Chapter 1069: Mysterious Headfaller, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

The door was suddenly opened at this time ... A man with a straight figure walked in and came to Atiza's side.

The other party first paid a tribute to Atiza, who turned around, and said, "Colonel! The news from the hospital's insider said that the hospital will organize an expert to conduct a consultation with the stewardess tomorrow. Look at us Would you like to take action? "

When Atiza heard this, he glanced blankly at the man next to the bed, and said, "Gumna! Come here!"

Gemuna, who was sitting next to the bed, heard this, his face changed slightly, but then disappeared, smiling and stood up to Atiza's side.

"The words of Napa! You heard them all!" Atizah said blankly.

"You heard me all!" Gemu nodded.

"Do you have any opinion?"

"Mr. Colonel! Rest assured, my black pupil blood drop is a powerful decapitation technique that I have improved! I can control the intensity of its onset, and those foreigners do n’t understand what a decapitation is. I Let them do whatever they want, because they don't do much at all. "

"Very good! This time our main purpose is to find the head-faller who made my sister drop her head. If it is not necessary, try not to fight against the grass." Atiza said that he looked at Naippa again, saying : "Let the insider keep a close eye! As long as I can find someone, the benefits will definitely not be missing him."

Naippa nodded and said, "I know the Colonel! Then I will explain."

"Good! Go!" Atiza nodded.

Naipa saluted Atizah, turned and left ...

When the sound of the closing door sounded, Atiza said: "Gumna! Are you sure that the head-down division ... will definitely appear? He won't notice anything wrong, just run away! You have to know this As a result, it was not what we said beforehand. "

How could Gemun know whether the other party would appear, but his family was now holding the young people in front of them! If you ca n’t give the other person a satisfactory answer, then your family and you will be killed by the other party at any time. You do n’t want the whole family to evaporate. Even if you do n’t have the bottom of your heart, you must make the other person believe in you.

Gemu nodded and said, "Please rest assured, Mr. Colonel! I think that head descendant will definitely appear this time."


"First, the descendants are usually very sensitive to the environment, and most of them have no children or families. In case we use too much battle to kidnap the stewardess, if he finds out, he will probably He scared away. By the time the world was so big, it would be difficult to find him again. This is why we must deal with this matter in a low-key manner! "

Atiza nodded and said, "This is indeed a problem! But what does it have to do with whether he can appear here?"

"This is the second reason. In general, it is not easy for heads and divisions to drop down because of falling heads! Because breaking the heads of others will inevitably lead to backlashes. If the other party is a master-student relationship, it is easy to cause follow-up. It ’s not trivial to make a grievance, but it ’s not a trivial battle between the beheading division and the door. In my opinion, since this mysterious beheading division knows these consequences and is still willing to help the stewardess break down, there are only two possibilities. "

"One, the stewardess can pay enough money to hire this descendant to break the land. But we have also investigated. This stewardess is just an ordinary migrant worker. I don't think she can pay such a large sum. Cost. Then only the second possibility is possible, this head division and this flight attendant are in good personal relationship, so they will break down for her. Since there is a personal relationship, it is very simple, even if a friend comes to see you, it is also It's a normal thing. Besides, when he comes, he can definitely find that the stewardess has hit his head again, and then he will definitely shoot again. "

"But you didn't say it! Don't try to frighten the snake as much as possible? What if the head-falling division found out that the stewardess had fallen head. This time I was afraid! What to do if I run away calmly?"

"Relax! The head descendant dared to touch your sister's black love worm (Black Love 蛊) last time, because the drop is great, but your sister's time for breeding is too short, so the power is naturally not It ’s very big. I believe that the beheading division must also have the heart in mind, so that he can attack the unprepared shot to break the land, and bully the small ones, so that the worm can kill your sister's life. "

"Hum!" Atiza heard a ugly grunt when he heard the other person mentioned his sister.

Gemun saw that Atiza was angry, but there was no other way, he could only bite the bullet and say, "The black pupil blood drop I used this time is not a trivial matter, but it is because of my improvement. Head surgery, I can control it looks like a low-level head-drop, completely has the effect of unprepared attack. Then as long as this head-falling division can appear this time, he will see such a low-level head-drop, will be taken lightly, again Shoot. At that time, I can reduce the intensity of the downfall when he tries to surrender, let him take it lightly, when he thinks that he has helped the stewardess to solve the downfall. Let's find another opportunity to shoot, and let him and the stewardess Solve it together and take revenge on your sister. "

Atiza heard that his face had changed from ugly, and calculated in his mind the feasibility of the plan that the other party said.

Gemu's counterpart no longer spoke, and naturally quiet for a while ... Then he bravely said, "Mr. Colonel! In this matter, I was really wrong. I should n’t teach the head-down to your sister But you also know that your sister's price was too high at the time, and I really could n’t refuse it. You can rest assured! My brother Mu will always follow your orders and take the lead. If you ask me to do anything, I will do whatever you want. My enemy is also my enemy. I hope you can let me and my family go! Let me have a chance to work for you in the future! Can you see it? "

When Atiza heard this, he glanced at Gemuna and said, "What do you mean by that? Can't you believe that I promised you something?"

Gemuna heard the other party's bad tone, and was frightened and waved in a hurry: "No, no! I certainly believe you, Mr. Colonel, your credibility. But I think it seems like Mr. Colonel, you have such a good temperament, an extraordinary skill, and a man of outstanding ability, yes I have n’t seen it in my life. I believe that your achievements in the future must be no small matter! Although it is not very appropriate to ask you now to want to work for you, it seems that a little person like me can have the opportunity to serve you as a colonel in the future. I believe that running errands must be a blessing that has been repaired in a few lifetimes, and of course we should cherish it. "