Chapter 1092: Gemuna's advice, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Clark thought of this, with a respectful expression, and said, "Sir! Actually, I have worked hard for this matter these days. Don't mention them, even the woman's friend and colleague, I I have also asked it several times. I think this matter! It seems that it is not that simple. "

Atiza heard this and looked at Clark next to him. "Why do you say that?"

Clark said: "Think about it! If the two of them have actually heard of such a person, first of all, there is no need to keep a secret for that person. Besides, this is the case now! They and that person are not related to each other. His adventure was even more unnecessary. So the two of them should really not know about that person! "

Atizah said: "What you said is also a bit reasonable! So since the two of them don't know the identity of the person! Who do you think will know? I took so much effort! Don't tell me that I can't find it at all That person! "

Clark smiled dryly and said, "Sir! Although I can't find that person. But I can provide you with an idea. Let's think about it from another angle. Is there no loss to everyone?"

"Changing another angle?" Atiza said coldly. "Changing another angle?"

"I think! Since we have spent so much effort and we haven't found that person, then maybe that person doesn't exist at all. You think! Since that woman has been to so many countries in Europe to treat diseases, it is definitely halfway through I have tried many self-dispensed prescriptions in hospitals, even remedies. I think that things like skin diseases, although troublesome, will not hurt your muscles and bones. Later, she may find that some hospitals have good self-dispensing effects, and she is just fine. ? "

"I'll be fine!" Atizah nodded, and then suddenly smiled, nodded, and said, "Okay! Good! Why didn't I think this is possible! Thanks to your reminder, otherwise I will be now Maybe I haven't figured out what is going on. "

"Mr. Noble is busy! These little things just don't have time to think about, or I'll know for sure when I think about it. And I'm busy all day, and I like to think about nothing when I'm fine." Clark laughed.

Atiza laughed: "Yes, it seems a good habit now to think blindly! By the way, have you ever thought about it, if the person I said doesn't exist at all, what will happen to you?"

Clark heard a stun, and at this moment, Atiza pulled out the palm in his pocket, and at the same time a pistol appeared in his hand ... At the same time as Clark's face changed dramatically, the muzzle also stood against him. Forehead.

"I'm wrong! I'm nonsense! Please, give me again ..."

"Alas!" A gunshot came! Clark, who had a shot in his forehead, fell on his back, accompanied by Doris's scream of heartbreaking.

Gemuna saw this situation immediately, his face changed slightly, he did not expect Atiza to shoot so fiercely, did not give Clark a chance to explain at all. It seems that he can't count on the other person to give alms anymore, the plan to be carried out really needs to start early, but I don't know if the other party can give himself a chance to implement the plan.

Giles was so scared when he saw this scene ... Although he had hated Clark for his teeth at the beginning, he could not wait for him to die earlier. But that's just thinking about it. When he really saw Clark was shot in front of himself, he suddenly woke up, and probably the next person to die was his own couple.

Giles now feels that he is about to urinate pants. Although he usually likes to blow calves occasionally, he is just an ordinary person after all. He usually just goes to work and work, drinks a little wine, talks about football, laughs at mountains and many Like ordinary Romans. I've seen this battle before! This is the first time in his life that someone has been shot dead in front of himself. If this is a nightmare, then wake up!

The two people next to Atiza pulled Clark's legs and dragged him away like a farm animal, leaving traces of blood on the ground.

Atizah's face didn't change color as if it had done a trivial thing, and turned to look at the Giles couple, but the indifference in the eyes made both of them feel cold and sweaty, and they couldn't control it.

"I beg you, sir! I really don't know who you are talking about. If I know! I will definitely tell you. Please let our husband and wife go!" Giles said in a hurry:

"Forget it! Now I believe you don't know." Speaking of this, Atiza turned his head and looked at the two men around him, and said, "You two! Go ahead and the woman will also push over."

Atiza's two men nodded, turned and left ... A short time later, they pushed over a medical cart with a person lying on it.

At the glance, Doris knew that the man was her own sister, and she shouted, "Asshole! What do you want to do to her, let go of my sister."

The two people pushing Lisa, as if they hadn't heard it, pushed people in front of Atiza and backed away.

Atiza went to the bed and glanced at the woman on the bed, revealing a disgust in his eyes ... For him, if it wasn't for the woman in front of him who had deceived his sister's feelings, how could his sister die so early. At the same time, if it wasn't for Gemu's **** who messed up his seamless plan, he would never let this woman die so cheaply.

Thinking of this, Atiza glanced at Gumna next to him ... Although it was only a moment, the sensitive Gumna still felt the chill from the other person's eyes, and his mind was more quickly calculated.

Atiza glanced at Napa next to him and said, "Napa! Send them three on the road!"


"No! Please sir! Please let us go! I remember who that person is, and I will tell you, please forgive us!" Giles begged loudly, under the crotch Urine also flowed uncontrollably to the ground.

"Husband! Sister! Sister!" Doris also cried loudly.


"Mr. Colonel! I actually have a good suggestion." Ge Mu suddenly interjected at this time.

"What advice?" Atizah said blankly.

Gemu said: "Since Mr. Colonel wants revenge! I have a more interesting way of revenge."

After hearing this, Atiza slowly turned to look at Gemuna and said, "Speak out and listen!"

Gemu said: "In fact, my blood drops, if it happens, it can make the person who lowers his head broke out before death! I believe you must not want this woman to die so cheap! Since so why not let that woman Make your hair fall, and then she will become a lunatic to attack the nearest person, isn't it more interesting? "