Chapter 880: Rush into a doctor, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Christina happened to be in the middle of the day and made an appointment with Zhang Yu at night.


Zhang Yu put down the phone and left Jinsheng Company ... As soon as he left the door, Kuhn called again and asked Zhang Yu to go to the theater to see the terms of the contract.

Zhang Yu happened to be fine in the afternoon. He took a taxi and went directly to the theater ... When Zhang Yu came to Kuhn's office, he found that his lawyer had also arrived, and brought the terms of the contract between the two parties.

Zhang Yu took a closer look, and to be honest, something unexpected! Because Kuhn's conditions are more relaxed than he thought. Not only does the contract indicate the share of each performance for itself, but also takes out a portion of the theater's shares and transfers it to its own name, then he not only has a share in the performance, but also has a dividend on the share. Hearty contract.

Of course, Zhang Yu was very satisfied with the contract conditions that Kuhn saw. Naturally, there was no extra consideration, and he directly agreed to the terms of the contract.

Kuhn saw Zhang Yu agree, and he was very happy ... Although at the moment, he was suffering a little. But that's just for the general situation. After all, Zhang Yu in front of him is not an ordinary person. What he sees is the talent of the other party, not a little bit of small profits in front of him. If you can use a small share of the theater to pull Zhang Yu down on the same boat, then the future development of the theater will still outweigh the disadvantages.

Kuhn saw that he had discussed with Zhang Yu, so he asked the lawyer to go back to prepare the official documents. In a few days, he was looking for a good day and a signing ceremony. It was lively.

How could Zhang Yu have some free time here to sign a signing ceremony? After finishing the work here, he was anxious to return to China, because the summer vacation is about to pass, the school is about to start there, and he does n’t have any extra time to continue shaking .

Zhang Yu urged Kuhn to get his lawyer to prepare the contract as soon as possible. He couldn't wait too long, and it would be better to sign the contract in the afternoon.

Kuhn seemed to be very anxious to see Zhang Yu, but he was helpless. It seems that the other party is not interested in any signing ceremony, and it seems he can only speed up. As for the signing ceremony, nothing can be done, then a unilateral press conference will do. Anyway, my side is also focusing on results and not on processes.

Kuhn hurriedly instructed the lawyer to try to get the documents ready in the afternoon.

The lawyer was eager to see the boss and Zhang Yu, so he only promised to come down and hurriedly return to the law firm to prepare the materials.


So Zhang Yu stayed in the theater in the afternoon, waiting to sign a contract.

Kuhn went out because he had to arrange the opening performance of the opera festival, so that the secretary prepared something for Zhang Yu.

A phone ringing sounded ... Zhang Yu picked it up and looked at it. Although there was no caller ID on it, Zhang Yu knew who the call was by looking at it with a strong memory. It was the stewardess named Lisa he met on Alitalia.


"Zhang ... Mr. Zhang? Or me, Lisa! I wonder if you have time today?"

Lisa has actually called Zhang Yu many times these days! It can be said that playing once, the other party is not available, and playing again, the other party is not available, which makes Lisa's heart very anxious.

In fact, Lisa was most worried that Zhang Yu was not available. She was mainly afraid that Zhang Yu was pretending not to be available, but she actually did not want to see her doctor. After all, he sinned the other party on the plane, so if the other party hates himself, it is not impossible for him to see a doctor.

But for Lisa, the dark spots on her face have become more and more serious ... If it continues to deteriorate so much, it may not be covered by cosmetics. As soon as the company discovers this, it is necessary to switch from stewardess to ground handling. The key is that they are still so young. Now they are turned into ground handling at this age. What can they do in the future!

Lisa thought about it again and again, although she didn't think she had much hope, but she still planned to make a call and continued to call Zhang Yu ... After all, work was more important than face.

"Uh ... I don't have time in the afternoon! Can you wait! Wait for me ..."

"Mr. Zhang! I know! It was indeed my fault on the plane that offended you. I beg you if the adult will not remember the villain, and forgive me this time. I am really ... there is really nothing I can do about it. Phone call for you. Although you have any conditions, in fact, I have a little savings these years, if not enough, I can go out to borrow. Please help me look at your face once! Okay? "Lisa on the other side of the phone is Crying, talking about pity.

Zhang Yu heard that it was speechless! The other party thought he was still angry at the last plane, so he deliberately did not see her. Where do you want to go? And I've been really busy lately.

But Zhang Yu thinks about it too. If he pushes tomorrow today, tomorrow pushes tomorrow, it is inevitable that the other party will misunderstand.

"Miss Lisa! Actually everything on the plane has passed and I'm not so stingy. And it's not that I don't want to show you, but that I've been too busy recently and I really have no time. But now I'm busy Almost, or the fastest afternoon, the slowest evening! Wait for my call! "

"Really ... that ... that's great, Mr. Zhang. I have time in the afternoon and evening, so I'll wait for your call!" Lisa on the other side of the phone seemed to be laughing and laughing, and the phone naturally seemed a bit small excitement.

"I'll call you when I'm busy!"

Zhang Yu hung up the phone ... After waiting a long time, Kuhn's lawyer prepared the documents and returned to the theater.

Zhang Yu and Kuhn also completed the final signing in the office.

After signing the contract, Zhang Yu and Kuhn are very happy ... Zhang Yu is happy to become a shareholder of a famous theater, Kuhn is happy to hold a thigh, anyway, it is desirable.

Kuhn wants to invite Zhang Yu to dinner tonight. But Zhang Yu had already made an appointment and rejected the other party.

Zhang Yu called Lisa, and he wanted to go directly to the taxi. But the other party had to take the initiative to drive to pick up, and he said nothing.


quickly! A red car was parked near the theater with two women in it.

Monica watched Lisa hang up and frowned. "Lisa! The person you are talking about is not a liar?"

Lisa said: "No! He's a real lord! I've seen him treat people, and he can save the dead, but it's amazing."

Monica said: "The situation you said is actually nothing strange! Those who recuperate, breathe artificially, etc., do not have this effect! I think the person you said may be in shock It should n’t be so dangerous. And I also went online to check these days. All of them said that Chinese medicine is witchcraft, and there is no cure at all. I think you still do n’t have to rush into a doctor. Otherwise, you still have to ask Annual leave, I'll accompany you to see Paris or London! "89