Chapter 1112: Death of Atiza, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

"Now do you admit that you have killed my family?" Gemuna said in a cold voice.

"Acknowledge? Hehehehe! In fact, you already know that you don't want to admit it." Atiza said with a nervous smile.

"You're right!" Gemuna said that the expression was darkened, the dark scary pupils shed dark red blood and tears, the appearance of his wife and children and smiling faces flashed in his heart, at the same time his expression changed and became He was so horrible, he stared fiercely at Atiza, gritted his teeth and said: "Atiza! You devil! You killed my wife and child, do you know what will happen?"

"Come on! I'm going to die anyway, aren't they useful? Any tricks, just make it out!" Atiza was also mad, for him, he was trying to escape anyway. Fear and begging had no meaning anymore. Better to die like a man.

"Aren't you afraid of death! Hehehehe! Hahahaha!" Gemu laughed a little hysterically, and even Atizza, who laughed, felt a little bit hairy, and didn't know how the other party would torture himself ... Gemu laughed After a long time, his expression turned to fierce again, and said, "Do you think I would make you die so easily? Don't dream about it! Killing my whole family, how could I make him die so happy. Atiza I want you to taste what it means to die! "

Gemuna made a strange noise after speaking a mouth ...

Atiza heard his voice change, and he had already experienced this voice just once, and that feeling can make him unforgettable throughout his life. Because as soon as this sound appears, the disgusting bug in his brain will go crazy.

At the same time that Atiza was frightened, a strange feeling came again in his mind, as if something inside was crawling around, and even the sound was clear and abnormal through bone conduction. This feeling was very scary.

Atiza didn't know what would happen next, but soon the answer came. He suddenly shouted in pain, holding his head, and felt his head as if torn from the inside.

Where could Atiza think that the worm would bring such terrible pain, as if his body had been torn apart, the pain was unbearable, and he suddenly screamed and rolled on the ground.

Zhang Yu's expression was calm, as if she knew what happened to Atiza.

Since the two spoke Thai, Mario was confused and could only stand aside and watch the excitement.

Mario doesn't know what happened to Atiza now. Although he was screaming just now, why does he sound distorted even now, the response is so big, even more than the result of the bomb just exploded Pain, is it because of internal injuries, and now there is a response?

"How about Atiza! It's very fun! Don't worry, this is just the beginning, and it's still behind! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Ge Mu laughed wildly, his mouth widened, The sound also changed a little.

Atiza, who has been tortured by great pain, is better than dead, and suddenly feels pain in his eyes, as if his eyes are being torn by something from the inside.

Atiza knew that it must be the horrible bug that was biting his eyeball from the inside, but he couldn't do anything with the bug, so he couldn't let himself pull out his eyeball and dig out the bug! This thought flashed through his mind, but still didn't have that courage.

Covering his painful eyes, Atiza yelled at Gemuna: "Gomuna! Stop now, I can give you money, a lot of money. Let me go this time!"

"Money! Hehehehe! Do you think money has any meaning to me? Atiza! What you say is useless, accept my punishment!"

"No! Don't!" Atiza yelled in pain, a blood flowing down the gap between his fingers, looking very scary, although his eyes were covered by his hands, he couldn't see what was happening, But the bright-eyed person also knows that the **** eye must not be able to keep it.

Soon, Atiza's other eye began to ache severely. He could only beg for Gemuna again, but Gemuna could not wait to eat his flesh and drink his blood. How could there be any mercy? Feelings, it can be said that his last trace of human nature also gradually disappeared. Now the more painful and screaming the other party is, the more excited he becomes.

Gemun kept controlling the bloodworms attacking Atiza, and he remained unmoved even if the other party asked him for mercy.

In the following scene, the tragic situation of Atiza almost made Zhang Yu feel a little chill, and also made him a decision. Although he didn't want to do it, he must do it now.

Mario looked a little embarrassed, because Atiza's scream was simply too bad. With his current image, Qiqiao bleeds, his eyes have completely burst, and it can be said that the blood is flowing, and the situation of Zhou being burned by bombs makes him look like a devil from hell.

In the old factory, the screams of Atiza shook, and the voice gradually changed from large to small. Finally, the tortured and exhausted, he could no longer make any sound, and fell to the ground non-stop Convulsions, seemingly dead soon.

"Enam is enough! He's dying, and it doesn't make sense to torture him any more." Zhang Yu suddenly said loudly.

When Gemun heard this, his dark eyes flashed a light of blood, and he knelt down on the ground with weakness, and stopped his spell.

Atiza now had no response at all, because the moment he stopped the spell in Gumna, his last breath stopped and he died.

Atiza was dead, but Ge Mu had no revenge under his heart, but the huge pain made him unbearable, and he cried with pain in his face.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yu also boasted that it was true that good and evil were reported in the end, not that they were not reported, but that the time had not yet come. Atiza had done a lot of evil, and this kind of fate was also deserved.

Mario reached Zhang Yu's ear at this time, and whispered, "Zhang! What should this guy do? Should he let him go?"

Zhang Yu already had a decision in his heart, shook his head and said, "No! This man's family was killed, and now he looks inhuman, and if he is let go, he may become a mentally distorted murderous demon. .Although this is a little cruel to him, but cruel also has to say, this time we must kill him, and we must not let him leave here alive. "