Chapter 1084: Clark's approach!, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

"Is that the woman's family addressed you personally?"

"I said it myself! They asked me to help the woman as soon as possible."

"Don't hang up! Wait a minute!"

(Follow the phone, silent for a while, until another low voice sounds.)

"You tell me carefully what you just saw!"

Clark felt that the person speaking English on the opposite side of the phone had a different tone than before, and another person should have answered the phone. In fact, these days, he has been in contact with previous people and is very familiar with his English accent. But now that this person's voice was heard for the first time, and it was not the guy who bugs himself, but he also felt a little in the tone, this person should be the other person's talk.

Clark said respectfully in English: "Hello sir! Didn't the man who answered the phone send me to the ward to see it! When I went there, I found that the woman's family and some of her friends were there. I checked the woman too It ’s not a strange thing, but her family members and friends told me that they want to transfer the woman to the United States and want to go to the United States for treatment! "

"Go to the U.S. for treatment! Why go to the U.S. for treatment! Is it because the senior management of your hospital wants to give up her treatment?"

"That's not there! Even the afternoon consultation has been arranged here at the hospital. How could it be proposed to abandon treatment! It was the patient's family and friends who proposed to take her to the United States! And leave in the afternoon."

"So eager! Didn't you tell them that the specialist can consult in the afternoon?"

"I said it! But they don't listen at all! The conditions in our hospital are not good, and many medical instruments are not advanced, not as good as in the United States. I can't say anything about this. To be honest, the medical equipment and standards in the United States are indeed Much better than us. "

"What about the risk! Didn't you tell them that transferring to the hospital is troublesome and that the risk is great! Even applying for boarding is not so easy!"

"I already said it! But the other party said that they had chartered a special plane and could fly directly to the United States at any time in the afternoon."

"A special plane was chartered? Didn't you say that her family couldn't even afford the current treatment fee! How could there be money to charter a plane?"

"Don't blame me for this! The woman's family, when I went to test in the morning, it really didn't look like money. Who knew that she suddenly came to a few friends, it seemed that they were rich, it was they who wanted to make that woman Go to the United States for treatment. Say it is at your own expense! "

"Friend? Who are they?"

"There are men and women! There is also a former colleague from our hospital. Some of them seem to have a good relationship with that woman!"

"Are they all Romans?"

"Anyone who hears an accent!"

The person on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, followed by Lengheng: "I just let you go to the hospital and stare at that woman! I didn't expect that you could not do even this little thing, I can only say that I was disappointed. "

"Sir! You can misunderstand me. It's not that I don't want to drag you down! The problem is that according to the rules of our hospital, if the patient does not owe treatment fees, we only have the right to advice, not the right to decide. Don't say me It ’s just an ordinary doctor! Even if I am the director, there is no way to prevent the patient from being transferred. "

"Then what do you mean by saying to me? Don't you remind me! Now you have no use for me!"

Clark heard the cold sweat come down and hurriedly explained, "No, no, no! I don't mean that. I, I, I ... I hope you can do me a little favor! Little favor!"

"What do you mean?"

"That's it! Now that woman can decide to stay, only her condition. If ... if you can make her lesions a little heavier! Then I have room to operate so that she can stay in our hospital. ... I don't believe it! Those people are watching the woman who is dying, and let her be transferred to the United States! "

"This ... is a way! So what are you going to do?"

"That's it! I'll find an opportunity to meet a few adequate doctors to the woman's ward. Before I leave, I'll call you to tell you the exact time. If that's the time, you can let that woman Symptoms! I followed up with the doctors, believing that her family members would not ask her to leave the hospital after seeing this. You see, my plan is OK? "

"All right! I'll make an exception for you this time. But you have to remember this time! Don't let me down again, you won't want to know how serious that consequence will be."

Clark heard that this was a chill, of course. Although the other party said it was calm, the information revealed inside was definitely not calm. To put it plainly is also the last threat. If you mess up this thing again, the other party will definitely not spare you.

"Be assured! I will never let you down again this time."

"Go! You are ready to call me."

Clark put down the phone, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and was helpless at the same time ... It seems that he should plan this matter himself. At that time, you should scare those who are in trouble for you to death.

Clark turned to leave his office and hurriedly sought out reinforcements.


Clark didn't know that there were two people standing in his next room ...

Zhang Yu and Jaspar were standing there without saying a word ... Zhang Yu was standing there and didn't know what he was thinking, his expressions were calm. Jasper was a bit unconscious and looked a little confused. Because Zhang Yu didn't enter Clark's office, but came to the next room and stood there in a daze.

"Okay Jasper! Let's go back!" Zhang Yu grinned until the person in the next room finished the phone call.

Jasper heard the helplessness of this face! Bai stood for a long time and didn't know why.

The two returned to Lisa's ward ...

At the door, Zhang Yu called Mario and Christina aside.

"Zhang! How's it going?" Cristina asked.

"That guy named Clark does have a problem!"

"It turns out he's a ghost! Let me go and punch him out!" Mario hummed.

"No! He's just a little man, and he can't fight grass and snakes!" Zhang Yu said this, remembering something again, and said, "Yes! If I have a phone number here, can you help me locate the location of the mobile phone?"

Christina heard the laugh and said, "Mario has a way! He often does this."