Chapter 830: manor, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

After a brief greeting in the car and everyone, Zhang Yu turned his head to look at Brandt and said, "Mr. Brandt! What cocktail party are we going to attend tonight?"

Brandt smiled when he heard the words and said, "In fact, it is a coincidence! Rome will host the Italian International Opera Festival every two years. So many celebrities in Europe are in Rome these days. The reception was sponsored by a rich opera-loving rich man in Italy. This is also a networking event in the entire European music industry. Is n’t this just the way you came! We all think we should take you to take a look and help you Introduce some new friends, after all, you are now one of us. "

"That's the case! No wonder you all came." Zhang Yu said this, and suddenly looked at the crowd strangely, and said, "Right! Aren't you all the conductors of the symphony orchestra! How about other opera festivals? Come here for fun? "

"Hehehehe!" Several people laughed at the same time.

Lange laughed: "Although we are conductors of the orchestra! But operas are also accompanied by symphony orchestras. We are actually invited by our domestic professional opera groups. Because the scale of the performance is relatively large, professional theater companies in various countries also interact with each other For comparison, we are not only responsible for the command, but also for the adaptation. To be nice, it is to help carry the banner, and to be uncomfortable, it is to be a laborer, and when the smashing, someone needs to come to the black pot, who Can't run. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Several people around laughed at this, and gave thumbs to Lange.

Brandt laughed: "Paul! You're absolutely right! It's a phrase. You don't know, I was so sad about adapting" The Gypsy Wandering "the other day. This The show has basically been adapted for countless editions over the years, and I have tried my best to complete the adaptation before the show. But to be honest, I think the effect is average. If the audience does not buy it, I am afraid that I will Don't want to come. "

The Berlin Orchestra conductor Kleiser Oscar, who was driving, also interjected at this time: "Carl! What is your" Gypsy Wandering "! The" Tulip Knight "chosen by the Berlin Opera House this year is hard to do! I have adapted this song a few times myself. My hair is now grabbing a lot, and the effect of the adaptation is called miserable. Next time I think about it clearly. If I am still responsible for the adaptation, no matter who asks me, I'm not coming! "

"Hehehehe!" Several people heard a smile, knowing that adapting opera is a system engineering after all. Over the years, any one of them has been adapted countless times. Almost all the notes that can be used have been used. If I want to introduce new ones, I am afraid that it is harder to get better.

Brandt turned to Lange and said, "Paul! How's your adaptation of Hamlet?"

"Hamlet! Is this the name of the opera in which Mr. Lange is responsible?" Zhang Yu was surprised when he heard the familiar name.

Paul Lange heard a word and said something weird: "What's wrong? Is there any problem with this?"

"Oh! No ... no problem! It just sounds strange. Just ask!" Zhang Yu coped with a smile, and asked the other person to hear Shakespeare's name.

Several people heard this at the same time! Why is Zhang Yu's question so strange?

Brandt said something strange: "Zhang Yu, haven't you heard of the opera" Hamlet "? This is one of the most frequently performed operas in the history of human opera!"

When Zhang Yu saw everyone with a strange face, he smiled and said, "In fact, I don't usually listen to opera! So I don't know."

Everyone heard this as if they heard something incredible! A conductor does not listen to opera, what a joke!

Brandt said in surprise: "Zhang Yu! Aren't you kidding us! You never really listen to opera? Haven't you heard of any?"

Zhang Yu really hasn't heard the opera here, but she can't make it easy. What if someone smells which one they have heard, how do you answer? I shook my head and said, "I have never heard of one! Mr. Brandt, do you have any good works here to recommend? If I have time, I will go and listen and learn."

Brandt heard a speech and made a speechless expression, saying: "Zhang Yu, I have completely served you now. If anyone told me that a professional conductor has never heard of opera, I can't believe it. Now It seems to be unbelievable, you are a clear negative example. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Everyone in the car smiled in unison.

Lange also laughed: "In fact, this is nothing strange! Zhang Yu is still very young after all, and it is impossible to be proficient in everything, but I think it is normal. If he is as good at opera as he is, it is strange! After Zhang Yu, in fact, the "Gypsy Drifters", "The Tulip Knight" and "Hamlet" that we just said are all very nice! You can listen to them when you go back, maybe you will open your talents in opera Then! "

"OK! I remember." Zhang Yu nodded.

Brandt interjected: "Actually," Fevre "is also very nice! Yes, and my favorite" The Last Warrior Orona "! By the way, Paul! Did they sing this year? This opera? "

Lange nodded and said, "Yes! This group will sing this play ten or six times. After all, Matello is the master of Italian opera and the glory of the Italians! Remember when we went to school, the teacher It was said that the opera's name was inscribed in the blood of the Italians. "

Several people around nodded and heard ...

The car was moving along, and a few people kept chatting in the car. The topic was of course the people and events at this opera festival, but all this was very strange to Zhang Yu. Most of the time he just listened, anyway, This time is for fun, it doesn't matter who he is and who he is

The car came to a gate and stopped.

The person standing at the door came over ... Brandt lowered the window and passed a few invitation cards in his hand.

After reading the invitation, the man laughed and said, "Welcome all the masters to visit our manor! I wish you all a good evening." After that, return the invitation card to Brandt. As the man turned around and made a gesture to the door, the barrier on the road slowly rose ... the car entered the manor.


Zhang Yu looked through the window. Although it was very dark outside, he had night vision ability, so he could see everything around him clearly.