Chapter 944: Shortlisted two, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Cai Bin, who was on the side, hurriedly interjected: "Mr. Duan! Our monitor is in very good physical condition. You also saw his performance during the basketball game! It can be said that he can reach the standard at any jump! But I think he is still There is room for improvement! How can you say that you also have a professional background and help you explain it? It is also a supplementary course. If you can improve the finalists, you are no more skillful than everyone else.

Duan Yongwen nodded his head, feeling that there is still plenty of time anyway, and said: "All right! Then I will give you a brief introduction to the technical essentials of long jump! Everyone pays attention to the lecture."

Duan Yong got up and went to the long jump runway, and explained to everyone the technical essentials and related details of the long jump.

For track and field events, of course, long jump is one of the simpler projects. In simple terms, it depends on who jumps long. Subdividing it again is basically about the detailed control of the run-up, take-off, flying, landing.

These things are very simple for Zhang Yu, I almost know it after listening to it. But from Duan Yong's explanation, he can also hear that the other party is indeed a kind of strong body, and the relevant details explain the first and foremost, clear and clear.

Long jump, in the original Zhang Yu's view, is nothing more than running and jumping, how can there be so many. However, Duan Yong's explanation is beyond this macro scope. It seems that acceleration and rhythm, the choice of pedals and jump methods, the vacant posture and the movement of the center of gravity, the relevant technical essentials of landing, if not professionally learned, these things may not be able to explain So clear and detailed.

Duan Yong gave an explanation while doing a few standard moves in stages, and finally stopped. "Zhang Yu! You can see the general process?"

"I see!" Zhang Yu nodded.

"Then you try it!"

Zhang Yu nodded and walked to the starting point. He first measured the length and step distance step by step, then returned to the starting point again, and began to adjust the state.

Duan Yong saw that Zhang Yu was pretty professional and nodded with satisfaction. Everyone in the school said that Zhang Yu's cleverness was very rare. It seems to be true now. Otherwise, you ca n’t just read it once and go to school. It's pretty. As for how far Zhang Yu can jump, let's not talk about it. At least I measured these steps before and did a good job.

Zhang Yu adjusted his own rhythm, and according to Duan Yong's explanation, he ran up and gradually accelerated ... In the run-up phase, he did not run very fast, anyway, it is not a formal competition, but mainly learning skills.

Zhang Yu's pace is almost exactly the one I expected. How to say long jump is also a relatively simple project, almost at a glance, without any difficulty.

At the end of the run-up, the pedal took off, Zhang Yu in the air, almost a standard emptying action close to a hundred points.

Not bad! Duan Yong saw this scene and nodded with satisfaction. If Zhang Yu can reach this level just by looking it over, sports talent is rare.

After Zhang Yu vacated, he moved forward inertia and finally landed on the sponge mat.

The person in charge looking at the distance scale next to him, after reading it, said loudly: "Six meters!"

Duan Yong's eyes flashed a surprise. To say that this result is far beyond the standard, even if it is among the boys of the same age at the county and city level, it is already a very good result, and Zhang Yu's result is recorded on the form.

Zhang Yu didn't know how he was doing, but when he saw Duan Yong didn't signal himself to jump again, he didn't continue to try.

After Zhang Yu's end, there were still many students who signed up for the long jump project and conducted test jumps one by one, but the results were not as outstanding as Zhang Yu's. In the end, there was only a boy who jumped six meters and Zhang Yu together to represent the men's long jump team in the school.

With the end of the popular registration program, most students turned and left the gymnasium. Few people signed up for the unpopular program, and the people waiting on the sidelines were already sparse. Of course, there are still some projects that don't even have one registration, they are simply bald projects.

Wang Zhaowei and Duan Yong had no way to deal with this situation, and now they can only break the jar. However, in order to further understand the enrolled players, the results of the unpopular events were still evaluated.

Zhang Yu also claimed his name in the triple jump project, but this time not so many people participated in the evaluation.

Duan Yong helped Zhang Yu a few people to explain the skills of triple jump. Although it seems that the triple jump and long jump are not much different, but there are a lot of skills. It doesn't mean that you are fast and strong, and you jump long. In the middle, you need to master not only the pace and rhythm, but also the arm swing and center of gravity control. Of course, it is simple. The middle one is not handled well, and it is easy to have the consequences of a strain, so it is also a skill item in the track and field project.

Duan Yong explained the movements in stages. Zhang Yu also understood it after reading it. He tried to jump first when trying to jump.

Zhang Yu, like the long jump, first took a step measurement and felt that he was almost ready to start the race.

Triple jump is not a matter of brute force, rhythm is the key to performance.

Zhang Yu's first test jump, although basically completed most of the requirements, that is, when the second level shifts to the third level, the control of the center of gravity is slightly uncomfortable.

With the end of the take-off and landing pad, the person watching the scale next to him cried out loudly: "twelve meters eight!"

Duan Yongwen Yan still nodded with satisfaction. This kind of performance is good among the county-level players of the same age. It seems that there is no problem in the finals.

The test results of two track and field competitions, Zhang Yu's results are very good. Duan Yong also lamented in his heart that Zhang Yu deserves to be born in basketball and has excellent physical flexibility. It is very appropriate for him to represent the school in two jumping events.

There are not many registrations for the triple jump, and it is over without a few jumps.

The hurdles project was registered by one person, and she was still a woman. Duan Yong saw that she simply crossed a few times, even if she passed. Although the cross is not good, it can be strengthened in the later training, it is better than the project with the shaved head.

No one signed up for the high jump, it was too difficult, not from a professional sports school, it was almost difficult to reach the standard.

Shot put, discus, and javelin are also very few entries, but because they are outdoor projects, they were finally tested. Only three people signed up for the three projects, and they were all male. Their grades were mediocre, but they just approached the target line and didn't surpass them.

Duan Yong completed the test phase of each project, called Wang Zhaowei and Zhang Yu, and the three discussed again on this abhorrent list.