Chapter 873: Cute name, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

When Rigoletto felt that there might be someone outside the door, he immediately opened the door and rushed out at a speed that was extremely inconsistent with his figure. He wanted to see who was hiding nearby.

The maid Joanna also hurried to the gate. A figure suddenly flashed in at this time, and Joanna was frightened, but he was relieved when he found that the person was the Duke.

The Duke smiled, shoved a heavy bag of money into Joanna's hands, and ran into the yard, hiding in a dark corner.

Joanna turned over a bag of money and put it on her face with satisfaction.

Rigoletto returned to the yard carefully at this time. Although he ran out in a hurry just now, but did not see anyone outside, he felt that he might have overreacted.

Rigoletto returned to the house, closed the door ... and then carefully explained his daughter again. Do not go out, stay at home.

The duke hid in a dark corner at this time and saw Rigoletto. He was very surprised that the mysterious man was a jester of his own. What's more surprising to him is that the jester is actually the father of this beautiful girl, which makes him hardly believe his eyes.

An ugly-looking camel can give birth to such a beautiful daughter, which is incredible!

Rigoletto finally explained to the maid Joanna that she must be very optimistic about Gilda. The maid was actually a little irritated, but she still could not bear it and continued to listen to him ... Stopped nagging, turned and said goodbye to the daughter, the father and daughter were reluctant to separate, again.

Rigoletto turned and left the house, eventually disappearing into the night.


Gilda watched her father leave, turned and sang to the maid Joanna, "Joanna! I have a little regret."

"Why do you say that?" Joanna was a little strange.

Gilda: "I didn't confess to my father! I should tell him that there is a young man who always follows me in the church!"

Joanna smiled suddenly: "This is a trivial matter! You don't need to tell him at all! Is it because you hate that young man?"

Gilda smiled. "Of course not! He is such a handsome young man. Seriously, it makes me feel love."

Joanna touched the money bag around her waist and smiled: "I think he seems to be a rich rich man!"

Gilda shook her head and said, "I don't want him to be a rich man or a prince. Even if he is just a poor man, I think I will fall in love with him ..."

The Duke of Mantuya heard the words of Gilda, and moved slowly out of the dark ... At the same time, he gestured to Joanna, and the other party immediately ran back to the house and closed the door.

Gilda didn't know that the Duke had come behind, and sang intoxicatedly: "Whether day or night, whether I have been awake or in a dream, I always want to call him and say to him: I love ...

The duke could not bear it anymore, and sang excitedly, "I love you! I want to hear you say it again, those sweet words, open the door to love for me."

Gilda was surprised to find that the man she liked suddenly appeared behind her, which surprised her and hurriedly called the maid's name, but Joanna had no shadow now. In this case, however, Frightened her.

The Duke: "What are you afraid of? I haven't stood here and responded to you with my heart? Ah ... the true lover should have come to a world."

"Who told you to come in! You're leaving!" Gilda avoided the Duke's approach.

The Duke: "It doesn't matter whether it's an angel or a devil who brought me in. I just want to say to you, I love you!"

"Please leave! Please leave!" Gilda hurriedly avoided the approaching Duke.

"The flame of love has ignited me! I have been unable to leave! Fate has connected us, please accept me. Pure and beautiful girl ..." At this time the Duke grabbed Gilda's hand and pulled her arms into the field. The music also suddenly changed, and became the rhythm of the four or three. The Duke looked at Gilda with some scared eyes affectionately and sang, "Love is the sunlight emitted from the heart, the meaning of life, and the sound of love can be the same as the heart. Beat together, in the face of love, glory, power, and glory of the world are like the clouds and clouds of the past, and will eventually disappear. The only sacred and eternal thing in the world is love, which is the one that draws us two to the angel. Do n’t Hesitant, my beloved, let us bravely love, you are like a gift from God, and the world will admire my luck because of your existence. "

Gilda is a pure girl who has never been so enthusiastically pursued by a man ... The Duke's sweet words let the heart beat, and the enthusiastic embrace of the Duke made Gilda feel weak, and the two finally snuggled up. Together (Here is a duet.) The two were unable to control their affectionate expressions of mutual affection until they both said "I love you" and followed Gilda to ask the name of the duke.

The Duke thought for a while and told Gilda that his name was Guardia Meyer, and he lied to Gilda to say that he was a poor student.

Gilda heard the name Guardie Mayer, thinking that the Duke was saying it true, happily hugging each other.

At this time, the maid Joanna ran out in a panic and sang, "Not good! Someone seems to be coming outside!"

"Maybe my father!" Gilda panicked.

(Bold! He came to bother us, and was really trying to die.) The Duke was very upset, but he just told the other party that he was a poor student and had not revealed his identity.

Gilda anxiously said to Joanna: "Quick! Take him away from the back door! Go now."

The duke was helpless, and now it seems that he must be separated from Gilda ... The scene of separation, the two still reluctantly (here is a wonderful male and female duet), which reflects the two people's love and interdependence. But in the end the Duke was dragged away by Joanna from the back door.

Gilda looked at the disappearing back of the Duke, with a reluctant expression on her face, she could not disappear for a long time, and she remembered the name the Duke had told her, Guardie Meyer. She couldn't control her singing a soprano classic aria "Lovely Name" to express her love for Gutiere Mayer.

Gilda's beautiful voice wafts in the hall ... People are actually angry that the duke deceived the innocent Gilda with a fake name, but Gilda's wonderful singing still made everyone realize what a real sound of nature sounds , Also deeply impressed by the author's musical talents.

Gilda felt she had fallen in love with the name Guardia Meyer, and she wanted to love it forever, forever, forever ...