Chapter 1107: Blood Shield, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Gemuna would think so because the master's deadly opponent's name before he died, and warned himself to be careful of a nicknamed toad. Although the two went to the same door, they were dead opponents for a lifetime. When they were young Fighting many times, each has a disadvantage, can be regarded as a tie.

In the last encounter between the two, the master was seriously injured, and the other was also seriously injured. However, in order to prevent being exploited by other enemies, the master Yin remained anonymous for a while, and he has never seen the toad again.

Although Gemuna ’s master regarded toads as his life's enemies, he also believes that among the beheading divisions in Thailand, only he is qualified to sit on an equal footing with himself, but dismissive of other beheading divisions.

Gemuna saw that Zhang Yu could easily crack his own unique secret technique. Of course, he thought that this person might have a great relationship with the toad. If it was not because Zhang Yu was too young now, he would think that the other party was not good. The toad Tick guessed himself.

Of course, Zhang Yu didn't know what the toad was. He said, "I don't know any toad! But you also saw that your so-called tricks are useless to me. If you give Atiza to me now, I I can let you go. If you do n’t listen to dissuasion and want to continue to help you, then do n’t blame me. You two of you do n’t want to leave today. ”

"Big words!" Ge Muna heard an angry expression on his face, and said, "Since your kid doesn't know how to do anything! You two will die here today!"

When Gemuna said, he stretched out his hands, and the nails of both hands suddenly became long, like a sharp blade, glowing with cold light. A person with a good eye knew that sharpness was very obvious ... Gemuna also knew that, since his magic sound was opposite the young man If it doesn't work, let yourself grab the other's heart and see if they dare to scream in front of themselves.

However, when Gemun wanted to rush over to kill Zhang Yu with his own hands, the action suddenly stopped, and his face was also dignified at the same time ... because the strong man on the opposite side had already pulled out a pistol and pointed at himself, Make him afraid to act lightly.

Mario smiled proudly and said to Zhang Yu: "Zhang! Would you like me to kill them now?"

"Don't worry!" Zhang Yu looked at Gemuna after he said, "Seeing it! If you want to fight with us, there is no chance at all. Listening to you, it seems that you were forced before! You have a chance and let it go, or else you don't want to leave here today. "

Gemun's face was cold and he didn't say a word ...

Atiza did not expect that the opponent had a pistol in his hand, and his heart was helpless. If a few people in Napa were not dead, now they are five to one, and they are not afraid of each other. Unfortunately, he is now a bare commander and injured. Is today really the day of death next year?

Gemuna certainly didn't expect that the opponent had a gun in his hand, but if he was asked to give up Atiza and watch him be killed, he wouldn't agree. Because the lives of his family are now in the hands of the other party, if Atiza dies, his family will surely be, so even if he lost his life today, he must protect Atiza to leave here.

"Boy! Do you think I will be scared if you have a gun? Let me give Atiza to you, absolutely not." Gemuna said that this will start the blood ghost's signature trick again.

The white hairs of Atiza's body seemed to be alive immediately, one by one, they grew very long, as if a silk thread greeted the air. After these white hairs became longer, they began to gradually turn red from the roots. Stopping waving, as if forming a red and white two-color barrier, looks very scary.

"Shoot!" Zhang Yu immediately exclaimed.

Mario didn't think about it when he heard this, he aimed at the gun, then shot a few shots ... the bullet slid out of the gun barrel and sped towards Gemuna.

At this moment, Ge Mana had been covered by the red and white hair in front of him, and he could not see any figure at all.

The bullets that flew out first hit the waving red and white hairs in front of Gemu's body, but those red and white hairs swarmed up after contacting the bullets, like the waves, the breaks prolonged, and then broke and extended again, blocking the impact of the bullet force.

Although the kinetic energy of the bullet is very powerful, it still cannot break through the thick red and white hairs, and slowly loses all its kinetic energy and falls to the ground.

Mario certainly didn't know what happened. He only knew that after firing, the red and white hairs in front of the other side looked like water waves, and the bullets they shot seemed to fall in the end. On the ground.

This result certainly surprised Mario, the opponent can even defend against bullets!

There are actually such monsters in the world, and today is really an eye-opener.

Atiza was relieved when he saw this, and he did not expect that the evil skills of Gemuna can even defend against bullets. It seems that this guy is really capable, but it is destined not to be used by himself, otherwise he can consider recruiting His Majesty For myself, I believe it is a powerful general.

Gemuna was also relieved. To tell the truth, whether he could defend the bullet from the beginning with this blood shield technique, he really had no idea in his heart. But now it seems that the power is huge! However, he can also judge through the sensory system that his blood shield is normal for pistol bullets, but large firearms may not be necessary. As for those sniper rifles, don't think about them, they can't be prevented.

"Ha ha ha ha! See, your gun is useless to me at all, my blood shield is invincible all over the world. Hahaha!" Gumma laughed excitedly for a while and followed: "Don't Blame me! It is you who are trying to die. "After that, they rushed to Zhang Yu and Mario immediately, wanting to let them know how to anger themselves.

Mario saw the monster rushing over, of course, a little flustered, and hurriedly said to Zhang Yu: "Zhang! What ... what to do?"

"Give me the gun!" Zhang Yu raised his hand as he spoke.

Mario froze, but didn't think of any haste to put the gun in Zhang Yu's hand.

Zhang Yu took the gun and raised his hand, pointing at Gumuna who rushed over.

"No! They all said that the gun was useless to me! Go to death!"

After Zhang Yu raised his gun and pointed at Ge Mu, he didn't rush to fire. A copper bell appeared in his hands from space. He picked up the copper bell and shook it, and the crisp sound of the copper bell clanged immediately. .

What surprised Ge Mu was that at the moment when the other party's copper bell rang, his red hair around him seemed to have lost control, and he was in a mess, and he no longer had the control he had just had.

What the **** happened?