Chapter 837: Merry son?, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Zhang Yu shook her head and said, "Sorry! I don't remember knowing David Paletta!"

"Not David? Ah! That's Alice!" Teresa smiled confidently: "We must have met at her party. Right?"

Zhang Yu smiled and shook her head again, indicating that she didn't know any Alice either.

"Not even Alice!" Teresa did not admit to seeing Zhang Yu, and looked at the other side with a strange look. "No! We should have seen it because you look so familiar, I'm sure recently Did you see you? "

While Teresa was meditating hard, Carol suddenly interrupted and said, "Okay Teresa! People obviously pretend not to know you, don't you see it! Don't think about it, even if you are relatively He won't admit it. "

Carroll's words made several people around her look directly at her, and they didn't seem to understand her.

Theresa frowned. "Carol! What do you mean by that?"

"What's so hard to understand!" Carroll glanced at Zhang Yu with a smile, saying: "This shows that they don't want to admit to seeing you at all! Because now they have a new goal, you are now low The past goal of the edition naturally became unseen! "

"Hehehehe!" Several people around laughed at the same time, and knew Carroll's meaning almost immediately.

Teresa heard the words, and looked at Zhang Yu with a little suspicion. There Teresa herself exists as a beauty. The number of words that have been talked about in her life, I am afraid that you need to use the square to be clear. . Naturally, she can't remember everyone who talks with herself, especially Zhang Yu looks so ordinary, she can't remember it. Is it really like Carroll said that this guy was deliberately saying he hadn't seen himself because he was afraid Christina knew he was a wanderer? The character of that person is debatable. Of course, as a friend of her own, Christina can't watch her being fooled.

Christina frowned when she saw this. Although she and Zhang Yu had just met each other, the other man didn't seem to feel like the kind of man who could calculate. You have to know what kind of condition a woman wants based on the other person's medical skills. In addition, he asked the other party to see his father for two million euros, and the other party was not interested. Otherwise, I may have proposed something special to myself yesterday, and I may not dare not agree.

Of course, Zhang Yu was not obliged to explain the need to several people, think of each other as he wanted, and he didn't care about it ... But now that he saw Brandt beckoning to himself, he said to several women around him: "No Excuse me, my friend called me. Let's have a chance to talk again! "After that, Christina nodded and walked away.

When Carroll saw Zhang Yu actually flew away a few people and left alone, his face immediately turned out assured, and he said to a few women, "Look! He was simply hit by me, I ca n’t get away without hanging my face! That ’s why men are all the same. They come together to make hippie smiles and have their own purposes. Especially you Christina! You are the queen of our existence, do n’t be affected by this. The romantic prodigal lied to it, being careful not to take advantage of it in the end! It was also turned around by others. "

The women around nodded and heard nods ... you know, these people hate the kind of guys who seem to be friendly and considerate, but they are actually stolen. Because these people approach them for a special purpose, it is these men who like to figure out what hurts them most. If only he looked handsome! Obviously, he was ordinary, and he was still cheated. After thinking about it, it is too early to adjust it in half a year.

Christina heard this, but said with a bit of annoyance: "Carroll! Don't talk nonsense, okay. Mr. Zhang was still in Geneva, Switzerland yesterday! I just met him on a plane! How could he ever meet Theresa! And those things are even more boundless. "

Carol heard hurriedly: "Even if he was in Switzerland yesterday, it does not mean that he did not come to Rome last week! It is not normal for business people to fly around."

"Isn't it good for business! He is ..." Originally, Christina wanted to say that Zhang Yu was a doctor, but then remembered that Zhang Yu didn't seem to want others to know that he was a doctor. He froze and suddenly remembered What happened, said: "That's right! Mr. Zhang is an actor of the Chinese Art Troupe. He was performing in Geneva a few days ago."

"Is he an actor? Really fake?" Carroll was skeptical when he heard it.

"Actor! Actor!" Theresa murmured involuntarily when she heard this, her eyes suddenly flashed, and she said, "I remember seeing him somewhere!"

"Where! Hurry, hurry!" Carol said with a smile.

Teresa said: "I remember correctly! It was at Alice's house!"

"Look!" Carol smiled, and said to Christina proudly: "I'm not bad! Teresa must have been struck by him, otherwise it would not be possible to impress that guy. Theresa hasn't been to Geneva recently! Right! Theresa! "

"You! I haven't finished that yet. What are you anxious about! It's as if you saw it with your nose and eyes." Theresa's expression was speechless.

"Then what do you mean!" Carroll froze.

Teresa said: "At the time, Alice told me one thing! He said that recently an art troupe in China was doing a tour of the four European countries. One of them conducted it, saying that it was a super genius rare in a thousand years. These days, this genius will come to Rome to perform, so I still want to ask me to watch the show together! And that conductor, who was just the same, his name is ... "

"Zhang Yu!" Christina reminded.

"Yes! Just call Zhang Yu! I said I saw him because I had watched the performance video that Alice showed me. The man above! It was the person just now."

The people around me suddenly realized that this was the case!

"That's right! George invited so many musicians to the reception this time. Since the Chinese just now are so famous! So it's no surprise to come to the reception."

"It should be like this! It's a real person. I didn't expect that person to be a musical genius."

Several people around were talking ...

Christina instead looked at Carol and frowned, "Carroll! Let you talk nonsense. Now I know it is a misunderstanding of others! In fact, Mr. Zhang's personality is not offensive to you! You face to face It ’s like a hooligan, you are too much. ”