng heard this with anxiety in his face ... In his opinion, Zhang Yu was still too young, probably because of the young people's love for face, so he tried to pretend to be here and found that he couldn't cure it, but he was embarrassed to say. Good now! Might as well say at the outset that he can't cure himself, at least not to the family members of the patients.


"Lisa! It seems that this Chinese is really a witch doctor like you said. He is also true! I would have said it earlier! What a pretense is so good. That beautiful girl is so pitiful!" Murmured.

The stewardess Lisa didn't say anything, in fact, she had doubts about Zhang Yu now? But if this person really can't heal, then why can he see his secret at a glance? Did he intentionally say this to himself? Is there any special purpose behind it? For example, the beauty of myself? Find someone to investigate! In that case, you really have to be careful about it.


Christina, who was about to faint, was awakened by Zhang Yu with a refreshing technique on her head. But she didn't have time to think about why, she cried out immediately: "No! Dad! Don't leave Christina alone! I don't!" After that, I broke Mario and rushed to the ground lying down the man.

Cristina's crying immediately caused a slight sadness in the cabin ... Anyone with a heart of iron and stone, when hearing this kind of cries with affection of his father and daughter, could not feel nothing. At the same time, these people also cast an unpleasant expression on Zhang Yu. It can be said that these people have a great dislike of the culprit that caused this.

Zhang Yu saw a helpless expression! Ok! He was kind enough to help, but now he has become the target of criticism. Where do you go? Thinking of this, he shook his head and said to crying Christina: "Hey, I said this lady! I just said that your dad was out of breath, and did not say your dad was not saved. You are crying now! It's too early Come on! "

Zhang Yu said this! The whole cabin was strangely quiet. Even Cristina, who was crying, stopped crying and looked at Zhang Yu with some confusion ... Maybe she suddenly wanted to understand Zhang Yu's meaning again, her expression turned to excitement, and she hurriedly grabbed Zhang Yu's arm, loudly "Please, sir! Please save my father."

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "I'll do my best!"

Seeing this, the captain thought that Zhang Yu wanted to do cardiopulmonary recuperation for the other person, and hurriedly took out the simple breathing apparatus from the medicine box around him, and said, "Sir! Do you need us to help? Our crew members are all After rescue training, I am familiar with cardiopulmonary rejuvenation. Even if you use simple breathing apparatus with you, there is no problem. "

Zhang Yu glanced at the respirator in the captain's hand, shook his head, and said, "He is no longer able to recover from cardiopulmonary resuscitation! You don't need that thing at all. If you can get me some rescue work, It might be useful. "

The captain heard a embarrassing expression, although it was on the pharmacy plane, but he could n’t take it out for Zhang Yuyong, mainly because he was afraid to take responsibility.

Zhang Yu didn't care about it at this time either, looked at Mario and said, "Big man! Help me hold him up."

Mario also suddenly came over from a sluggish state, nodded hurriedly with Zhang Yu, lifted the man lying on the ground, and kept sitting. But the man was completely unresponsive at this time, his head slumped aside.

Zhang Yu took off the man's shirt and let him show his upper body. Then he sat cross-legged on the back of the other man and said, "Big man! You hold his shoulders, but don't let him fall."

Mario nodded, clenching his shoulders.

Zhang Yu adjusts his breathing, and the vitality in his body is constantly walking ... A few moments until Zhang Yu feels that the vitality operation has gathered enough, he blinks his eyes and quickly moves to several points on the back of the man With a few hard strikes, he used his qi to rush through the acupuncture points, followed by the palms of the opponent's back to stand still.

Foreigners in the cabin were stunned when they saw this scene! It can be said that these people were stunned by Zhang Yu's actions. What is this doing? Is it healing?

Tian Guangcheng's face was weird ... Although these foreigners around did not know what Zhang Yu was doing, it did not mean that Tian Guangcheng did not know. Haven't eaten pork, I've seen pigs run! Haven't practiced kung fu, haven't watched a TV series yet! This is basically whether or not Yungong is healing.

No! Xiao Zhang! You have to play to my rhythm! How can this even cure injuries? Is this a TV series? It's over. If it is discovered that Zhang Yu is a liar, the art troupe will be on the international news this time.

Thinking of this, Tian Guangcheng even had cold sweat on his forehead ...


"I see! This is Yungong healing!" A stewardess whispered.

Lisa, of course, heard the colleague's words, and hurriedly turned around and asked, "What is Yungong healing?"

The stewardess said: "I don't know! It was performed on television. I was recently watching an ancient Chinese TV drama, and the people in it used this method to treat the disease. I thought it was fake! I didn't expect it China really has such a way of saving people, which is simply amazing. "

After Lisa listened, when she turned to look at Zhang Yu again, her eyes gradually opened up ...