Chapter 1065: phone, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

"Still you know me! The sneeze I just sneezed was not a normal sneeze."

"Not an ordinary sneeze?" Su Qianqian and Tan Xiaonan seemed to feel a little confused when they heard this.

"No, boss! Is there anything unusual about sneezing?" Wu Jie was also interested.

"Of course! Or else you sneeze and see how these monkeys react?"

Wu Jie nodded when he heard the words, followed by clearing his throat and sneezing again! Sneeze! Lien sneezed twice, but the monkeys around them didn't seem to hear it, and nothing happened.

Seeing this, Wu Jie could only look at Zhang Yu again and made a helpless expression.

"Look at me!" Zhang Yu smiled, and adjusted the state a bit! Suddenly, "A sneeze!" Sneezed ... The monkeys around him immediately changed their eyes and looked around, as if they had been stimulated.

Everyone in the class saw this scene with a look of surprise! Obviously sneezing, but why Zhang Yu sneezes, these monkeys respond, and Wu Jie sneezes, these monkeys don't seem to hear.

Su Qianqian said strangely: "Zhang Yu! Why do fat monkeys sneeze as if they didn't hear them. And when you sneeze, they have such a big reaction?"

"Yes, boss! How did you do that?" Wu Jie was surprised with open mouth.

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Because our vocal frequencies are different! In fact, these animals are inherently more sensitive to our hearing system than our humans, and many humans have less useful frequencies. These monkeys are for communication. The frequency of sneezing is dangerous for these monkeys. It is dangerous! Their response is of course strong. In fact, sneezing is just a cover up! Under normal circumstances, make this kind of sound, pay attention to my vocal position. "Between speaking, Zhang Yu raised his fist and blocked his mouth, leaving an external channel in the middle. At the same time, the other hand pushed up the part of the throat, followed by a squeaky frequency, sounding as if the monkey was calling.

The surrounding monkeys heard this voice and made a mess. Compared to the surprise just now, it seems that something really dangerous is going to happen this time.

Of course, Zhang Yu is just a simple demonstration now. With the end of his demonstration, several monkeys have become stable again, but their faces are still full of panic. The largest monkey in the monkey group decided Can't wait any longer here, hurried away with a few monkeys, they are no longer planning to stay in this strange place anyway.

Zhao Zhijun said with admiration on his face: "Boss! I have served you. I didn't expect you could control even a monkey!"

Zhang Yu heard a smile and said, "What kind of control is this! I just use some of the characteristics of the monkey."

Tan Xiaonan curiously said, "How did you get this kind of thing?"

"Eh ... I watched it on TV! Learned after watching it." Zhang Yu smiled, as if saying a trivial matter.

Everyone around him heard this expression with admiration! Just watch it on TV, and this brain catches up with the computer.

Suddenly Wu Jie thought of something, saying, "Yes, the boss! Since you just made this kind of sound easily to stimulate monkeys, why didn't the monkeys attack you?"

Zhao Zhijun heard this grabbing and said: "It's useless! It must be that the monkey didn't look good to the guy. The kid's pointed-billed monkey cheeks looked like a monkey. The monkey king looked at the guy and dared to occupy the site. Let's scratch him together!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" People around laughed into a ball when they heard this.

Zhang Yu also smiled and said, "In fact, these monkeys can bite him! I don't think it's strange at all. The key is that the boy chose to touch the little monkey instead of the big monkeys. In fact, these monkeys It is basically a group, and that little monkey is considered as the larva. When the larva monkey is attacked by others, it is most likely to stimulate the excessive response of the monkey group. If the adult monkey that the boy first touched, the monkey group will be There should not be such a big response. To put it bluntly! He thought that big monkeys were dangerous, and little monkeys were safe, but it was actually wrong. Little monkeys are gunpowder buckets for monkeys! A bad control can easily ignite the body. Things that look dangerous are not necessarily dangerous, and things that seem safe are not necessarily safe. "

People around nodded after hearing this ... Of course, everyone also knows that those who offend Zhang Yu have never taken advantage, so anyone who offends him must have not worshipped before going out, and it has fallen into bad mold.

As the monkeys walked away, there was nothing to see nearby, and everyone continued to walk along the mountain road ... At almost every scenic spot, the twelve classes of people stopped to take pictures, looking very interested.

In the heart of Laoshan Scenic Area, there is a Taoist Temple called Sanqingguan. Because it is an ancient building for many years, it also makes the incense here flourish on weekdays. It is regarded as the signature attraction of Laoshan Scenic Area. Due to the legend, the signing is very accurate here, many foreigners also came here to go to Zhuxiang, making it a must-visit for everyone in the scenic area.

Everyone came to Sanqingguan, because the girls wanted to go to the temple to apply for a visa, and the boys could only accompany them to see.

However, Zhang Yu's cell phone suddenly rang at this time. He picked it up and found that it was actually a call from Christina.

Originally Zhang Yu wanted to wait for the exam results to come to Italy again. Because he had promised Christina before, after the other party used Chinese medicine for half a year, he would help her to adjust her prescription and acupuncture again.

However, because Zhang Yu was busy with the diseases of two old men, Dai Yongan and Xie Changsheng, there was no time to help Christina change prescriptions and acupuncture. Things dragged on again and again, and finally Zhang Yu was a little embarrassed. She could only guarantee that after the exam was over, she would not need to come, and she would go to Italy for her second treatment.

Zhang Yu saw that Christina was on the phone, and she felt that the other party might be really anxious, and hurriedly connected the phone ...

"Is Zhang Yu?" Christina's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me! Christina! Wait for it ..."

"Zhang! Lisa is sick!" Christina said anxiously before Zhang Yu had finished speaking.

"Lisa is ill!" Zhang Yu heard the puppet! "What's wrong? Didn't you go to the hospital for an examination?"

"I don't know what disease! Yesterday we were shopping, she suddenly fainted and was taken to the hospital, but after a long inspection, the doctor could not detect any results. It was suspected of being a viral infection! I plan to invite some tomorrow Expert Rome, consult her together. I think this is a strange thing! It is necessary to tell you. "